Questions to ask your relatives

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To help with your research ask your relatives these questions

Why not use these questions as a good starting point when speaking to your relatives?

1). When were you born?

2). Where were you born?

3). What is your middle name? In the past children were often given their mother's maiden name as middle name, so this can be a big help when researching your tree.

4). Which schools did you attend?

5). How did you meet your partner?

6). What are the names of your parents?

7). Do you know anything about your GrandParents?

8). Are there any stories/rumours in the family?

9). How were your family affected by world events e.g. World War 1.

10). Is there a naming tradition in the family?

And finally, why not ask your relatives if there's anyone else who could help? Maybe they could give you the address or phone number of another elderly relative who might be more than happy to speak to you.