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Births in Australia

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Linda Report 15 Aug 2015 01:07

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to find Births registered in Australia ( I know different states have different laws on release of info) looking for possible births between 1929 & 1940 for an ancestor who went out in 1928 married without children & returned in 1952 with one daughter age 13, which lends itself to the possibility of other children born btwn 1929 & approx. 1937 that may have stayed on in Australia, have googled! but possible sites that say free don't seem to be & most seem to link back to Ancestry where you need to pay for an upgrade, Haven't any idea where they were in Australia only which ships they went out & returned on,. & no idea how to search for other info. Grateful for any leads, Thank you,

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 15 Aug 2015 07:25

Does anything relate to names on google search?, very often the case!.

Chris :)

(in case anything on below)

(or, if Cherilyn can work some magic!)


BeverleyW Report 15 Aug 2015 07:26

Western Australia births go up to 1932.

NSW births over 100 years ago.;jsessionid=001C5E6C7DA84FC0AE6AAFF0A0967AD9?0

Where did the ship dock (the one they emigrated on)?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Aug 2015 12:47

If we can find him on census in 1951/2 (Ancestry don't give every year) there might be another adult 21 or over at the same address.
Assuming he and his wife died in the UK, did they leave wills?

In normal circumstances, the names of inheriting children are mentioned.

If he/they died in Australia, see if you can find a death reg in the expected State/Territory. Australian DC list the names of the children lists Australian newspaper notices of deaths etc. If either parents are listed, contact the Ask a Librarian Service for the relevant state who will give you a transcription. Relatives may be mentioned.
It may also give the name of the cemetery- they might tell you who organised the funeral, but not the address. Its a start!


Linda Report 15 Aug 2015 18:54

Thank you all for the above info I will give the links a try.
, they went out on the 'Ballerat' departing 19/4/1928 (no children) arriving Freemantle Australia. came back on the Orcades departing 13/10/1952 Sidney to Tilbury. Names were Rowland Joseph Blundell & wife Annie (both born Hampshire) on journey home only initials shown daughter Miss J Blundell (13) he did a stint in Australian army (knocking 3yrs of his age) enlistment 22/11/1939. He died in Hastings in 1960, yes, I have found a will (which may have to be next step, but just ordered 5!) his wife appeared to be still alive she born 1900 so would have been 60, cannot find a death or a will or a re-marriage for her! so perhaps she returned to Australia ? Can you get electoral rolls for the early 1960s? Lynn


BeverleyW Report 15 Aug 2015 19:07

There is only one Blundell born in W.A. during this period, a girl called Shirley.
Checking with Trove, it looks as if her parents were Mr. and Mrs. V. Blundell, so not a match.

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 15 Aug 2015 20:12

(if above Birth 1939, also on below)

Chris :)


MarieCeleste Report 15 Aug 2015 20:13

You could request a copy of his service records via National Archives Australia (no idea of the charges). May list children.

Service Number - W243317
Date of birth - 14 May 1896
Place of birth - STOCKBRIDGE ENG
Place of enlistment - SUBIACO WA
Next of Kin - BLUNDELL A


Linda Report 15 Aug 2015 21:56

That's an idea! I got most of that but not the place! thank you, Chris Ho that's brill I've been trawling that site & didn't find it! obviously not as adept as you!! and it ties down where they were living which helps!