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The Queens Mother In Law - last night

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DazedConfused Report 22 Aug 2012 16:27

It's odd but I remember her death, but all I remember hearing was that Princess Alice hadd died do not remember it being mentioned whose mother she was. But I was around 14/15 so would probably not really have taken much notice.


Barbara Report 22 Aug 2012 16:20

I too found it fascinating.

I did not remember her at all - I was born in the 50s and would have been 16 or so when she died but I do not remember it.

Carol 430181

Carol 430181 Report 22 Aug 2012 16:14

Yes I watched this and also found it fascinating. Like you say it gave an insight into the life of Prince Philip and in spite of his upbringing made him a very assured person.

Not knowing about her I looked into it, and was surprised that they did not mention that her husband was bi-sexual.



ElizabethK Report 22 Aug 2012 16:09

I watched it and had the same reaction as you-what an interesting woman

Gave an insight into where Prince Phillip got his errr strong personality :-)


DazedConfused Report 22 Aug 2012 15:27

Did anyone watch this. I was totally fascinated.

What an amazing woman, yes she may have had mental health issues. But despite all her problems, including total deafness, all she ever wanted to do was help those less fortunate than herself. Once she got free of her husband and mother who treated her appalingly. Sadly mental health issues within the Royal Family have always been treated in such a way.

I was very wary of this when I first saw it being adverstised, worried it was muck raking, but it was far from that, I found it thoughtful, interesting and gave us more of an insight into the life of Prince Philip, made me realise this woman although not around in his formative years was a great influence on him all the same.

I do hope the whole Royal Family are proud of this woman, what she achieved in her lifetime much to her own detriment puts many of us to shame.

I am no Royalist so for me to be impressed by this woman is something for me.

And what did surprise me is that when she died all she owned were 3 dressing gowns, during her life she had given away or sold all her possessions in order to continue her charitable work.