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The threadsnatcher thread of Allans (who nicked m

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Diane Report 8 Oct 2010 01:38

Well couldn't retire to bed untill I'd read this latest installment and well worth waiting for, waiting for this next one in anticipation.



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Oct 2010 00:41

Thanks Allan. Can't wait for the next installment....neither can OH! We both chuckled out loud. :0)


Allan Report 7 Oct 2010 23:28

Deciding that there was nothing that could be done until the Search Warrant was to hand, Holmes entered his living room and filled his pipe with Wacky Baccy.

He stood in front of the mirror, reflecting on the days events!

Mrs Hudson barged into the room giving Holmes a fright

“Don’t you know how to knock, Mrs Hudson?” Holmes admonished

“Of course I do, sir, it was one of those things that I learnt very early in my married life; but it is a very impertinent question to ask of a lady!”

Holmes decided to let the matter drop.

“Well?” he enquired

“Yes thank you, sir, I am”

Holmes rolled his eyes to heaven, “What do you want?”

“Well sir, that scarlet lady has been here all day and I’m not sure what to do with her”

Holmes slapped his forehead. He had completely forgotten about the young lady.

“Show her in at once, Mrs Hudson”

With a heave of her bosom (and there was plenty to heave), Mrs Hudson turned on her heels and flounced out of the room.

Minutes later, she returned with the young lady.

“My dear girl, you must forgive my appalling manners in rushing off as I did this morning. Only matters of the utmost import could have drawn me away from so attractive person as yourself”

It was now Mrs. Hudson’s turn to raise her eyes skywards.

“Now my dear, pray continue”

“As I explained this morning, Mr Holmes, my late father was a tailor in Old Wapping Town and he had many threads snatched”

“My dear Miss Taylor, were the snatched threads and your father’s death linked?”
“No!” the young lady replied, “And why do you call me Miss Taylor?”

“Elementary my dear lady; I see from your ring finger that you are not wearing a wedding ring, nor can I see any indication that such has ever been worn. Your father was a Taylor and therefore it follows that you must also be a Taylor!”

“Very good, Mr Holmes, but my father was a T.A.I.L.O.R! My name is O’Hara”

“Ah” was the best response that Holmes could come up with, while both Miss O’Hara and Mrs Hudson did the eyeball gymnastics.

Meanwhile Dr Watson entered the room.

“Ah, Dr Watson, finished you bath?” asked Holmes, jovially.

Dr Watson kept in check a desire to reply that no; he hadn’t finished his bath, but was looking for a cake of soap. The fact that he was fully dressed should have provided that Master of Clues with some inkling of his ablutionary state.

“Well as we are all here,” said Holmes (again Dr Watson kept his thoughts to himself) “What can we make of these clues?”

He took the note from his pocket, and placed it together with the knitting needles and embroidery scissors on the table.

“Well,” said Dr Watson, picking up the note, “I could make a toke”

“And what, pray, is a toke?” asked a perplexed Holmes

“Well,” explained the good Dr, “It is a tube of paper surrounding your wacky weed, which you then light and smoke in a similar way to a cigarette. It stops any unfortunate incidents like the one last week where you put your still lit pipe into your jacket pocket”

Holmes reflected ruefully on what his good friend had said. Yes, he had a genuine, smoking, jacket. Another few minutes and it would have been a blazer.

“No!” said Holmes trying to bring the conversation back from the brinks of insanity “What else can you make of it?”

“A shopping list?” asked the Dr. “The reverse side has not been written on and it’s a shame to waste paper”

Three sets of eyes took out gold, silver and bronze medallions for eyeball rolling.

It was Miss O’Hara who saw some possible links.

“Could these be craft related?” she asked

“My dear young lady,” Holmes said, “You may well be right”
“Not the Freemasons again!” stated Watson

This time three sets of eyeballs were disqualified for a false start.

“No, no, no, no, no!” said Holmes with quite unnecessary repetition, “Not The Craft, but craft, as in doddery old ladies getting together to make various things whilst assassinating the characters of any who miss the meeting”



PricklyHolly Report 4 Oct 2010 20:31

In your own time Allen,,,,,,,,,as much as we miss you and have thoroughly enjoyed this thread (I have even downloaded the signature tune to Poiret to listen to, whilst reading the next installment!!) you just take care of yourself...i wish you well...Prickles x


Diane Report 4 Oct 2010 19:59

what's happening with this thread, I would like to hear the rest of the story Pleeeeezzzz



Allan Report 28 Sep 2010 22:28

sooon, Preciousssssss! Sooooon

Thanks Diane. Funeral tomorrow (Thursday) at 1.00pm. I know it's my age but I can't remember the last Wedding or Christening, that I went to, but the funerals seem to come round on a regular basis! :0((



Diane Report 28 Sep 2010 17:25

n = this up for Allan when he feel's ready to continue.

Take care hun thinking of you

Diane x


PricklyHolly Report 24 Sep 2010 19:13

So sorry to learn of your news Allan. Look after yourself. Prickles xxx


Diane Report 24 Sep 2010 01:25

Hi Allan
sorry to hear of your sad new's about your colleague and workmate.

Understandably you will not feel like adding any further on the story at the moment hun,

Take care and I send you my condolences

Diane x


Allan Report 23 Sep 2010 08:36

Hi to all,

They say that troubles come in threes, first the power cut, then a blocked drain!

Finally, news that a good colleague and workmate has passed away.

This guy was a Councillor when I was an officer at the Shire of Dardanup.

He shared the same conditon as myself, diabetes, although whether or not that was the cause of death, I don't know at this stage. He was also a few years younger then myself.

As a consequence, I have not really felt in the mood for continuing the story, but I can assure you all that it WILL be continued within the next couple of days.

Regards to all



Allan Report 23 Sep 2010 00:08

C'est la vie, Diane!



Diane Report 23 Sep 2010 00:02

How sad Allan, and here's me waiting all day to end it with the next rippling installment only to have to go to bed unfulfilled.

Good night from a disappointed admirer.

I know it can't be helped, ( damn the power cut )

Diane x


Persephone Report 22 Sep 2010 23:42

Well that's torn it then.

Hope you are good at darning.?


Allan Report 22 Sep 2010 23:15

To all,

This morning's/evening's serial has been unavoidably delayed until later in the day.

I had prepared the next episode, having taken about 45 mins, and I was about to save it and we had a #$%^*^@ power cut!!

The bl**dy cut only lasted about 10 secs!!!!! :0(((

I lost the lot, well today's episode any way. I can remember the gist of it so it will be on the thread (if the thread's not snatched) sometime today or tomorrow, depending on which time zone you live in.

My sincere apologies



Pamela Report 22 Sep 2010 20:45

Brilliantly done, Allan. Love it.



Diane Report 22 Sep 2010 17:44

Looking forward for the next installment Allan,( I think you missed your calling mate ). When does your book come out, I'd be first to buy one.



Persephone Report 22 Sep 2010 11:08

I will "swatch" for the next seamly instalment.

ahem Persey


Allan Report 22 Sep 2010 10:16

Well, all, that is it for today (tonight)

I'm off to watch the early evening news and try to grab a few more ideas for the plot.

You have no idea the effort required, laying awake in the early hours, trying to find inspiration :0))

Take care be continued tomorrow



Allan Report 22 Sep 2010 09:43

lol, Barbra



Allan Report 22 Sep 2010 09:26

The carriage drew to a stop outside the Styche in Thyme

"Wait for me here!" commanded Holmes.

"Certainly, sir," replied the driver, "I'll just start my meta."

"What's a meta for?" queried Holmes.

"Well, sir, some use one to measure the amount of gas they use. Mine is for measuring the time my cab is not working so that you can compensate me! It's what we call in the trade, a Taxi Meta."

Holmes glared at the driver, trying to decide whether he was extracting the urine or not.

Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, he rushed into the pub. Meanwhile, outside, the driver poured a bottle of urine down the drain!

Holmes reached Watson just as the body was being moved.

"My G*d Watson!" exclaimed Holmes, "What happened to you?"

Watson recounted the events occuring during his visit to the pub, only leaving out the two dates he had scored with a couple of likely lads.

Holmes examined the body, noticing a pair of embroidery scissors on the table.

"Good Heavens, Holmes, they weren't there just before!" said a puzzled Watson.

"Mmm," mused Holmes, "I wonder where they came from?"

Picking up the scissors, and examining them carefully, Watson said "Sheffield"

Holmes had always worked on the principle that if you want to appear thin, hang out with fat people: although in his own case, to appear intelligent, he hung out with idiots, namely Watson.

He realised that this strategy could well backfire in this particular case.

Holmes sighed. "I'm not interested in where they were made, Watson, but where they were, before appearing here on this table. Who brought them? Was it the murderer?"

Having seen all he needed at the Styche in Thyme, Holmes decided to leave the scene to Lastrades men and return to his lodgings.

He and Watson entered the cab.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" asked Holmes, of the driver

"You can burst into flames for I care!" was the response

It had been a long and frustrating day for Holmes

"I need a hookah' he said to Watson

"Shall I tell the driver to divert to Whitechapel, Holmes?" asked his stalwart companion.

"HOOKAH," shouted Holmes, "HOOKAH!"

"Ah" said his contrite companion, adding, "When I reach our lodgings, I'm proposing to take a long bath"

Holmes, remembering his start to the day, advised Watson that he would have to remove it from the steps first

Reaching their lodgings, Holmes sent a message to Lastrade regarding the Search Warrant for the Bank of England, adding that it was of the utter urgency.

To be continued


PS we are soon to meet the Workers Union Membership (WUMS) and the Traders, Retailers and On Line Licences TROLLS). Stay tuned