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Two brothers marry two sisters...

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Kari Report 11 Dec 2011 12:57

I'd added a family with daughters then found two married two brothers. I've tried to add them on my tree but I can't see a way to make the brothers' relationship work. I've had to add them separately and so have duplicated entries, along with the brothers' parents.

Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance.


JerryH Report 11 Dec 2011 13:13

I don't think this is the first time this has been mentioned and I doubt l it be the last.
The only way to do this at the moment is to edit your Gedcom file off line.

There is hope however, In my post on the Suggestions Board
Phil Moir did say he had a team working on tree enhancements and would direct his team to my post

Merging two individuals was one of my three suggestions..

Good luck.


DazedConfused Report 11 Dec 2011 13:26

At present you cannot do what you wish with your tree regarding 2 people from 1 family marrying 2 from another.

What I have done (until such time there is an enhancement made to the tree facilities on here) is add the parents details to the eldest son or daughter (depending on which is your direct line family) and then in the comments add a note that the other brother/sister is also married to the brother/sister of this person. hope that makes sense!!


Kari Report 11 Dec 2011 13:32

Thanks for the replies, at least I know now that I'm not missing something obvious :-D

I'll add notes as you suggest, and then maybe some time in the future I can change them if it becomes possible.


DazedConfused Report 12 Dec 2011 12:06

Really Rollo. To coin a phrase of my mothers 'he's not happy unless he had something to moan about!'

I pay just under £10.00 per year for my membership, and for my money I feel that I get reasonable value for my money.

For all my records I have subs to both Ancestry & Findmypast. Have never considered using GR for accessing records. And am glad I have not as it would appear that many folk have had problems with the GR 'records'. Sadly I think a lot of people have looked at the various prices and seen that GR looks to be reasonably cheap and opted for that. A false economy in my book, you gets what you pays for :-)


InspectorGreenPen Report 12 Dec 2011 14:24

Use of the GR tree comes Free to anyone who registers for the site.....!


JerryH Report 13 Dec 2011 22:47

Perhaps you should not be so pessimistic.
The fact that a suggestion has fallen on deaf ears before is no reason to assume it will fail now.
From the recent postings by Phil, I believe I have detected a newer "Can Do" attitude and I have it from Phil himself that he has directed a team to look into this. Of course it MAY fail but it won't be through lack of trying.

The Tree software itself already works. I have 7 or 8 such relationships that I have added by importing a revised GEDCOM. So the only real issue is how to achieve the Merging of two individuals on line.

Perhaps we should just sit back and see what happens?
There are of course plenty of other issues also to be resolved but perhaps this might help to earn some extra Brownie points ;-)


Joy Report 13 Dec 2011 22:49

In the family tree programme on my computer, (ultimate family tree: free with a family history programme several years ago), two brothers and two sisters are married happily :-)