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18th century records Royal Artillery

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Frances Report 30 Jun 2015 10:17

Thank you Lady Kira for all the help you gave me on my Bogg/Boggs family!
Henry Granville Bogg was my great grandfather's brother. It is misspelt on his burial record. Granville should actually be Glanville. This keeps happening! My great grandfather was John Glanville Bogg but it is often spelt Granville on documents.
The Glanville name comes from Ann Glanville who was John Glanville Bogg and Henry Glanville Bogg's mother! She was my 2 x great grandmother. Her husband was Edmund Bogg,(who was in the Royal Artillery) father of John Glanville Bogg and Henry Glanville Bogg.
Edmund's parents were John Boggs and Deborah Duff King. John Boggs was also in the Royal Artillery.

I have FINALLY found out where this John Boggs died! Dover Castle, St. Mary's in 1826!

I still don't know what happened to John and Deborah's two sons William Bogg/s born 1800 in Minorca and George Godfrey Boggs born 1802 Minorca. I know they survived infancy because they were in the care of the Royal Artillery for five years from 1809 whilst their parents were abroad. William was nine when this happened and George was just six. George was returned to his parents care five years later and William because he was 14 was apprenticed to a Baker in Sloan Square but what happened to them after that I have no idea!!

They never appear on any census records in the UK. Nor can I find any marriage, death or burial records.

Maybe they lived abroad? Died abroad?

18th century military records don't say anything about children born to the military unlike 19th century records. So how do I find the names of the other five children?

It seems likely that other children did exist because John and Deborah Boggs were married in 1788 in Quebec City yet I can't find records of any children born to them until 1800 in Minorca! So where did John and Deborah go after Quebec and before Minorca?

Best wishes

This is definitely a very high brick wall!


LadyKira Report 7 Mar 2013 00:34

burial register summary
last name
first names
Henry Glanville
burial date
25 Aug 1924
Royal Borough Of Greenwich - London
Plumstead Cemetery (Greenwich)

burial register summary
last name
first names
John Granville
burial date
17 Feb 1909
Royal Borough Of Greenwich - London
Plumstead Cemetery (Greenwich)


LadyKira Report 7 Mar 2013 00:26



Frances Report 6 Mar 2013 14:02

Hi Kira

Thank you so much for your searches! You see now what I'm up against!
in the very scanty Artillery records records for Edmund Bogg - It's only half a page; it says he was in Canada for two years and Ceylon for six. He was made up to a corporal then put down to private because of coming back drunk!

Then they put him up to corporal again and he again came back drunk! No information about him being reinstated again!

As well as finding Edmund Bogg and all his family on all of the censuses except the 1841 I looked for his siblings but only found Mary Ann Bogg who married Jonathan Cunliffe on 18/10/1835. Ancestry sent my cousin Sharon Williams the info that Edmund was a witness at their wedding in Plumstead and we're pretty sure she is one of his siblings. We weren't sure for some time because she was born in Whalley, Essex but it was at one time a garrison town so it seems likely. Edmund being a witness confirms this! Sharon and I have been swopping info for years!

I had a military researcher search for John Boggs 18th century military records at Kew but he hasn't been able to find any records of the children's births. He found where John was born in 1757 in Magherafelt, Londonderry which date tied up with what my cousin said. He also found he was based in Minorca for a time which tied up with two of his sons William and George being born there. Although I gave him John Boggs date of death he hasn't been able to find that either.

I've had someone search the church records in Quebec City, Canada for children of John and Deborah but none recorded there. Apart from Quebec and Minorca we don't know where else John Boggs was sent except Plumstead!

I gave all my Bogg/Boggs info to the BOGG one name studies group in the U.K.
The man in charge told me that none of my Bogg/Boggs connect up with any other Bogg/Boggs in the U.K. except where descendents of Edmund Boggs born 1806 Sheerness connect with each other! (I presume that descendents Mary Ann Boggs who married Jonathan Cunliffe haven't gone on there!)

I think the answer now is to have someone search the church records in Plumstead for William Boggs b.1800 Minorca, George Godfrey Boggs b.1802 Minorca, Thomas Boggs b.1809 Sheerness, Caroline Boggs b.1814 I don't know where but died 1832 of cholera in Plumstead aged 118 along with her mother Deborah Boggs nee King aged 60. So those four plus my great great grandad
Edmund Bogg and his sister we do know about Mary Ann Bogg makes six children we've found so far! There are another five names out there somewhere. I think the church records in Plumstead is the only way left to go!

Best wishes



LadyKira Report 6 Mar 2013 00:24

1841 Person: BUGG, Wm Institution: Warrior Convi Court Hulk,
BUGG, Wm M 26 1815 Foreign VIEW Piece: 493 Book/Folio: 9/8 Page: 10 Registration District: Greenwich Civil Parish: Woolwich Municipal Borough: Greenwich Address: Warrior Convict Hulk, Woolwich, Greenwich County: Kent

Wrong age but born abroad


LadyKira Report 6 Mar 2013 00:05

1841 Institution: Royal Artillery Barracks 4th Battalion,

BUGG, Isaac M 20 1821
Piece: 493 Book/Folio: 7/39 Page: 3 Registration District: Greenwich Civil Parish: Woolwich Municipal Borough: Greenwich Address: Royal Artillery Barracks 4th Battalion, Woolwich, Greenwich County: Kent


LadyKira Report 5 Mar 2013 22:58

Ok I have been googling and found a lot of your previous posts on other sites. Some lovely pics too. Could you send the info you already have and I will carry on looking?


LadyKira Report 5 Mar 2013 00:18

1861 Institution: Middlesex House Of Correction Cold Bath Fields,

B, C Prisoner Unmarried M 53 1808 Sailmaker
Quebec, ...B Subejct



LadyKira Report 4 Mar 2013 23:52

Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 about Rebecca Bogg
Name: Rebecca Bogg
Spouse: George Washington Leonard
Event: Mariage (Marriage)
Marriage Year: 1827
Marriage Location: Montréal, Québec (Quebec)
Place of Worship or Institution: Presbyterian Saint Andrew


LadyKira Report 4 Mar 2013 23:04

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 about John Glenville Bogg
Name: John Glenville Bogg
Record Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 11 May 1845
Father's Name: Edmund Bogg
Mother's name: Ann Bogg
Parish or Poor Law Union: Woolwich St Mary Magdalene
Borough: Greenwich
Register Type: Parish Registers
This time he is a corporal.


LadyKira Report 4 Mar 2013 23:01

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 about Thomas Bogg
Name: Thomas Bogg
Record Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 20 Aug 1837
Father's Name: Edmund Bogg
Mother's name: Ann Bogg
Parish or Poor Law Union: Woolwich St Mary Magdalene
Borough: Greenwich
Register Type: Parish Registers
Father is a bombadier in Royal Artillery
born jul 26th wellington street


LadyKira Report 4 Mar 2013 22:56

His could be him back in Canada.
1861 Census of Canada about Edmund Bogs
Name: Edmund Bogs
[Edmund Bogg]
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Birth Year: 1836
Birthplace: England
Marital Status: Single
Home in 1861: Toronto, York, Canada West
Religion: Church of England
Film Number: C-1103-1104
Page Number: 189
Household Members:
Name Age
Edmund Bogs


LadyKira Report 4 Mar 2013 22:53

London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 about Edmund Bogg
Name: Edmund Bogg
Record Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 29 Nov 1835
Father's Name: Edmund Bogg
Mother's name: Ann Bogg
Parish or Poor Law Union: Woolwich St Mary Magdalene
Borough: Greenwich
Register Type: Parish Registers
Born 6 Nov
Red Lion Street.
Father is in Royal Artillery and there is a rank.


LadyKira Report 4 Mar 2013 22:41

Have you looked to see if this one is related?
1841 Institution: Royal Artillery Barracks,
BOGGS, James M 25 1816 Scotland Piece: 493 Book/Folio: 8/24 Page: 6 Registration District: Greenwich Civil Parish: Woolwich Municipal Borough: Greenwich Address: Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich, Greenwich County: Kent


Flip Report 2 Mar 2013 14:04

George Godfrey Boggs
Baptism Date: 18 Apr 1802
Parish: St Mary Magdalene, Woolwich
County: Kent
Borough: Greenwich
Parent(s): John Boggs,
Deborah Boggs
Record Type: Baptism
Register Type: Parish Register

No other info on image though.


Flip Report 2 Mar 2013 13:56

There's this burial record for Deborah, just a few days after daughter Caroline:

Deborah Bogg
Record Type: Burial
Estimated Death Date: abt 1832
Burial Date: 30 Jul 1832
Age: 60
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1772
Parish or Poor Law Union: Deptford St Nicholas
Borough: Greenwich
Register Type: Parish Register

Caroline Bogg
Record Type: Burial
Estimated Death Date: abt 1832
Burial Date: 22 Jul 1832
Age: 18
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1814
Parish or Poor Law Union: Deptford St Nicholas
Borough: Greenwich
Register Type: Parish Register

Abode for both of them was Plumstead, although you probably have this.


Frances Report 2 Mar 2013 13:03

Regarding the children of John Boggs and Deborah Duff King is there anyone out there who could search church records in Plumstead, Woolwich, Kent? This is because John & Deborah's son Edmund Bogg lived there on all of the censuses except 1841 and I know that Deborah Boggs nee King died of cholera in Woolwich
and his sister Caroline.

I wondered if there were any births, marriages or deaths in the name of Bogg or Boggs there!

I would be grateful for any help

Thank you



LadyKira Report 2 Mar 2013 12:29

I will look next week as I away for the weekend.


Gee Report 2 Mar 2013 11:09

A tree at Ancestry has these children, it might give you something to work on

William Boggs b Minorca
1800 –
George Godfrey Boggs b Minorca
1802 –
Edmund Bogg b Sheppey
1806 – 1879
Thomas Boggs b Sheppey
1809 –
Mary Ann Boggs b Essex
1811 – 1872
Caroline Boggs
1814 – 1832


AnnCardiff Report 2 Mar 2013 09:19

Edmund Bogg, "England and Wales Census, 1851"
name: Edmund Bogg
age: 44
gender: Male
birthplace: Sheerness, Kent
relationship to head of household: Head
schedule type: Household