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ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 20 Feb 2013 08:54

Personally I think the Daily Mail is a mysoginistic load of clap trap designed to set people against certain sections of society. I also think The Sun should be sued under the Trades Description Act for calling itself a newspaper.

However, I criticise the newspaper, which is my right, not the people who read it. I will reserve the right to criticise and challenge, if I so wish, people who start spouting forth the views of these papers if it's obvious that they have simply read and believed what's in it without question.

I do find a difference between people who read a variety of sources before forming an opinion and those who take something printed in any newspaper as gospel.


AnninGlos Report 20 Feb 2013 08:45

I get really sick of people slagging off newspapers, in particular the Daily Mail. I read the Daily Mail and, yes, a lot of what they write is rubbish & questionable. But I like to think I am intelligent enough to realise that and form my own opinions.

At least by taking the time to read a newspaper I am keeping up with things and keeping my retired brain active. Yes I also read books and magazines,even some lightweight magazines. But the Mail and my local paper give me a) something to read while I eat lunch and b) a brief overview of world and local events.

It really annoys me to read somebody pronouncing "I hate the DM". OK, Just don't read it but please don't criticize my reading material. I don't like the Sun or the Mirror but I don't think all people who read them are unintelligent. We read what we can afford, and what we have time to read. If I want a paper that takes ages to read I'll read the Times, or the Guardian, or the telegraph, I have nothing against them. But when it comes to writing information that is biased, or skewed, I am pretty certain that no one newspaper is any worse than the rest.