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Trying to trace ancestors in the 1700's

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Christine Report 8 Aug 2011 18:45

Hi, I'm really new to all of this, but through the census records, have managed to trace my ancestors back to 1812.....however, I have reached a wall and haven't a clue how to get any further. I know I can probably go through to Parish records etc, but again, not sure how to do this, especially as I'm not 100% sure of the place of birth. Please, if any one out there can help with suggestions, I would be very grateful. My last find has been through the death register entry for 1852, for my Gt Gt Grandfather Thomas Thorn in Medway. I would love to find out who his parents were and whether Thomas had any siblings. There is something special about tracing relatives back to the 1700''s, don't you agree? Christine

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 8 Aug 2011 18:48

Were your family from Medway?

If so you need Cityark which is Medway's online parish record site - once you get used to searching the records it's easy-peasy and very helpful.


Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 8 Aug 2011 18:51

Ah - was he born in Bristol in 1812? In which case the Medway records might not help a great deal.



Maddie Report 8 Aug 2011 19:47

james birth gives mother as amy
James Thorn

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

residence: Strood (near Rochester), Kent, England
parents: Thomas Thorn, Amy Thorn

record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: James Thorn
gender: Male
baptism/christening date: 14 May 1837
baptism/christening place: Strood, Kent, England
father's name: Thomas Thorn
mother's name: Amy Thorn
indexing project (batch) number: I02218-3
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 992463


Maddie Report 8 Aug 2011 19:52

his siblings
Thomas Thorn

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

spouse: Amy
child: Caroline Thorn

record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: Caroline Thorn
gender: Female
baptism/christening date: 17 Mar 1839
baptism/christening place: STROOD NEAR ROCHESTER,KENT,ENGLAND
father's name: Thomas Thorn
mother's name: Amy
indexing project (batch) number: C13132-2
system origin: England-ODM
source film number: 992463

Thomas Thorn

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

spouse: Amy
child: James Thorn

record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: James Thorn
gender: Male
baptism/christening date: 14 May 1837
baptism/christening place: STROOD NEAR ROCHESTER,KENT,ENGLAND
father's name: Thomas Thorn
mother's name: Amy
indexing project (batch) number: C13132-2
system origin: England-ODM

Thomas Thorn

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

spouse: Amy
child: Christopher Thorn

record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: Christopher Thorn
gender: Male
baptism/christening date: 08 Aug 1841
baptism/christening place: Saint Margaret, Rochester, Kent, England
father's name: Thomas Thorn
mother's name: Amy
indexing project (batch) number: C16512-2
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1469484


Christine Report 8 Aug 2011 21:09

Thank you for the above info..Maddie, thank you so much for looking the info up on Thomas. I have a lot of the details already, such as his wife and children, but did not have the the baptism dates, so a big thankyou.

I am trying to trace the parents of Thomas Thorn Senior b.1812 in Bristol, he married Amy who was from Kent and this is where they brought up their family and 200 years later, this Thorn line continues in Medway, Kent.

Jill, thanks for the Citylark info I shall keep this in mind...
