Ready to understand why you haven’t seen that family member in years?

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If you have decided that now is the right time to locate a long lost loved one, or understand an event that happened all those years ago, you are in the right place. You may have been looking for your loved ones for some time, or this may be the first time that you have decided to delve into your family’s past. Either way Genes Reunited can help you. We’ll provide you with useful tools that will not only help your search but allow you to document it all in one place. There’s a lot to take in, and we suggest talking this through with a friend or partner who can support you along the way. Good luck!

What to do now:

  • Step 1:Download our free eBook - It's a free guide packed full of information to help you make sure no stone is left unturned in your search and how to get the support you need on your journey.
  • Step 2:People Finder - Use our quick, intelligent search to look for any family members you have lost touch with. Simply enter the name of the person you are looking for, and we will search all of our more recent records including Electoral Rolls and Birth and Marriage records. View the search results for free and register to get one free record view.
  • Step 3:Search birth records - Try searching the name of the person you’re looking for in our birth, marriage and death records. You don’t need the exact details to search; even a partial name or place will help you start narrowing down the results. These can be an invaluable way of tracking major life events.
  • Step 4: Start your family tree - If the person you are looking for is also looking for you, they’ll search our trees in order to find you and get in touch.
  • Step 5:Community Boards - Post your question publicly and see whether one of our friendly members can help you track down the answer; get tips and advice on how to locate loved ones you’ve lost touch with.
  • Step 6:Search family trees - Maybe one of our millions of members has already listed the person you’re looking for. You can get in touch with the tree owner straight away to see if they have any more information.

Success stories

My parents divorced when I was just 5 years old and I was formally adopted by my new step-father. 37 years later, I received an email via Genes Reunited. It was from my dad and one of my half-sisters! Twenty minutes later I phoned my dad, who was left completely speechless.

What else is available on Genes Reunited?

Search over 515 million records to find your ancestors. Use the birth, marriage, death and census records to discover and confirm all of the important events in your relatives' lives.

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Modern day records

Use our contemporary records to help get in touch with long lost relatives. Search over 13 million trees to see if anyone has information about the people you are looking for.

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Pictures & chat

Search for photos of your ancestors, create a profile for every relation you find, and join the Genes Reunited community to get help and advice from experienced and friendly members.

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