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Secret life of domestic cats revealed BBC2 9pm

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Merlin Report 14 Jun 2013 13:39

Poison,Some Ratbag Poisened one of our cats with Anti freeze, If I ever get hold of them I,ll give them a Cocktail of it and see how they like dieing in agony. Staffy, If you like your garden (As I do) use a hosepipe or water pistol on the cats, They,ll soon get the message and keep away.**M**.


BarneyKent Report 14 Jun 2013 11:10

Keep going Rollo - prove what you like, or maybe disprove is the correct word, but whatever you say and do, KEEP YOUR BLOODY CAT OUT OF MY GARDEN !


RolloTheRed Report 14 Jun 2013 10:03

A song bird weighs about 150gm. They mostly build their nests in places where cats, average weight 4kg, cannot go because the branches cannot support them. Easily the leading predators of nesting song birds are grey squirrels - who can get to the places that cats cannot - , jays, magpies.

Many bird species will happily turf out the eggs/chicks of a rival in order to take over the nest and female e.g. robins, ducks.

Those to whom their garden is a shirne tend to have a deep hatred of cats and will trot out any amount of untested assertions as a result. The birders are hardly any better.

Gardener's Tip 1: What cat's like is nice soft recently tilled earth such as a seed bed. Once the seedlings have got going and the earth is no longer so soft the attraction goes away. In the meantime just cover the area with plastic netting, quick cheap n ez. This also keeps off the birds who like to eat the young plants.

Gardener's Tip 2: Some cats are very good at catching moles who will destroy any garden or lawn.

Yesterday's Horizon program showed what might have been guessed. Today's well fed moggies are pretty lazy when it comes to hunting.

Poison is a dreadful idea for rodents etc. as other animals that eat the rodents ingest the poison and also die a painful and lingering death. That included one of my cats :-( The Horizon program showed a farmer who had found that cats were easily the best answer to his rodent problems.


LaGooner Report 13 Jun 2013 23:09

These 2 males dare not harass Fuzzy the old lady as she soon puts them in their places. She rules the roost here , even us humans don't mess with her :-D :-D. This Bengal cross is Siamese size too and a lovely boy, so good with the children in the household as is the Abysynian


maggiewinchester Report 13 Jun 2013 22:59

What is it with male cats?
My two males (short haired black moggies) love harrassing Betty (extremely small, with long black & white fur).
George in particular is a pain. Betty will be sleeping - and he'll just jump on her and run off :-|
All 3 are siblings aged 7.


MarieCeleste Report 13 Jun 2013 22:50

I've just got the three now - Suzi the calico cat, she's 15 and just likes peace and quiet.

Eric and Ernie are the two Siamese/Bengal crosses age 5 and they are a right handful. Hobbies are annoying Suzi, playing in their paddling pool (an old recycling box) having water fights, fetching anything you throw and making a lot of noise. They're Siamese shape with Bengal markings.

Ernie likes to go for a little walk on his lead, but Eric's not fussed.

My cats stay in at night (the catflap has a timer control) and don't seem to like being anywhere we aren't.


LaGooner Report 13 Jun 2013 22:36

It was quite entertaining when the cat fight happened. he climbed up on the TV stand and tried to join in. :-D


maggiewinchester Report 13 Jun 2013 22:24

One of mine (Mr Mau) was out.
Betty ocasionally watched.
George was riveted!!

However, when they recorded/played the 'food' purr - they both harrassed me until I fed them!!

Mr Mau is still out.........


LaGooner Report 13 Jun 2013 22:09

We have 4 cats, 1 Black American shorthair the old lady of 16, fenix a very norty torty of 10, Tigger a ginger abysynian of 6 and Chico the cream coloured cross who is 2 in July. Last 2 are owned by my youngets daughter but they are lodging with us at the moment


MarieCeleste Report 13 Jun 2013 22:05

Will have to watch this on Iplayer and, as a responsible cat owner, make up my own mind.

LaGooner - I've got two Siamese/Bengal crosses (brothers).


LaGooner Report 13 Jun 2013 21:32

Loving this and so is our youngest cat a 2 year old Siamese/Bengal cross. He has hardly taken his eyes off the screen :-D


maggiewinchester Report 13 Jun 2013 19:48

I have a giant litter tray in my garden for my cats - a barked area!!!

True, some cats kill some birds - but you'd also be hard pressed to find many live mice or rats in my area :-D
I believe rats predate chicks - killing a whole nest rather than the one fledgling a cat may get.
An awful lot of rodents have ended up on my kitchen floor - well their heads, spine, tail and liver have. :-(

Maybe it's bad for the cats to kill rodents - a good blast of poison to pollute the neighbourhood may be better - that way we can ensure hedgehogs are slowly killed in an agonising manner too!

I also haven't had any crane flies for years - the cats spent 2 springs killing every blooming one that came in the house. I believe that is to the advantage of many a gardener - no more leatherjackets - but no doubt the cats are still a pest.....

I have 3 cats. One tends to go for rodents, one occasionally (about 3 times a year) brings a bird home - and I know this as he insists on plucking his kill on the stairs.

The other cat 'kills' hair ties!
Though she did bring a live dragonfly home in her mouth once.
I knew it was alive as it was facing into her mouth, she had the end of it's tail held in her lips - and the dragonfly was fluttering it's wings - there was an amazing noise coming fron the cat!!
I said 'hello' to the cat, she meowed back at me and the dragonfly flew off.

Mind you, I did find 2 dead birds in the garden last week, one a young pigeon, the other a largish brown thing. Both had fallen from nests, or flown into windows - broken necks .....

When I got home from work, there was a thrush on the garen table.
Slightly concerned in case it had been injured, I went into the garden - and it flew off. So much for opportunist cats..


Annx Report 13 Jun 2013 18:40

Rollo, sadly the birds most cats go for are the fledglings like Staffyknot has just mentioned......they don't stand a chance. A neighbour across the road once told me how lucky I was not to have all the 'gifts' hers brought home. She was really shocked when I told her a lot of her cats' kills didn't make it to her home and were 'enjoyed' on my patio instead.!! So you see owners may have no idea what is being caught.

I have liked some cats in the past as they caused no damage, left the plants alone and didn't toilet in my garden. At a previous house I would have a week's worth of 'coils' to clean up off my heather bed every weekend........saying they bury it is a joke as these were held aloft on the heather plants!! With the diseases, worms and parasites they can carry, it isn't fair that this is dumped on other people's gardens for little children to find. Why can't owners have outdoor litter trays for their cats? I've heard some owners grumble that their cats have 'asked' to be let in only to go and use the litter tray!! Sensible cats I say!!

I think the programme should be interesting for some owners to see just what does go on at night.


BarneyKent Report 13 Jun 2013 17:47

Sorry Rollo, the figure of 50 million is entirely believable. Your cats may not catch birds but most do. Where I live, at the present time not a day goes by without the distress call of a blackbird as one of its fledglings is stalked by a cat. And the evidence is there to see, pitiful traces of feathers are to be seen every morning.

Lets look again at the figures - 10 million cats, half of them have good owners like yourself and their cats don't kill birds, but that leaves 5 million cats which do. If each of these catch one bird a month, then 5 million x 12 = 60 million bird deaths. And that you must agree is an entirely feasible scenario.

I am not talking about the predatory habits of humans, squirrels, mink and coypu, they are separate issues to the one under discussion, cats and their disgusting faeces being deposited in MY garden.

And I ask you again, why should it be ME who has to go to the trouble and expense of trying to keep other people's cats out of my garden?


RolloTheRed Report 13 Jun 2013 17:33

The commonly bandied about figure that cats kill 50 million birds each year is indeed fantasy concocted by the same RSPB which saw to the extermination of the harmless and beautiful ruddy duck.

The Horizon program found that domesticated house cats rarely kill anything while on their nightly prowls let alone birds.

Cats like to bring their prey home for approval, as a gift. "Owners" have a rough idea as to what they catch even if they would rather not know.

Birds are a big ask, they are intelligent, quick and paranoid. Cats can only really go for them when they are old, sick or injured when nature will always soon finish them off anyway.

Some birds also like to eat other birds, their young and eggs. Leaders in this are small falcons, gulls, jays, herons.

A farmer friend in France has a large rambling place with lots of swallows ( hundreds), woodpeckers, harriers, red kite, redstarts etc. One of the cats hates birds, the other doesn't care. In 10 years the bird hating cat managed about 2 or 3 birds each year, the other nil. They did catch a lot of mice, voles and even some moles.

Here in England one of my cats has caught nothing at all in 3 years. The other ( very big, 10kg) in 5 years has caught no birds, but a lot of slow worms, frogs and a toads which he somehow brings in alive and unhurt. I always release them though catching the frogs can be challenging.

The animals which really do threaten our feathered friends are (1) human beings (2) grey squirrels (3) mink (4) coypu. The last two should be exterminated as a matter of urgency. IMHO the GS too.

Human beings are damaging and removing bird habitat wholesale both in cities and the countryside, that is why the numbers of many are crashing, not cats.

The smoky dirty London of my youth was full of birds, cats dogs and horses and interesting people. Now they have all more or less vanished. So in many ways has London - PP and LaGooner will not what I mean. The least likely person you will meet in the Portobello Road is a Londoner. Still I digress.


BarneyKent Report 13 Jun 2013 17:13

Why should I have to go to the expense of buying plants or go to the trouble of spreading pepper all over my garden just because irresponsible cat owners will not keep their pets on their own property?


RolloTheRed Report 13 Jun 2013 17:06

The hi pitched anti-cat sound devices are ILLEGAL for the very good reason that human beings up to the age of 20 can hear them all too well. For babies they create real distress.

Some people have tried using them to make gangs of kids on street corners etc go away, not come in their shop etc. Several court cases established that they are illegal.

If you don't want cats in yr garden there are several plants which they dislike. They also strongly dislike pepper.


BarneyKent Report 13 Jun 2013 16:51

Thank you Jax, I wish other cat owners were as responsible as you. And I agree - pigeons are a serious pest, they are no more than rats with feathers.


jax Report 13 Jun 2013 16:50

I love cats and have one...She does not go out so does not kill birds or poo in anyones garden....I wish something could be done about these pidgeons that seem to live in my garden that make a mess all over my washing and garden furniture.

There was a series on a while ago where they followed cats around a villiage, my cat used to enjoy that and would jump on the TV stand to get a closer look :-D


BarneyKent Report 13 Jun 2013 16:49

I had one a couple of years ago George but after about 6 months the cats must have got used to it - back they came and as I was weeding I got a handful of cat pooh UGH!

What I would like to know is, If I let my dog roam free, to defecate in the street or playing fields without bagging it up, or enter and dig up a neighbour's garden, I would (quite rightly) get prosecuted. Then why is it OK for irresponsible cat owners to be allowed to let their animal roam wherever it likes other people's gardens?