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Kense Report 21 Oct 2011 14:13

That's fine Elaine. Gen. Chat is ambiguous but I think either board would be appropriate.


Elaine Report 21 Oct 2011 13:33

I tend to put things connected with mi FT on the find my ancestors bit...anything else(such as today,when i can't send or receive PMs),i put on Gen. chat.

Hope i got that right?


grannyfranny Report 21 Oct 2011 13:21

and if it was made clear to the thread originator that they could easily find their thread through 'my threads', then it shouldn't matter that the thread be moved to the most appropriate board, especially as they are more likely to get help on the correct board.


Joy Report 21 Oct 2011 13:04

Very true
"GR could send a tactful message to the thread originator if it is moved to another board. " - and that is what happens in the site that I mentioned as an example.


Kense Report 21 Oct 2011 09:44

It would be nice to have the ability to bring to GR's attention a thread that may be on the wrong board without replacing the first message by an ominous "This post has been requested for review". GR could send a tactful message to the thread originator if it is moved to another board. They could also check to ensure that the facility is not abused.

It's all very well saying that it doesn't matter if the wrong board is used but many of us come to this board for information, ideas and tips and want to be able to find those threads easily.


Joy Report 21 Oct 2011 08:59

Posts on the wrong board should, in my opinion, be moved by GR. We know that posts / threads can be moved and merged; Phil Moir has done so when it has been requested of him. On other sites, moving and merging is done, such as but in those it is done by moderators and, unfortunately in my opinion, GR has decided not to moderate its boards other than the success board.


InspectorGreenPen Report 21 Oct 2011 08:17

No, I don't think that has anything to do with it. It doesn't matter who decided on the boards, there will always be those who use the wrong ones, nor do I think there is a basic problem either.

Look at the number of postings on Find Ancestors. Nearly four pages worth with replies dated within the past two days, say, 75 requests. Against that there a probably probably 4 or 5 on G Chat for the same period, so well over 90% seemed to have got it right.

All that is needed is a bit of education for the minority who don't fully understand, or perhaps, can't be bothered to check out the guidelines.

Suggestions is slightly different as it wasn't helped in it's early days when GR sort of encouraged faults to be reported on there too. I know Estelle has asked more than once that these are reported to Support, rather than on the board, but perhaps that policy needs to be made clearer in the instructions at the top.


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2011 06:33

do you think one of the problems is that the boards all date back to GR's origins, and were picked by GR staff, not by the end users (us)

The fact that so many people seemingly have problems working out where to post what indicates that there is a basic problem



InspectorGreenPen Report 21 Oct 2011 06:30

I think it should be mentioned, politely that is, that they are using the wrong board, pointing them in the correct direction for future requests. Then you can go ahead and answer the question.

One minute there are requests to additional boards for particular topics, then next minute we are saying what the heck, post it wherever you want. No consistency at all.

The Suggestions Board is even worse than G Chat. Most do not meet the criteria spelled out at the top of the board at all, and anything that does warrant serious consideration for future enhancements is all but lost amongst the pages of not suggestions.


mgnv Report 21 Oct 2011 05:53

Yeah, I think it's a bit annoying, but I still answer them: unlike duplicated requests, which I ignore if I spot them as duplicated.


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2011 05:32

and if anyone dares to point that out .............. a ton of bricks falls on their head, and one gets accused of being "board police" :-S

and someone else immediately says that it doesn't matter where anyone posts anything!

Hence, there are also look-up requests on general Chat

I've given up even thinking about it :-D

it's best to keep tha mouth shut :-D



Lindsey* Report 21 Oct 2011 01:13

It happens, but what to do I dont know.

Newbies are to be congratulated for posting anything, anywhere, it must be so confusing.
it's easy to say post elsewhere, but in all honesty the sky won't fall in if they don't, and what harm does it do ? and what harm is it doing to you ?


Derek Report 20 Oct 2011 23:34

I have notice that the "Genealogy Chat" Board is carrying an increasing number of Look-up requests that should be on the "Find Ancestors" Board!!
