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Should Catholic Priests be allowed to marry ???

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Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 23 Feb 2013 20:50

To Lynda :-)

Like you I find religion and other cultures really interesting and the 1st thing I can remember being taught at sunday school was, respect if others dont believe in God or they do believe in another god then you respect their views, so the first time you see me all upperity and sat on a high horse on the subject please drag me off it and give me a swift hard kick up the ricker ;-)


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 23 Feb 2013 20:48

I found Joeva'a post interesting and relevant to the discussion. If people wish to include information found from google/other sources then that's their choice. I can choose to read/ignore as I wish, it's certainly not down to me to dictate what people post.

I believe that priests should be able to marry if they so wish, mainly for the reasons given by Sue as follows...

"I believe a married priest would have more compassion for his flock, after all he has to demonstrate the same to his wife. He would also have a greater understanding of the trials of modern day marriage and raising of children, understanding fractured families and what they have lost."

As a slight aside...if nuns and priests are married to Jesus then it follows that he is married to them. Doesn't that confirm that Jesus is in favour of polygamy and same sex marriage ;-)


Cynthia Report 23 Feb 2013 20:44

This IS a discussion's just a discussion with some depth to it.

It reminds me of a book club read something and then discuss it.

Would you discuss what you consider to be an important topic without first looking into it, reading up about, learning about it, getting your facts right?

Now I know that religion is not important to many on these boards but, to a few of us it is and this is the sort of discussion we enjoy and learn from.


~Lynda~ Report 23 Feb 2013 20:43

I don't mind if people C&P stuff, if they understand what it says, it saves them typing it themselves, and iI may learn something I wouldn't of bothered finding.

I also haven't a problem with peoples faiths, I find a lot of religions really interesting. I'm a sitter on the fence person, I'm not sure whether I believe or not, someone once said that isn't possible, well it is, cos that's what I think :-D

If you don't believe, that's fine by me, and if you do believe, that's fine by me also. I just couldn't get hot under the collar if people believe something I don't, after all who REALLY knows ;-)

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 23 Feb 2013 20:43

I dont agree with the cult thing because I dont believe I am brain washed I just believe in God and love Christ. But to answer the OP then no I dont think they should, if they commit themselves to god and become a priest then do just that ,if they dont want to remain single then dont commit yourself to the church and become a priest. I also think its unfair to assume that because a priest is single and unmarried then that is why they devolop an unealthy interest in abusing children, no thats untrue even married men are pedos and so are the priests that abuse children.


Muffyxx Report 23 Feb 2013 20:29

El_Tigre Report 23 Feb 2013 09:48

Personally I couldn't care less. I just think if you join a cult following you should abide by the club rules.
If you find you disagree with the T&C`s, resign and join another social club which has better offerings. Simples aint it.

.........What El Tigre said. :-D


supercrutch Report 23 Feb 2013 20:27

As an atheist I suppose my opinion isn't worth tuppence but you are going to get it anyway :-D

Celibacy, in my view neither enhances nor is a pre-requisite for anyone in any ministry.

What is interpreted from a story book can be skewed to suit one group's argument or any others.

We live in 2013, that has to be taken into account. Individuals are more educated, travelled and enquiring and do not just accept a spoken doctrine as the be all and end all unless they have been brainwashed.

I believe a married priest would have more compassion for his flock, after all he has to demonstrate the same to his wife. He would also have a greater understanding of the trials of modern day marriage and raising of children, understanding fractured families and what they have lost.

That rather than being married to somone he can't see, doesn't have to provide for, doesn't care for or share daily worries with.

If a priest wants to remain celibate, good for him, he wouldn't be on the top of my list as a choice though. Far too detached from real life.


JoyBoroAngel Report 23 Feb 2013 20:26

well said errol (did i just agree with a man) :-D :-D


eRRolSheep Report 23 Feb 2013 20:23

pmsl Ann
I have to agree - this should be discussion rather than copying and pasting reams and reams - I can look that up for myself.

A discussion thread should be just that. By all means read up on Wikipedia etc but don't just quote it. Use it as the basis for intelligent discussion and debate - anyone can cut and paste.

Back to the topic - I think the catholic church would find it exceedingly hard to implement such a fundamental change to its very being.


~Lynda~ Report 23 Feb 2013 20:16

As I'm not a catholic, I don't really mind what they do, but I suppose if you're a catholic priest, you'd join the church knowing you couldn't marry?

My Nan who was a devout catholic, so she said, would of probably had a corony if she thought her priest could marry, she'd of lost a drinking partner if he had :-D

Each faith to it's own :-D


Joy Report 23 Feb 2013 20:09

My answer to the original poster's question: yes, if they wish so to do.

Copies of text from a website can be useful; my thanks to those that contributed such.


JoyBoroAngel Report 23 Feb 2013 20:07

anybody can copy and paste
but its better to have ones own opinion than words of another :-D :-D


AnnCardiff Report 23 Feb 2013 19:51

Did I actually read it Cynthia? no I certainly did not - it's supposed to be a discussion, if people don't use their own words then the discussion is lost - I may on occasion resort to a line or two from Google, but pages of it!!!! never
We are not in school - it's a CHAT board FGS


Wend Report 23 Feb 2013 19:50

Oooh, can I come please Ann ;-)


Cynthia Report 23 Feb 2013 19:48

Did you actually read it Ann?

It was totally in keeping with the essence of this thread and very interesting as well.

On this sort of subject, it's much better to get the facts straight rather than have lots of comments which are based on supposition and guesswork.

If people find this too heavy for them, there are plenty of light-hearted threads to join in. Please allow some of us to have a discussion on something we find really interesting and about which we have some knowledge. Thank you.


GeordiePride Report 23 Feb 2013 19:43

John - Thats me I'm afraid and I'm not marrying you. :-D :-D



Wend Report 23 Feb 2013 19:41

Prince Philip, I think ;-)


JustJohn Report 23 Feb 2013 19:40

GP. Love your Avatar. Very distinguished and good-looking.

Who is it?


AnnCardiff Report 23 Feb 2013 19:38

this is supposed to be a "Chat" board - not a contest to see who can rip off the longest piece of text from Google :-S :-S :-S :-S


SheilaSomerset Report 23 Feb 2013 19:35

Very interseting Joeva, I think all is summed up well in the first two paragraphs!