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## Canucks International ##

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Aussieone Report 1 Oct 2008 23:50

Hi all

Christine, yes I would say you are missing something in the address, there should be at least a town/city and maybe even a suburb. For instance there is a Hobart Road but it is not in the city of Hobart it is in Launceston which is at the opposite end of the state.
At least as you said you still have contact with them via email so thats good.

Well our 2 visitors, Davids boys have gone back to their Mum and our house is getting back to normal, mmm not sure exactly what normal is :-)

I off for the weekend to another state of Australia as in Victoria to go to a function, which Im really excited about, David is staying home to watch my girls , not that they need a lot of looking after now as they are 17 and 14.

Edith, my favourite time of the year is Autumn too, with all the lovely colours, I dont do heat very good, but I could be quite happy with Autumn/Winter all year round :-)

Well must do some housework today so I dont go away and leave a messy house for my darling to clean, after all he does work all week and I dont apart from housework :-)

Have a nice day. Cheers Sue


Dorothy Report 2 Oct 2008 14:42

hi just a qucik update on my weather rain, rain for the last three days my sister called from calgary yesterday and said it was hot and sunny so now I am confused as to what clothes to take with me a little of both I guess,plus the airline I am travelling on has another sale and the cost to calgary is half what I paid and that was on sale as well oh well what can you do, bye for now dorothy


Lesley Report 2 Oct 2008 16:44

Hi Gang,

Yes Dorothy it has been very hot here maybe up to 28 yesterday so maybe bring layers and then you can take it off or put it on.

We are leaving today to start our trek home. I still haven't chattted to teresa.....oh well has been a bit of a whirl, never less than 7 for dinner each evening, lots of laughter etc.etc.

Bella has visited with Kathy's dogs and they all like each other and play all day. I think our Belle will be quite lonesome for awhile...maybe we should have another dog....Norm (and the computer!!!) says NO!!!

OK I am off. Love to all.


Diane Report 3 Oct 2008 13:28

So excited, must tell somone.. finally got a little lead on my Canadian family search.. A very kind lady has been doing some searching in Canada for me and found that my relatives are from the Brooks area, and if her research is right John was the first policeman in Brooks according to a local book, I'm so pleased to be able to at least get it down to an area, she has also told me where they are burried. Does anyone know if Cyr is a common name in Canada, as I now also know the married name of one of their daughters!! Sorry to rattle on, its just so good to have found something out!!! Hope everyone is keeping well and looking forward to the weekend.... Bye ...


Dorothy Report 3 Oct 2008 14:53

goodmorning rain again and the temperature was only 2 degree,s when I woke up but now the sun is trying to shine through, I am going to pop out and vote to-day in the advance poll though I have to confess I did not watch the debate in english last night I watched the debate between the vice presidential candidates , I also have been very conflicted in our election as to whom to vote for this has never happened to me before I usually have my mind made up I sometimes vote for a person not always the party, in speaking to many of my friends I heard that a lot of them were considering not voting this time around and that surprised me as I think I come from a generation that takes the vote as a real gift I remember my grandmother telling me about the first time she could legally as a woman vote and how proud she was, sorry did not mean to natter on have a good week-end everyone bye dorothy


badger Report 3 Oct 2008 19:23

Hi peeps,we is now ready to do shoot to Carla gran after a very busy day.normal service will be resumed in two weeks ,ta ta for now,Fred.


Dorothy Report 5 Oct 2008 14:59

hi christine I did vote in the advance poll though it took a lot of thinking I am not sure my little vote will not make a differance but felt I had to take part, another cold and windy day here in barrie but the sun is trying to try come through, does anyone have any exciting plans for thanksgiving week-end it seems to have arrived very fast this year and the stores are full of xmas stuff well it is going to be lazy sunday for me a good book and coffee bye for now dorothy

edith clace

edith clace Report 6 Oct 2008 00:36

Hello everyone. A lovely warm day for a nice change.
Sadly the reds have gone from the trees and it is only the birch and poplar now. Although they are both bright yellow it is just not as showy as it was last week.
Also I notice in the long range forecast from
Canada weather "snow" on the 14th 15th and 16th
No summer a very short fall and now winter ughh.
I think some kind of rebellion is in order.!!!!!!!!
This time of year is a nightmare of holidays, the stores have Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas.
wares all stuffed into various parts of the building.
Just can't seem to get my mind around it all.
Have any of you noticed that a lot of the toys have "try me" on them. I am sorely tempted to get the lot going and then leave quickly heehee.
Probably blame it on "old age"
I'm not sure who wanted Fred's soup recipes but do ask him for the leek and potato.It is the best tasting one I've ever had.
Mary, how is your throat, better I hope.
Are you home yet Les? Christine,Diane, J.A,
Teresa, Dorothy stay well.
Time to get some things sorted so bye for now.


Aussieone Report 6 Oct 2008 01:22

Hi everyone

Well thats my big weekend over with and gee I had a great time.

Christine the function I went to was a football function as in AFL/Aussie Rules. I am a very passionate supporter of my club, as Mary could tell you, she has seen my place with a wall full of photos of the players, a lot of them are also signed, well the function was for the best and fairest awards there was over 1300 supporters there, everyone had to dress up a bit as it was a shirt and tie dress code, a lot of the young girls went right out to dress up in very nice dresses, probably trying to impress their footy idols lol. Me Im not a dressy type of person so no way out evening dress for me, just black slacks/trousers, shirt and jacket.

Edith hee hee Im glad there is someone who thinks like me. Yes Id love to press all those try me buttons all at once, must omit when all the Christmas decos come out I cant resist in pressing the buttons, but one at a time just to listen them all, my other fav is Elmo, a Sesame Street character you may have heard about, I just have to press him to start him off giggling when I can, my OH just walks away when I start them off hee hee.

Fred enjoy your trip away.

Hope all are well and having a good time. Cheers Sue


Aussiegirl Report 6 Oct 2008 02:49

Crikey cant believe it is so long since I posted..We have had some lovely weather and if anyone is thinking of coming to Aussie this is a good time..Not to hot and not to

Glad to say that the blurry throat is now cleard up and I will go back to the doc to hear what the results are,,Dont think it was to bad so am happy about that..

Diane So glad that you are making progress with your search..I have a distant granfather who is leading me a merry chase but I am hopeful that I may have found him under another name,, have been down this path a few times and it has fizzled out so hoping that this one dosent do the same,,

Tassie Our Glad you had a great time in Melbourne..

Fred.. Safe travel..

Les.. Gonna be quiet when you get home after being at Cathys..Bella is gonna sulk for taking her away from her pal to..saafe trip home..Sorry you didnt get to speak to Teresa.. never time..

Edith.. Are you having bikini weather believe that you are having snow so soon in October..In OZ..come the first of September the shops put out christmas decorations for sale..some may wait till fathers day is over which is the first sunday of Sept. but it is rediculous to have them out so early..Are the bears about still..Will come and see them one day..

Hi to Dorothy and Christine..Keep warm..

Love Mary xxxxxx


Lesley Report 6 Oct 2008 20:02

Hi Guys,

Normie and I got home last nite....exhausted. We have decided that we won't do these long driving days again and, in truth this is a good thing as Norm did not travel well at all, so I did much of the driving.

And speaking of my driving...... I was barrelling along the Trans Canada, pouring rain, poor visibility, on our way to Nicky. I said to Norm watch for the 160th. turn off. The sign flashed by and then there was an exit lane. Norm says come off here. I shot off the highway and then bounced over something quite large, and then bounced over something else. Norm is yelling slow down Les its only 50 on this ramp....what ramp???? I bounced over something else and by now all of us including the car have been shaken to pieces. I was still going 80 and I shot out back onto the highway. Obviously that was not the 160th. exit....I had just charged thru the weigh station. LOL....quite a Chevy Chase moment. Normie was extremly PO'd with me and all I could do was laugh. We got to Nicky's and she laughed in fact everyone laughed!!! except Norm.

Had a great visit with Nicky (daughter). She and I and her s-i-l went shopping. I was anxious to go to Fabricland. Neither Nicky or Sabrina sew but we left there an hour later and both of them were loaded with fabric....chuckle. The lady who served us rang in my modest purchase of about $30 and when she hit total the till said $!!! So pretty soon we were in hysterics as she couldn't get it right and all the other customers were giving us a wide berth....did we care????

Back at Nicky's we pepared to make a stew...another rainy day so comfort food required. I had bought a bottle of Okanagon wine on the way thru. Nicky and I started to sip and sip and soon we were rolling around the kitchen, chucking things in the pot. It is a wonder we didn't cut off our fingers....but!!! what a fabulour mother and daughter meal!!! Norm and Klaus watched us with sly smiles...of course, being men, they are never silly....sorry Fred!!

Then it was off to visit the lovely Rhian and as soon as we arrived all she could say was Gamma's house....non stop. She loves our old house. Lots of exciting corners and room to run, plus the "car" (Playskool) tucked away in the shed. By the time we left she had worked herself into a fine state about coming to our house....but there's always another visit, isn't there?

Dorothy, I think it is still warm in Calgary. I did watch part of the debate and was impressed with Jack Layton and Elizabeth May. Maybe I could give them a half a vote each???? I am not impressed with the USA election at all and, thanks to their stupidity, they have hurt our economy and, as Chrisitne says, economies globally. It is a bad situation and it is far from over. Gird your loins is a phrase that springs to mind!!

Diane I will check out the Cyr's for you and see if I can get any other info. If you can tell me where they are buried and when they died I can work with that a little also. Just pm me.

Love to everyone else. I have a busy 4 weeks ahead - jam, pies, aprons and the garden but I will pop in each day if I can.
More later


JALimestonePlains Report 7 Oct 2008 02:28

Gooday everyone, after a lovely warm week last week today we have a lazy wind with a temp of around 13 c - last week we had one day at 30c

They are forecasting a hotter spring than usual for us as the Indian ocean is much warmer than normal - and it is the westerlies which influence our summer weather most.

VP - I did laugh about the weighstation - can only imagine Norm's face and then being nonplussed by your laughter:)))) Good to catch up on msm this morning thanks for the cheer up

I have this week on leave also and now GS has gone north am doing some FH and I think a nap this afternoon
~~~~~~~~~to everone



Dorothy Report 7 Oct 2008 14:52

goodmorning from barrie it was -1 this morning though the sun is shining I loved the story of the weigh station and the visit with your daughter, this week-end will be busy around here as people drive by to close up the cottages for the winter a tradition on thanksgiving week-end, so I am off to do my shopping don't like to be near the stores on a holiday week-end now I have just heard the weather is going up 20 on the week-end, the tree's around here are in wonderful colour bye for now dorothy


Aussiegirl Report 8 Oct 2008 11:41

Hi all.. We have lovely weather here in ole Sydney town..Our spring is just right and the temps have been between 20c and 30c.. with not much rain..

Les...I think a bit of Cathy has rubbed off onto you...ppppp Just loved the weigh station story,,poor Normie,, hope he is now ok,, Your story reminds me of when we did a tour of Europe 25 years ago,, we were hurtling down a big highway in Germany and I kept seeing this sign that said,,AUSTFART ,,or something German is not to good,,in fact non existing...and after a while I said to John,,there's a lot of roads leading to Austfart,,must be a big place,,,then I found out that it meant EXIT ..felt a bit stupid...but had a good laugh..proves that I don't get to Europe very

Fred seems to be having a great time on holidays again...Is that man ever home...hee hee hee..ok I am jealous..I admit it...pmsl...

JA Enjoy your week off..You deserve it..

Hi to everyone else .. Am off to bed so see ya all soon..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 8 Oct 2008 12:43

Hi all,Fred reporting in while the missus and sis' in law are at the hairdressers.
Liz and i went walkabout on Monday in nice sunshine and not too much of a stiff breeze.
We walked [if you cab call it that] between Fleetwood ans Clevelies,along the coastal lancashire way .
A lovely walk with many seats on the way [thank goodness ]seeing as it took oveer 4 hours and a good bit at our pace.
I saw the remains of the fleetwood pier after the fire ,what a shame toobecause i can't see it being rebuilt,but i suspect that it was an insurance job,very simular to the Newcastle Councils and their myserious fires that happen whenever they want to redevelop and can;t get what they want,no different i suspect than what happens in other countries from time to time.
The weather has been kind so far ,onlyone day of unrelenting rain,today and tomorrow promising good amounts of sun and dry.
I will have to play catch up when i get home ,but i notice certain peeps travelling around off road he he.
I remember my missus wrecking our first car shortly after we got married ,her being the navigator ,taking me off a slip road on the way back to Wycombe from Brighhon,ther was Fred ,running behind time ,late in the evening joining the other motorway [that wasn' t yet ready ,hurtling onto the carriage way onto hard core and nothing else,cor ,i wrecked the suspension and tyres and faving a three mile walk to the nearest town and a hotel.
Still ,the wife made it up to me that night in our bedroom,nudge ,nudge ,wink wink ,lol.
I had a hard time convincing the insurance company as to what happened ,he he ,the agents must have had a darned good chuckle .
Must go now ,as i am taking the missus and sis' in law out to lunch,Catch ya' all later.Fred.


Lesley Report 8 Oct 2008 17:27


Jam day today so we are off to buy yet more jars. We give so much away and never get them bak....good thing they are cheap. So peaches today and maybe some plum. I promised Norm we would have pizza for supper that way we don't need to slow down.

Went over to the other side of the Island yesterday. beautiful day in Qualicum, a little windy but sunny and warm. We had lunch in a little bistro called Gary's and watched a great battle over the patio door. This woman would get up and close it, then the waitress would open it, close it, open went on for maybe 30 minutes. By then we were snickering.

Then we met this lady in the most amazing disabled persons car. It was shaped like a little egg on wheels, totally enclosed, with cute little windows. I didn't like to ask the lady in it but I bet it cost a small fortune. Everyone stopped to look. I think she probably just got it. She told us that it was made in Korea and that they were allowed on the road there. Meanwhile I read in the paper that BC has passed a law that allows slower electric vehicles on designated city roads. If that is so I am getting a golf cart....I have always wanted to careen around in one of those...and NOT play golf of course!!!!

OK I am off to the jam factory. Luv to all.
More later


JALimestonePlains Report 10 Oct 2008 07:57

We must all be very busy. VP sounds a lot on your plate. badger sounds to be having a good time.
Hope all are well. Wondering how Sylvia is going with Norman - hang in there and take care
~~~~~~~~~~~everyone else
Must be cold with you Edith - take care


Lesley Report 10 Oct 2008 17:08

Hi Everyone, where are you all....digging out your winter woolies eh???

Edith I read about the strep infection in your part of the world. How is it in Sioux??? Hope you are all well.

We have 18 lovely jars of peach jam and so far, no plum....maybe today. It is amazing sometimes how time just slips thru your fingers. Norm and I are going to work at the Election next week. I am a Deputy Returning Officer and Norm a Poll clerk. It will be a long day but lots of fun I think.

I am off to the salt mines.
More later


Diane Report 10 Oct 2008 19:11

Hi everyone, hope everyone is well... Its been a broth making day for me. Now the weathers cooler it seems to be a comfort thing!! All the plants are dying off in the garden now and there are some lovely shades of gold and yellow in the trees it is nice to see (from indoors)!!! Hope you all have a good weekend - Take care


Aussiegirl Report 11 Oct 2008 10:53

Hi all...Not winter woolies Les..summer clobber...we are having lovely weather..

Had daughter and son with families her for dinner last night,,12 around the table.. 2 grandsons birthdays to celebrate, and a good mess to clean up when they left...but a good time was had by all..don't see daughter to often as she lives up country..300km away....

Has anyone heard from Sylvia Do hope she is ok.. If we don't get a post from here soon I will email her to check up..

Hope all the Canucks and UKers are keeping warm and haven't lost a fortune on the stock market...

Love Mary xxxx