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Splitting a big Family Tree Maker file

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puddleducky Report 17 Mar 2009 03:45

nudge for later. Thank you


Carter Report 17 Mar 2009 00:05

thanks for this i to will take a closer look in a couple of days when i have more time.
cheers linda


PME Report 16 Mar 2009 22:51

Reading that made my head hurt, but it is a bit late at night, so will read it tommorrow and split my tree down.

Thank you, I'm sure it will work and save me faffing around for hours trying to split my tree down.


Allison Report 16 Mar 2009 21:41


For those who were looking for help in splitting a FTM file


Allison Report 8 Nov 2008 22:49



Unknown Report 1 Jun 2007 21:59

I've just found your reply on splitting FTW by chance! - a big thank you. I will endeavour to get my brain functioning and try it out! Thanks again. .


InspectorGreenPen Report 31 May 2007 20:53

David, Quirk of the site - looses the formatting in the first message you post If you have a big message, trick is to format the message in your word processor, Create your post, putting something like 'See Below' in the first message box. Then go and Copy your nicely painstakingly formatted message, go to the thread and click add reply and paste into the reply box, than add to the thread. Voila as Mr Poirot would have said..

David ‡ Mills

David ‡ Mills Report 31 May 2007 20:51

Thanks for spliting it up, Sam, I'm indebted. -- Dave.

David ‡ Mills

David ‡ Mills Report 31 May 2007 20:48

Where the heck did all my <newline>s go to? I didn't type it like that - there were blank lines between the paragraphs. -- Dave.


Sam Report 31 May 2007 20:45

How about: Splitting a GenesReunited topic into paragraphs? Not your fault in any way Dave, a blip in the software on this site: Mainly for the attn of Valerie, but might help others. Problem; your FTM file is huge because you've got everyone from both sides of your, and your other half's families all in one file. What you want to do is divide it in half so that _everyone_ connected to your family is all in one file and _everyone_ connected to the other half's family is all in a separate file. Other solutions are good for creating extracts and are still valid for that purpose, but if you want *everybody* including multiple marriages, adopted children, 'by marriage' relations, then a different approach is needed. Doing this is documented in http://ftm.custhelp(.)com/cgi-bin/ftm.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=2450 which I acknowledge. Unfortunately that article is difficult to follow, so I did the following step-by-step to help soe. Do it when you're at your best and have your brain in gear. First *Very Important* make a backup or copy of your file. Then you'll be able to start again if it all goes pear-shaped. What you do is detach a child where you want to split your tree (you can copy the child into the new file later). Tip - don't try detaching a spouse - it loses the marriage information. Your tree is now in two parts - (1) the child's siblings, parents and ancestors that you are going to move to a new FTM file and (2) all the rest. With the parent selected, go to 'All-In-One tree' and then in the Contents menu | Options untick 'Show unrelated trees' (make sure that 'show unconnected step-family trees' is ticked). Click OK and you now have a tree with only the individuals you want to split off. Browse round it to make sure it really is the people you want to split off. Then in the File menu, choose Export File and then Copy / Export individuals in tree.... You then give your new file a name (type FTW) and it creates a new FTM file with those individuals. Finally, delete all the indviduals in the All-In-One tree (that you just made a new file of). On the People menu select Delete Individuals in Tree. Go to the Options again and restore the tick against 'Show unrelated trees'. What you have in the file now is the other part of your families. If you have any unrelated trees - detached individuals and families - they will be shown at the bottom left of the All-In-One tree. If any of these should be in the newly created (split-off) file you can copy them across using a similar method, but instead of File | Copy / Export individuals in tree.... use the People menu | Copy All Individuals in All-In-One tree. Then Paste them into the new file, and delete them from the original file. You probably want to copy the child that you detached into the new file, with his siblings, so he exists in both files. If you want to further divide either of your files, you can then do it all again to create another new FTM file. It's really quicker and easier to do than to write about it. If I've been _too_ quick, please ask for clarification. -- Dave.

David ‡ Mills

David ‡ Mills Report 31 May 2007 20:38

Mainly for the attn of Valerie, but might help others. Problem; your FTM file is huge because you've got everyone from both sides of your, and your other half's families all in one file. What you want to do is divide it in half so that _everyone_ connected to your family is all in one file and _everyone_ connected to the other half's family is all in a separate file. Other solutions are good for creating extracts and are still valid for that purpose, but if you want *everybody* including multiple marriages, adopted children, 'by marriage' relations, then a different approach is needed. Doing this is documented in http://ftm(.)custhelp(.)com/cgi-bin/ftm(.)cfg/php/enduser/std_adp(.)php?p_faqid=2450 which I acknowledge. Unfortunately that article is difficult to follow, so I did the following step-by-step to help soe. Do it when you're at your best and have your brain in gear. First *Very Important* make a backup or copy of your file. Then you'll be able to start again if it all goes pear-shaped. What you do is detach a child where you want to split your tree (you can copy the child into the new file later). Tip - don't try detaching a spouse - it loses the marriage information. Your tree is now in two parts - (1) the child's siblings, parents and ancestors that you are going to move to a new FTM file and (2) all the rest. With the parent selected, go to 'All-In-One tree' and then in the Contents menu | Options untick 'Show unrelated trees' (make sure that 'show unconnected step-family trees' is ticked). Click OK and you now have a tree with only the individuals you want to split off. Browse round it to make sure it really is the people you want to split off. Then in the File menu, choose Export File and then Copy / Export individuals in tree.... You then give your new file a name (type FTW) and it creates a new FTM file with those individuals. Finally, delete all the indviduals in the All-In-One tree (that you just made a new file of). On the People menu select Delete Individuals in Tree. Go to the Options again and restore the tick against 'Show unrelated trees'. What you have in the file now is the other part of your families. If you have any unrelated trees - detached individuals and families - they will be shown at the bottom left of the All-In-One tree. If any of these should be in the newly created (split-off) file you can copy them across using a similar method, but instead of File | Copy / Export individuals in tree.... use the People menu | Copy All Individuals in All-In-One tree. Then Paste them into the new file, and delete them from the original file. You probably want to copy the child that you detached into the new file, with his siblings, so he exists in both files. If you want to further divide either of your files, you can then do it all again to create another new FTM file. It's really quicker and easier to do than to write about it. If I've been _too_ quick, please ask for clarification. -- Dave.