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Adoption name query

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Rider9 Report 10 Sep 2017 18:16

Many thanks. I'm not religious so its not a problem.
Thanks for your very helpful replies, much appreciated!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Sep 2017 17:23

There is no difference between a christening service and a baptism service. Some churches will use the word ‘baptism’ and some the word ‘christening’. Babies are baptized during a christening service just as couples are ‘married’ during a ‘wedding’ service.

When a child is adopted, the name the adoptive parents give them is recorded on the adoption register. That's what generates your 'short' birth certificate & over rules the name you were registered with at birth. Your adoption file might contain the legal papers relating to your change of names or, if such a thing exists, it might be with the court papers.

If your birth mother had you baptised, then the name recorded on the baptism register was the one used at the time. You are still you, baptised as you believe into the Christian faith. If a baptism certificate is necessary for your peace of mind, explain the situation to your Parish Priest and discuss Adult Baptism. He might be able to help you track down the original entry in the Parish records. I was a teenager when my Mum was baptised into the CoE. She'd been raised as a Primative Baptist.

Found this
Replacement Adoption Birth Certificate
After an Adoption has been recorded in the Adopted Children Register. They replace any certificates of the original birth record and the adoption certificate should be used for all legal purposes.

The certificate will normally include Full Adoption Name, Date of Birth, Sex, Place of Birth (where known), Adoptive Parent(s') name(s), their address and Occupation at time of adoption, Date of the Adoption Order and description of the court which made it; Date of entry into the Adopted Children Register.

[ not giving a link as it's a commercial company]

Your short certificate probably had some numbers on it? You can use that to order a full version.
Here's the official site


Rider9 Report 10 Sep 2017 16:35

Many thanks. Yes I know my birth details, I was baptised I think but don't really know the difference between christening and baptism. It was Church of England.

I just wondered if there should have been some kind of name change certificate other than the short birth certificate.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Sep 2017 23:28

Your legal name is the one given by your adoptive parents & shown on your adoption 'short' birth certificate. You are legally 'their' child. All legal links to your birth parents such as inheritance by right of birth, have been severed.

It's worth noting that you can call yourself what ever you like, as long as it's not for an illegal purpose.

From the sound of it, you know the name your birth mother registered you with. If you wanted a copy of the original certificate look for the register details on
And order from at a cost of £9.25.

If you haven't done so already, you are entitled to view your adoption file. This link tells you how to go about it

As you mentioned Christened as in Baptised with a record made in Parish registers, that's possible something you should ask your Priest. That's an ecclesiastical decision rather than a legal one. When researching our family history, we might find a birth registration for e.g. John Smith. His parents then baptise him, adding the baptismal middle name of Joseph. When he eventually died, his death record could show John Smith also known as John Joseph Smith.

I've also seen a parish record where it's been noted that the child had been adopted by its parents, and the name used at baptism was the one they gave the child. Don't confuse Christening (religious) with Birth Registration (civil/legal).


Rider9 Report 9 Sep 2017 22:32

I was adopted in 1953 as a toddler. My query is - my adoptive parents dropped one of my Christian names and just kept my middle one. Yet I don't have any certificate other than a short version birth certificate issued after the adoption; this shows the one Christian name they kept and their surname - and I'm wondering legally, is my first names still what I was christened by my Birth mother? Or would it all have been changed by deed poll and if so how can I see a record of that? I really don't know what my proper legal name is!