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How do you Icon tag to close a thread

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CupCakes Report 13 Dec 2011 11:19

I've seen some threads with a closed icon tag. I can't see anyway to do this. Would be useful to stop further comments :-)


Lindsey* Report 13 Dec 2011 11:30

Open the thread and add rhe word closed to the title :-D

try it on here


Jonesey Report 13 Dec 2011 11:53

Threads can only be "Closed" by Genes Reunited themselves to prevent further posts being added to them.

If you made the original post on the thread however you can either delete the complete thread by clicking "Delete" on your original post or you can click "Answered". The latter option will not however mean that further posts cannot be added by others although it might discourage them.


MargaretM Report 13 Dec 2011 11:59

Just out of interest, why would you want to stop further comment?


CupCakes Report 13 Dec 2011 13:20

Margee - sometimes a thread just has a natural ending.


MargaretM Report 13 Dec 2011 13:25

But if a thread has a "natural ending" why would people want to add to it? The fact that they do want to add means it doesn't have a "natural ending". Why would you want to stop them from adding something? I don't understand your reasoning.


CupCakes Report 13 Dec 2011 14:05

I'm all for being helpiul - what would the boards be without those kind people - I'm so thankful for the help I've had in the past with difficult problems.

It is just that when a threads gets to many posts - more than 2 pages - new readers don't read all the posts to follow what has gone on before so you often get duplicate help. Then there are those who just have to say something and the thread goes off on a tangent. :-D


jax Report 13 Dec 2011 18:10

Is the icon you are talking about the green tick? which is only available on Find ancestors and Find living relatives boards...not that it makes any difference whether its ticked or not

Although Phil has closed some on the suggestions board, mainly because he did not want people adding, from what I can see


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Dec 2011 21:43

To close a thread because ONE person thinks it has come to a natural conclusion smells of

................. censorship

which has no place on any site, let alone GR

It cuts off discussion, and stops anyone else contributing

Would you really censor a conversation in real life?

Because that is equivalent what you are suggesting.

Or is it that posts have been made on a thread or threads that you do not agree with?

But to delete or close a thread because you don't agree with other posts is censorship

If a thread has come to a natural conclusion, it will just slip further and further back on the list of threads, until it gets so far back that it is out of sight, and will be seen by no-one. That is, unless someone actively looks for the content of the thread by using Advanced Search.

You may put Sorted in the title line ...... but that does not in fact close the thread to any further postings. I personally think Sorted is a better word to use than Closed .... it is softer, and less harsh



Rambling Report 15 Dec 2011 10:44

I have had threads on here where over more than 3 pages there has still been no 'resolution' to a genealogical query and then days or weeks later someone has added a useful comment, (which in some respects might be seen as going off on a 'tangent') , which not only helped me but others who might be seeking similar advice.


Flick Report 15 Dec 2011 11:52

Susanne, unfortunately, gives the impression on many of her posts that the only opinion she values is her own


Flick Report 15 Dec 2011 14:46

If she doesn't want people adding to her threads......there's an easy solution. Delete them

I suspect, however, that not all of the threads she wishes to 'close' have been initiated by her..........could be wrong, of course.


MargaretM Report 15 Dec 2011 14:57

I'm surprised that Susanne hasn't deleted this thread. It's certainly not very complimentary to her.