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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Jan 2017 21:00

Oh poor J Jean, I hope his thumb is on the mend.
O.K where's my bit of cheese cake then, you have made my mouth water at the thought of it.
We only had Bangers, Mash and beans for dinner tonight, we didn't fancy anything heavy.
My word it's bloomin cold here, our poor little car has been icing up on the inside of the windows, as well as the outside.
It took me ages to scrape the ice of this morning, and then Roly told me we had some de-icer in the boot....great why didn't he tell me before I nearly froze my sock of.
Fingers crossed we don't get snow tomorrow, like we did last Thursday, as I need a night out at darts for a change, I am fed up looking at the same four walls, apart from popping up town to get shopping.
Well girls, stay safe and warm, hugs to you all.


JustJean Report 17 Jan 2017 16:39

Hi, Mo, I cant believe how quickly time flashes by, our ggrandson will be five in Feb he goes to school this year..we will see even less of him than we do now :-( :-( :-(

The day as been miserable drizzle and mist ,roll on summer ;-) ;-) ;-)

not much going on at the moment,very still and news either ,all in all,naff !
glad the snow has gone, poor J slipped on ice at Ds knocked his thumb up , just badly bruised and swollen at least it wasnt broken. he did go on a bit though,
and he did manage to make a korma for us :-D :-D :-D
he is turning into a very good cook.I am the instructor now so between us we make a good team.....

pie and mash for tea, cheesecake to follow comfort food ....

take care everyone Love Jeanxxx


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Jan 2017 19:42

Hi ya everyone, just popping in to say hello to you all.
I can't believe it, our Lilly will be six tomorrow, how the years have rolled by.
Our son has been given dispensation by our DIL, he can have her for a couple of hours tonight after work..... BIG DEAL, he is not allowed to see her tomorrow at all.
Sorry but she is a right madam, and makes me soooo angry.
I sometimes wish he would see a solicitor, and get things sorted out officially.

Well all the snow has gone,and it's raining again. Mind you, they reckon we are going to have a water shortage this year, the reservoirs are below the levels that they should be for this time of year.

I shall say goodnight god bless, hugs to all.


AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2017 17:00

I never fancy turning out in the evenings these days Mo, which is why for meals out we usually go at lunch times.

A cold day here today but dry so not too bad.

This morning we just pottered around in Gloucester. Tesco for coffee, paper and bread. Then a look round Home sense looking for G&T tall glasses, all they had were 'buckets', wide top, thick glass and huge. so then to Dunelm where we did find some that will be OK (we don't buy expensive glasses but we got four for £3.19). That was the best they had but they are actually reduced and not thick or huge, quite slim & about as tall as the ones we have now which are ready to be thrown out. Then we went into a stationery store called Biz which was quite interesting, that was just to see what they did as the stationery store we usually go to Staples is closing. We bought some hanging file holders which turned out to be the wrong size (OH went and chose them himself but he SAYS theyw ere all the same size!) Then we came home and have been in the warm all afternoon. :-) :-) :-)

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Jan 2017 16:50

Ann, to be truthful, I wasn't playing just going along to support two of my team members in their finals, but I did enjoy a Thursday night in for a change.

Like you Jean, I am praying that our Sallie and family are o.k.

Got to do some dinner now girls, take care, love and hugs Mo xxx


JustJean Report 13 Jan 2017 16:57

We had a thin layer of snow this morning, it is very cold J went out earlier and waked in the road as the pavements were lethal, I havent ventured out ;-) ;-)

I wonder how Sallie is doing, I hope all is well with her and the family,

Keep warm everyone, stay safe love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2017 16:52

Shame you missed your darts Mo.

We had a small amount of snow this morning. We had planned to go into town, which we did, walking very carefully to the bus stop. No snow in town of course but it was bitterly cold in the wind. We walked briskly down to Gloucester Quays at the docks, surprised to find quite a few people down there. Managed to get a nice Per Una top in M&S Outlet shop for almost half price. Other than that we didn't buy anything but did have some nice fish and chips and a glass of wine in Wetherspoons.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Jan 2017 16:19

Hello my lovelies, well the snow has not laid, thank the good lord.
I was due to go our to darts last night, but fortunately it was cancelled before I was going to leave.
Good lord though, it really came down heavens hard, and I really did expect to wake up this morning, to see a deep covering outside, but it rained this morning, and has now washed it all away.

I do hope you are all o.k, and not snowed in.
Take care one and all, hugs to you all, Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jan 2017 18:32

OH MY WORD ! It's snowing a blizzard and it's laying, oh saints preserve us.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jan 2017 17:57

Oh Sylvia, how typical of your OH, my Roly is as bad. I try and write down whenever he takes his medication, especially when we had the bad virus, that sounds very much like you both have.
Taking paracetamol every four hourly, he tended to forget the time of his last tablets, and me being me, went loopy. For goodness sake I ranted, don't you realise you could overdose, especially taking cough linctus as well...MEN what would we do with them...probably strangle them if we didn't care so much for them.
Get well soon Sylvia, stay in bed and keep warm, and as the saying goes "Keep taking the tablets " (but on a regular basis ) LOL


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Jan 2017 22:11

Mo ..... so glad that you have been able to see the 2 girls. Marriage breakups are never happy events, but especially so when one party is nasty to the other, and to the grandparents.

It's very cold here, again ............ it did warm up yesterday, to about 4 above freezing!

OH very kindly (NOT!) shared his horrible cough with me ......

.......... he came down with it on Saturday evening, was apparently up and down all that night taking stuff with no regard to time of last dose (I was sleeping in another room). By the time I was aware of him on Sunday morning, he was getting very confused about the time of day, or even what day it was, and kept refusing to drink or eat anything.

Dratted men!

He was better on Monday, and we went out for afternoon coffee with our friend.

I came down with it late on Monday afternoon, hardly slept that night, and had to cancel my Physio appointment on Tuesday morning. I was not happy about that.:-(

I feel a bit better now .......... at least, I am not coughing constantly ............. although this is my first time up today

and .............. I am making sure I eat and drink

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Jan 2017 19:56

Hello everyone.
Jean, the forecast is for the dreaded snow late tomorrow evening/night. It's been very cold here today, but whether we get the snow is doubtful, it normally warms up before hand, but I shall wait with bated breath tomorrow.
As it is, I am supposed to walk to darts tomorrow night, but if it's heavy outside, I shan't bother going.
I really don't feel like getting snowed in, even though the pub does hot drinks to warm me up, not a drop of alcohol passes my lips at any time believe it or not.
And as you say Jean,I don't want a tumble.

We had a visit today from Lilly and Ava, we have not seen them since before Christmas.
Normally Lilly loves her biscuits, but today, she said she was only allowed one, because she had had a few sweets earlier.
This is not like our Lilly, she loves her biscuits. It appears that her mummy has put her on a diet, lord knows why, but we have to adhere to her wishes, or all hell would be released.
Things are still iffy between our son and DIL.

Well my loves, I shall say goodnight god bless, take care everyone.


JustJean Report 11 Jan 2017 09:37

Morning everyone, bit chilly here and very windy,although its quite bright,the forecast is getting more and more wintry, so par for the course I think.
Mo your area seems to be in line for some snow , so steady does it, dont want you to have tumble. get the thermals on and keep your head covered as my mum used to say, not that I took any notice, still dont my like head covered.I dont suit hats , my friend can wear any style and look good. so what are you up to today, I shall be staying put and guess what do some more crafting . one would think I was addicted ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) we had a lovely meal last night I managed to help a bit cuttting up chicken ready to go in the slow cooker it was lovely after the other stuff was added J is turning into a great chef :-D :-D :-D :-D we do like the slow cooker,I downloaded a recipe book onto my Kindle so we can try some new recipes...
time for another coffee so take care everyone

Love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Jan 2017 17:45

Oh Ann, you have been a busy girl. I tackled most of the cupboards and drawers, weeks before Christmas. It would be just my luck that one of the grandchildren opened a door or drawer, and show me up with all the detritus within them. LOL
It's just as well with us both being unwell over the holiday period.
I don't use a mouse for either of my puters, as I find it hopeless where I am concerned, having no control of them.
Even my son has said how the new one is so touch sensitive, so perhaps it's not just slap dash ol me.

Oh Sylvia, it could only happen to you love, couldn't it. Mind you, being surrounded by handsome French/Canadian men was a bonus.
Being on that wonderful train, despite the hold ups, must have been a treat.
How old is MJ now ? He must be around 5/6 by now I should imagine.
Mind you, our Lilly will be six this month, I can't believe how that time has flown by.

Today has been pretty mild here, but by this afternoon, the temperature dropped drastically.
When we got back from the club, I had to put the heating on, to warm us through a bit. The club itself was lovely and warm, but on leaving, cor, we really felt the difference.

Well my lovelies, I shall say cheerio for now, stay safe and warm everyone.


AnninGlos Report 8 Jan 2017 15:54

Ooh Mo you might get some really nice neighbours. Hopefully the man or his agent will check up on the tenants as they wont want the place wrecked will they. what is touch sensitive on the new laptop, is it the mouse pad? that is what I don't like about laptops, much prefer my desktop.

Sylvia, is the weather in Vancouver worse than where your daughter is?

I am feeling virtuous today I have cleared out the cupboard under the double oven. I am sure we all have one like it, full of baking trays, cake tins, rollof foil, saucepan lids etc etc. I have filled a carrier bag for the dump with rusty baking trays and saucepan lids that I have no saucepan to match!

And then I tackled that other nightmare (well so far partly tackled it). the one that has bills and receipts, bits of paper with phone numbers for tradesmen, home delivery pamphlets, booklets for long gone items, like defunct irons etc. I have filled 4 bags with shredding and have a crate filled with recycling that I can't get in the bin until it is emptied tomorrow after 4 weeks recycling.


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jan 2017 22:48

I'm slowly visiting "my" threads .............. have only a little time on the 'puter as we try to get sorted out.

It has depended on which one was nearest the top of My Threads as to who got the first message!!!

A little more information for you ..................

We got back mid-afternoon on Wednesday ....... about 5 hours late due to a slow freight train that we had to follow all the way from about Edmonton (around lunch time on Tuesday), and a frozen switch on the track about 10 minutes outside the station here!

That's about how the trip went ..................... it was great fun, and we enjoyed every part of it, BUT there were all these weird "events" almost every day for 3 whole weeks!

I even got stuck in the wheelchair on the stair lift in Montreal train station :-D

Someone had moved a post from one side of the landing to in the path of the lift. 5 or 6 French-Canadian men (some handsome :-D ) use brute force and a crowbar to hammer the post out of the mechanism. Lift fine, post not so fine :-D

MJ was delighted to see us, and never stopped talking, whether it was to us, his parents or to his toys!

The weather had not warmed up while we were away, and more snow fell on New Year's Eve, so we returned to freezing temperatures, and side streets and sidewalks treacherous with frozen snow and ice patches.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2017 19:39

Oooh welcome back Jean and Sylvia, it's been such a long time since we heard from you both. Sylvia, you are excused, coz you were visiting family, but naughty naughty Jean, come on, what's your excuse, we know what an expert you are with these new fangled puters LOL
I am back on my old one, as the one my family bought me for my birthday is very touch sensitive, and as you know Jean, us dart players can be very heavy handed, and goodness knows what I was doing wrong, but I kept mucking things up, typical old me LOL so back to my old faithful.

Our old neighbours moved out yesterday, and we were looking out for the new ones, and nobody arrived.
After shopping today, a strange car turned up on the neighbours drive, and the new owner introduced himself.
He and his wife had bought it as a pension plan for their older age, and intended for their son and child to move in at a peppercorn rent, but the son doesn't wsnt to move in, so now they are going to rent the house out.
Lord save us from nightmare neighbours, it would be just our luck to get the neighbour from hell.

Stay safe and warm Sylvia.

Well enough of my moaning and groaning, night night one and all. Hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 7 Jan 2017 16:43

:-D :-D :-D Jean, good to see you, making up for lost time as well and giving us a double posting! Are you pleased with your new laptop? Always hard to get used to new technological things though.

I was thinking of you just now as I was making some cards for charity. I have made 11 cards altogether today, a couple for me and the rest for a friend who sells them for several charities. Of those 11 cards, seven of them are using the toppers of Art Deco ladies that you sent me. They make very pretty cards.

Glad your cards are selling well. Nice to have a hobby that you can do when you can't walk far. Maybe when the better weather comes you will be able to venture out a few steps to see if there are any bulbs growing.

Anyway, good to see you on here.

Sylvia welcome back, although I have chatted to you on the Welsh thread (I think it was.)


JustJean Report 7 Jan 2017 14:39

Happy christmas ,Happy New Year,Happy everthing.We have lift off.... ;-) ;-) ;-) at last
I thought I would never sort it , so now I can catch up with all the news. So sorry to hear about our friend Huia what a shock rest in peace my friend.

hope the coughs and colds are now on their way out and lovely news our Sallie congrats to the family a new baby great news...

Mo I hope you are on the mend get the dart arm working ;-) ;-) ;-)
but you have to face it old girl you aint up to it :-D :-D :-D :-D
hope lovely Roly is much better big hugs for you both <3 <3

Sylvia, you seem to have been on your travels again hope you had a great time and that you are both well <3 <3

Ann, you sound as though you had a bad cough I could hear it from here ;-) ;-)
hope Tony didnt get it, also what a shock to have your window crash could have been worse, if you hadnt got double glazing now that would be chilly....
quite foggy here but I dont go out so no problem...Tenerife sounds good something to look forward to <3 <3

Liz very good to hear from you, hope you are keeping well,your oh seems to be struggling, it does make it hard for you though, do try and get some ME Time.....
nice to hear your son and his family are ok. hope its a good year for them....

You were right Ann about the cards, I have done more than ever and luckily for the tenants fund here that they sell out and gives me a good excuse to do more and more, keeps the old mind active the, rest of me isnt that bright walking is worse now, still at least I can do what i like and every day is a blessing to us....
well I think thats it for a bit so see you all soon take care stay warm, spring is-a-coming :-D :-D :-D :-D love Jean xxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Jan 2017 21:18

We got back 2 days ago from our holiday .............. to freezing temperatures, frozen snow and ice on all the streets and sidewalks (and more to come).

It is taking ages to get back to our normal lives.

Happy New Year to you all xxxxx

and I will be back ..................... some time!