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GR - a response from the team

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GlitterBaby Report 19 Jan 2012 22:47

If anyone is interested there is a reply on a thread on Suggestions Board from Phil

Does not cover all questions raised but finally a reply from the team


Joy Report 20 Jan 2012 09:36


Carol Report 20 Jan 2012 10:25

This link with "advice from Genes only NOW tells us how to use it (and about time!)

The thing it does not tell us is why details of others appears on the person we are looking at!
It does not apologise for all the inaccuracies and inconvenience that not only myself, but many more are experiencing!

To those who say "you must give it a try" or "you are afraid of new technology" then I say, try adding on some siblings and then switch to a different family and enjoy!!!


AnninGlos Report 20 Jan 2012 17:53

Carol, why be in a rush to go on trying to add to your tree? Why not leave it for a day and then see if it has settled down. Less hassle for you, more time for them.

Think. Another way for them to have more time would be for them to shut the site down while they implement the change. Would we prefer that? I am sure there would be many complaints if they did that.


RStar Report 20 Jan 2012 17:58

Carol thats the problem I have lol, click on one persons name and get details for another...... for a site that rakes in so much money surely these issues shouldn't be arising?


Joy Report 20 Jan 2012 22:35
We are aware that there are problems with the new tree and are currently trying to resolve the issues.

UPDATE: 9PM UK TIME - Although we have made some configuration changes that may have allowed members to use the new tree, we have rolled back to our previous version so that over the weekend members can still access the old version. The link to the new tree is available for some members as it was during the beta test phase. If you should find that the new tree is not responding, we would recommend using the old tree for the moment.

Our sincerest apologies,
Phil Moir
Lead Developer, Genes Reunited


pelo Report 21 Jan 2012 02:35


Thanks for the thread link just up the page. Although I had used the new format a few times during the beta testing I really had to fly by the seat of my pants with it - no advice like this.

I strongly advise those who continue to have trouble once the new tree is rolled out again next week to print off the User Advice" provided & use it as intended, along with a glass or two of New Zealand wine to aid relaxation. It's a great help

pelo :-) :-) ;-)