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Workhouse Births - Additional Q?

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Louisa Report 8 Aug 2011 18:26

Hi all,

Its been a while, i got disheartened on tracing my history and gave up, but have started again.

I have a questions.

Grandad Joseph Banor / Banov b24/11/1919 registered birth at 123 Crescent Road, Crumpsall, Manchester (Workhouse in 1919).

Mothers name registered as Fanny Goldberg no fathers details.

My question really is, what type of people were in workhouses, patients / mentally unstable, sick etc?

Also, family members said Joseph was adopted, is it possible that Fanny is his real mother and she handed him to the workhouse? Or vice versa, she is his adoptive mother?


Additional Q

Found death for Fanny Banov 1974 DOB 22/03/1887, is it possible they used her maiden name on the cert? I cant understand why Goldberg is on the certificate and on my Grandads Marriage cert it lists his father as Joseph Banor?? ha ha


brummiejan Report 8 Aug 2011 18:29

Fanny would be his natural mother.
Not sure if relevant but found this. However, you would expect Fanny to use her married name on the cert. Unless She had been married and husband died?
Most people in workhouses were poor, unless sick as you say.:

Marriages Dec 1906 (>99%)
Banov Cassell Emile Manchester 8d 475
Friedman Esther Manchester 8d 475
GOLDBERG Fanny Manchester 8d 475
SMOLENSKI Lipu Manchester 8d 475

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 8 Aug 2011 18:29

He could have been born there as that was the nearest thing to a hospital in those days. Would be worth googling the workhouse to see if you can find out anything about its history. And, somewhere (possibly), there might be records ...

Generally, people were in the workhouse because they had no money.



Jonesey Report 8 Aug 2011 18:30

Firstly not every birth in a workhouse implied that the mother was an inmate. A lot of workhouses had an infirmary attached which was used as a hospital by local inhabitants.


brummiejan Report 8 Aug 2011 18:32

Do you have this?

Births Sep 1917 (>99%)
Banov Beatrice Goldberg Manchester 8d 353



Louisa Report 8 Aug 2011 18:36

I found the workhouse but there are no records for the year of his birth, only things like religion of people not actually names or anything.

I definitely think that Fanny married Banov Cassell Emile Manchester 8d 475

I am awaiting some certificates coming through i have ordered for further information as Fanny also had a daughter in 1917 called Beatrice but she died not long after, hoping that might give some information.

Not sure whats happening as apparently, Fanny and her family were mantle makers / cap makers, so i dont know.

I think i traced Fannys Dad as Israel Goldberg on 1901 census (aged 29) 60 Waterloo road, Cheetham, Manchester - Russian Subject which ties in, but will keep looking.


I think i have traced Fanny's father as Israel Goldberg (Russian)


Louisa Report 8 Aug 2011 18:37

Yes thanks Jan i am waiting for the cert :)


KathleenBell Report 8 Aug 2011 19:28

Did Fanny have another child called Joseph who died as there is this death in 1916:-

Name: BANOV, Joseph
Registration District: Chorlton
County: Lancashire
Year of Registration: 1916
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
Age at death: 1
Volume No: 8C
Page No: 1049

Kath. x


Louisa Report 8 Aug 2011 19:31

Possibly, i did see that one and made a note of it for future reference.

But i think that Cassell Emille Banov (married Fanny Goldberg 1906) is also parent to

Morris Leon Banov Dec 1908 (married Black 1938)
Minnie Banov Jan 1907 (married Turpin 1926)
Rebecca Banov 1910

Confused so much think i need to switch off and take fresh lookagain tomorrow.

Thanks all.


Louisa Report 8 Aug 2011 19:31

Thanks Kath x


KathleenBell Report 8 Aug 2011 19:32

As your grandad was born just after the war, is it possible that Fanny had him to someone else whilst her husband was away in the war? That could be a reason why he is registered with her maiden name (although by rights he should still be a Banov as that was her name at the time), even if her husband was not the father.

Kath. x


Suzanne Report 8 Aug 2011 21:39

hi.yes i agree with jonesy,my g g grandfather was born in the workhouse,but his parents were not inmates.


sailorbaz Report 9 Aug 2011 04:58

Yes, agree with the comments here. My mother was born in the Banbury workhouse, to her unmarried mother. There was a maternity ward there and I know of several other births in this workhouse to unmarried mothers and they all kept their babies, leaving the workhouse after the birth - so were not inmates. The address on the birth certs was 144 Warwick Road, Banbury and I believe this was the practice with all workhouse births to avoid any stigma.


KathleenBell Report 9 Aug 2011 09:52

Not all workhouses avoided putting the word "workhouse" on birth certificates. My grandfather was born in Mint Street Workhouse in London, and this was the address put on his birth certificate. His parents were married and lived just round the corner from the workhouse, so again the workhouse infirmary was used as a maternity hospital. His mother was at the workhouse for 3 weeks (which I assume was the sort of timescale that was normal after childbirth in those days (1870).

Kath. x


Potty Report 9 Aug 2011 14:34

Joseph was registered as Banov:

Births Dec 1919 (>99%)
Banov Joseph Goldberg Prestwich 8d 591


Louisa Report 10 Aug 2011 08:01

Yes i know its all very strange i think its the way its been interpreted as he was registered Banov, but all the rest of us are Banor, the v replaced with an r.

Lots of certs on their way so hopefully they will give me additional stuff to search for.
