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The Birthday Girls Card Making Group CLOSED NEW

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HeatherinLeicestershire Report 4 Aug 2008 13:41

Afternoon girls,

Linda, I love scrapbooking.I wish I had 'old' photos to scrap, but I don't, so I am collecting anything from the areas my ancestors came from, picked up a booklet called 'Fairford church and it's stained glass windows' quite interesting, also some old postcards.So I think my ancestory scrapbook will be based on theses sorts of things.
I go to a scrapbooking club once a month and scrap recent photos, I've completed an unthemed album so far.I also like doing small versions of scrapbooks and I've made quite a few of those.
Happy scrapbooking :)

Ros, I keep all of my cards from the group in a gift bag wrapped in tissue, in the hope of putting them all in a scrapbook ........... one day.

Hope everyone is ok, nice to see you back Ginnie :)

Heather xx


Cheshiremaid Report 3 Aug 2008 17:49

Many thanks Ginnie I will take a look at Ancesty.

When I first went into my local independent craft shop I couldn't believe my eyes...I didn't realise there was so much papercrafting stuff to be had...I was like a child at Christmas!!

Oh dear Ann...the first pages I did were very ott....but over the months I have redone them and they are now pretty simple.

Great fun....something else to bore the family with besides their family would think I was "blinding them with science" lol.

I have since started another scrapbook with photos of our grandchildren....I found that quite difficult at first as I was used to using nostagia type papers etc but I am getting there.



AnninGlos Report 3 Aug 2008 17:23

I have kept mine in a box meant for filing 5 X 5 photos. Just so i can refer to them for ideas.



CATHKIN Report 3 Aug 2008 17:01

Just made 6 cards today using pop -out decoupage -so easy . What does everyone do with all their lovely birthday cards?I kept mine on display for 2 weeks and now they are in a bundle. Does anyone put them in an album?
Ros xx


AnninGlos Report 31 Jul 2008 09:29

Hallo everyone, sorry seem to have missed the thread a bit lately. Sorry to hear about all Patricia's problems and hope that things will improve fer her soon.

Good morning Linda and Havoc, yes I do scrapbooking (when I get time). I have done a family tree one tracing my family from Great Grandparents down to grandchildren. I also have a general one on the go. Love photography so the two seem to go together. I don't use kits but my pages tend not to have too many 'bits' on them so lean more towards being a photo album with information. I don't often do the one or two photos on a page thing!!!

Weather not so sticky now so a bit better for crafting.



Cheshiremaid Report 31 Jul 2008 00:30

Hi everyone...I hope you don't mind me butting in on your thread... but is there any one who does scrapbooking please.

I started off towards the end of last year scrapping old photos that I had been given to me by my mother. My scrapbook has since turned into a journal of my maternal Devonshire go along side my family history research.

I am not into kit form just prefer to do my own thing!

I was just wondering if anyone had done the same.



HeatherinLeicestershire Report 31 Jul 2008 00:03

Oh my goodness, poor Patricia, she is having a bad time.(((HUGS))) to you if you look in xxx

Thanks for the update Jojo xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 30 Jul 2008 23:57

Evening everyone

Have been in contact with Patricia. She is still having a terrible time, things just dont seem to be going well for her!! She has had workmen in the flat and they managed to get lots of plaster dust in her carpets, they made this worse when they sent in a carpet cleaning firm that used a wet system to clean the carpets and the plaster dust set!!!! This has also caused her problems with her chest Then she had a fall 6 weeks ago and fractured her arm. She is also undergoing lots of different test at the hospital, then on top of all this her son had his 3rd heart attack on his 35th birthday and is still in hospital undergoing treatment. Unfortunately he is too far away for her to visit with her being so unwell herself.

She wishes to apologise to everyone that has sent her letters she really appreciates that you are thinking of her, but does not feel up to replying at the moment.

I am sure we all wish her and her son a speedy recovery.

I am sorry I have not got back to you regarding the Christmas cards, but I was waiting for a few more replies, will sort it out at the weekend one way or another!!


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 30 Jul 2008 22:57

Evening girls,

Ros, I didn't know about the sale, good job really :))

Jojo hope you're feeling better now the weather is a little cooler xx
I'm much better now thankyou, though still have a sore throat ???

Issy - if you look in, the July atc's will be in the post tomorrow.

Anybody else interested in the August swap?
The title is 'Lazy Days', please send them by 15th, with postage please. Thanks.

Take care all

Heather xx


CATHKIN Report 30 Jul 2008 22:50

QVC has a craft sale today

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 28 Jul 2008 13:02

Afternoon ladies, what lovely weather we are having at the moment, in fact for me it is far too hot. Doctor has changed my medication I am have just been back to him to get him to change them back as I am feeling awful and have swollen ankles, legs and hands, which in this weather is miserable.

Heather sorry to see that you are no feeling well, hope that you are on the mend!!

Sylvia, sorry that the washes do not seem to be working, but hopefully the more you have they will start to work, hope they do not cause you too much pain and discomfort. I am still looking through the papers, they are just great and will be trying at least one of the stitching patterns.

Off now to do some iris folding, have quite a few cards ordered.


syljo Report 26 Jul 2008 18:30

Hi all,
I had a very unexpected letter yesterday from Sweden. Now who is writing to me from Sweden I thought. Well I don't know whether or not I told you that my grandfather came from Finland and I was busy sorting out my tree. I wrote several times to Finland and have quite a lot of information. But now, this lady who wrote the letter tells me that we are related.Her mother and my grandfather were, I think, brother and sister. I must get down to looking up the tree again. Very complicated. She wants us to meet up and suggests we go together to Finland. Well she has no idea of my state of health, so will have to write to tell her. I want her to come and stay with me and if my health improves would love to get to Finland. I did go to Finland a few years ago.
We have had some bad storms this afternoon. I have never heard such large bangs as those which went off here this afternoon. I have managed to sort out my craft room a bit this afternoon and have promised Johan I will get down to writing letters tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 26 Jul 2008 13:44

Afternoon girls,

Sylvia, the bladder rinse sounds very painful, I hope things improve for you soon.You have been a busy bee with your cardmaking, I'm sure it must take your mind off things a little.
Well I think I've got the flu, can you get flu in summer? my poor body feels bruised and my throat aches so much, I've tried going back to bed, but I keep getting up for a drink/& the toilet.Oh well, going to find my crafting mags out, put qvc craft day on and see if that will help.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, the weather here is beautiful, pity I can't enoy it.

Heather xx


syljo Report 25 Jul 2008 23:12

Hi all,
A little bit on the late side of the day - 9 minutes past midnight, but been busy all day as usual.
Yesterday had my third bladder rinse out. but no sign yet of improvement. Perhaps I am impatient!
I've been busy making lots of cards. My neighbour came down and bought 5 cards from me and my hairdresser wanted two baby arrival cards and a lst birthday card.
Must clear up my hobby room tomorrow.
Our market now has a good handicraft stall so I bought lots and lots today.
I went out without a coat today and was cold on my scooter.
See you all tomorrow. Have a nice birthday all you birthday girls.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 25 Jul 2008 13:39

Happy Birthday Liz, hope you have a fantastic day with lots of lovely cards!!

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 25 Jul 2008 11:08

Liz, hope you have a lovely birthday. My card may bea couplr of days late as been busy with family staying and have lost all track of time.

xx Jill

Dizzy Lizzy 205090

Dizzy Lizzy 205090 Report 25 Jul 2008 10:45

Hi all,

Thank you all soooooo much for all the fantastic birthday cards. It really made my morning special! Oh, and the postman hasn't been today yet so I may be in for more treats!

Love to all,

Liz x


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 25 Jul 2008 08:09

Happy Birthday Liz, hope you have a great day, with lots of lovely cards.

Heather xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 24 Jul 2008 13:36

Afternoon everyone, hope the demos goes well for you Heather.
Well it is not as hot here today as yesterday quite breezy warm but not as much sun.
Heather thanks for asking about my sister, she is improving slowly, can only walk a couple of yards before the pain gets too bad but hopefully when they take out the clips in her back she will feel better. Will be a long slow process to get her back walking or so the consultant tells us. Has difficulty sitting for any length of time, even laying is painful, so not very good at the moment.
Off now as daughter and grandchildren have just arrived.


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 24 Jul 2008 08:49

Morning girls,

Hope you are all well.
Jojo hows your sister? Hope she is improving now.

Well it's nice and breezy here this morning, which is lovely, it was way too hot last night.

Off to do some craft demos with a friend this morning.See you later.

Heather xx