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PatinCyprus Report 7 Jun 2015 12:01

Thank you what you put on the D Day thread from Elizabeth Kandj. That means a lot to OH and myself as we are ex services. :-D <3


PatinCyprus Report 7 Jun 2015 07:41

Morning all. :-)

Today would have been Dizzi's birthday, thoughts with her family and friends. <3 If you see a rainbow you'll know who's painting the town :-D.

Yes Kandj we are great radio listeners. When I watch sports on the TV there's no commentary on as we are listening to a totally different programme on the radio. If you like listening to 40s through to 80s music we have a list of programmes you might like to listen to either live or via catch up. We even listen to 2 brass band programmes, 1 from Yorkshire the other from the west country. If you like rock 'n' roll the best 1 we've found is Bernie Keith on Radio Northampton you could get last night's prog. 6 - 8pm on catch up. I have Classic FM on at the moment, we really do like all sorts of music. :-D

Yes we'll be busy but we really enjoy it. What's better than being out with lovely relatives or friends and having a great time. Just hope OH's back doesn't play up. He's still having a problem but not nearly as much as a couple of weeks ago.

Getting my washing out of the way this morning, 1 lot done the other about to go in.

It's already 24 C so looks like a warmer day. No wind yet shhhhhhhh. May be able to have breakfast outside in a few minutes :-D.

Have a good day all. :-) <3


kandj Report 6 Jun 2015 22:19

Hello All

I also like to listen to the radio Pat, there is a variety and some of my old favourites are still going strong. I find radio much more interesting than most TV programmes imho.

Today has been dry and sunny but really very strong blustery winds. Tomorrow is forecast to be another dry day so perhaps Summer has arrived at last.

Pat, you sound as if you are going to be kept busy but I'm sure you will have fun too.

I hope everyone is well and happy today.


PatinCyprus Report 6 Jun 2015 12:49

Afternoon all. :-)

Just been listening to Finders Keepers on Radio York, boy those 2 guys are plonkers who chase after the treasure. You have to laugh, at least Kay kept her voice this week. Love the treasure seeking programmes. Listen to Radio York Saturdays and Radio Sheffield Sundays live. The others on catch up. We listen to Radio Leicester, West Midlands, Norwich and Lincoln treasure quests. Some places we know but others we don't, it doesn't matter. It's fun trying to unravel the clues and plot the way. For some reason the person in the studio is often someone who doesn't know how to read a map. Before anyone says it, there's only 1 female all the others who have difficulty are men. The 1 from Radio Leicester often says things like turn right onto the red road until the T junction then turn onto the yellow road????????????? They haven't coloured all the roads since we left UK have they? ;-)

Had a great evening yesterday, will be off to the airport tomorrow evening to pick up friends. I am going to cook some coronation chicken in a moment. They are coming in quiet late so I'm making the chicken so according to how hungry they are they've either got the chicken with salad or salad and a jacket potato. It will be about 22.30 when we get back here so it's up to them how much they want to eat at that time of night. They take off just after 15.00 UK time an awkward time for food. They are on Easy Jet so won't be having a meal on board.

It's 25 C again today but the wind is strong again so feels cooler. Kandj when you live out here it's not that hot, you get used to the heat. It normally warms up slowly so that by June it's in the high 20s with a lovely breeze. It's not the same as suddenly coming out from cool temperatures to hot when you're on holiday.

Have a good day all. :-) <3


kandj Report 5 Jun 2015 22:11

Carol, no thunder or lightening here, only big rain clouds that eventually went away.

Pat, 25C is hot for me, I am one of those people who wilt and am happy in the shade.
I hope you enjoyed your meal out with your friends and will sleep soundly tonight.

Solrosen I hope that you are enjoying spending time with your Mum now she is visiting

Have put some weed and feed on both lawns and will need to water them if we have no rain (don't want this to burn the grass). Managed to trim a few hedges and pull up a few more weeds................... no peace for the wicked springs to mind!

Enjoy what's left of the evening folks and I hope you all sleep well tonight.


PatinCyprus Report 5 Jun 2015 21:47

Evening :-)

Been out with friends. It got up to 25 C but that winds still about.

It's late so I'm off to bed. Sleep well all. :-) <3

♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 5 Jun 2015 21:14

Some one was sure shaking the heavens today. Thunder & lightening & a real down pour.



PatinCyprus Report 4 Jun 2015 16:19

Hello everyone,

It's 25 C and very windy. Been out shopping and got blown around, not so cold as it's been but not the lovely breeze we get when it's hot. Just been checking the average temp for now and it should be 28/29 C during June. The night time temp should be 5 C higher than it is. We've still got our thin duvet on. :-( Next week looks like it's perking up. :-)

Have you seen Jem's thread about rugby she's after cheerleaders for Radio Jem. I'm head cheerleader. :-D

Solrosen, have fun with mum. We'll both be busy with visitors. Love have people out here in summer. It's lovely eating outside and chatting into the night. Lovely to be out and not worry about rain and cold (if it ever sorts itself out). Shame your mum arrived in wind and rain, hope it'll get better and behave whilst she's with you.

Kandj, wait until after rain much easier to pull the weeds up. We get weeds when it rains, as we go into summer they all die back except where we water. We have a small garden with trees and shrubs that do well with little water so during summer there's very few weeds.

Wonder what to do for dinner? I'll go and see what OH fancies for dinner, he's talking to Mozart next door's cat at the moment. Mozart answers you back, he trots in chatting away and when you talk to him and he answers you. OH is on the back patio near the kitchen, Mozart is very likely sat by the patio door so OH can't get into the kitchen without getting past him. There's nothing for him here tonight so he'll have to go home for food. :-)

Have a good evening all. :-) <3


Solrosen Report 4 Jun 2015 15:04

Hello everybody...

I'm sorry that I am not a consistant contributer at the moment but having just got back from holiday, I'm a little busy bee. My Mum arrived a couple of days ago and will be staying with us for a month+

The day of her arrival was a terrible day, weatherwise.... pouring down all day. When we went to the airport we had to take a plastic poncho to cover both her and the wheelchair... I tucked it in as best I could because it was also very windy... and then we got outside and she immediately 'blew up' like a balloon. We might have all had a good chuckle if we hadn't been wet through ;-)

Today is a lovely sunny day but very breezy - forecast gives a good day on Saturday... I'll keep you posted ;-) ;-)

D <3


kandj Report 4 Jun 2015 14:17

Hello All

It is a sunny day.............. a real change, I thought that Summer had arrived but it's forecast to rain tomorrow!

Plan to go out in the garden later and attack the weeds in the borders. It's never ending and I think the weeds are winning the battle.... hey ho.

I hope everyone else is out and about and enjoying a happy day today.


kandj Report 3 Jun 2015 22:13

Thank you Patrick.. i agree with Pat and also thank you for keeping us all updated. Very many will uphold you and all Dizzi's family and friends at 12noon on the 19th.

A much calmer day here today. No strong gale force winds and No rain either but still quite cool despite the sun trying to get through a very cloudy sky..... still I'm not grumbling at all.

You will be very busy Pat out and about and entertaining your family and friends for a few months to come. It sounds hectic but it also sounds a fun time ahead for you all.

I was wanting to get some more gardening done this afternoon but never got on with it. Cleared out a wardrobe instead. Now there is less clutter and 3 bags of clothes to take to the charity shop in the morning..... it feels good to be all tidy again.

I hope everyone sleeps well tonight. xxx


PatinCyprus Report 3 Jun 2015 10:32

Morning all :-)

Thank you Patrick, it's very thoughtful of you keeping us updated. I'll be thinking of you all on the 19th.

Well the summer onslaught is going to happen soon. 2 couples already here, next ones here on Sunday and staying for a few days. Another couple next week who will be staying at a friends house to help look after the dogs. At least another 4 people here in July and now son talking about July. Daughter has said she's thinking about coming in October. Well that's June, July, August, September and perhaps October sorted. By sorted I mean a blur. :-D By the way I don't drink so the blur is usually trying to sort out the diary and getting to see everyone. I should start to count the number of meals out. ;-)

A little warmer today at 24 C but very windy again. I want to get in the sea, haven't got in there this year yet. :-( Like walking in the sea, it's good for me as walking around here is difficult or dangerous as there's either no footpath or if there's footpaths they are very uneven. :-(

Daughter on her way to the airport, she'll be back in UK just after 5 pm so she'll be home before 7 pm. She has really enjoyed her few days away.

Hope you all have a good day :-) <3


PatrickM Report 2 Jun 2015 23:48

I heard from the family this evening.

The funeral is to be held at 12 Noon on Friday the 19th June 2015
South West Middlesex Crematorium.
Hounslow Road,
TW13 5JH

The family have said anyone who knew 'Our Dizz', would like to and is able to come is very welcome.


kandj Report 2 Jun 2015 16:10

Thank you Patrick for sharing this news.
It is sad and upsetting for all who followed Dizzi on Genes Reunited threads, but her sudden death must be distressing beyond belief for her family and close friends. Ongoing support in thought and prayer to Dizzi's close family right now.

(((hugs))) for Carol. Stay strong. xx

Solrosen, I hope that you have sorted through all the washing/ironing now and that you will enjoy the visit from your Mum.

Pat, You sound as if you are going to be busy now. Enjoy being out with your friends.

It is blowing a gale here today. I was silly to put washing on the line first thing, as it has either twisted around the clothesline or pulled out the pegs and blown off the line. I have "lost" a tee-shirt and a tea towel??? If you find these items can you give them back please!!

Enjoy whatever you have planned for the rest of today.


PatinCyprus Report 2 Jun 2015 09:42

Bonjour à tous, :-)

Thank you Patrick for letting us know about the PM. Glad she doesn't seemed to have suffered. Hope her family get some comfort from that.

Kandj, I don't really want the practise :-D. Tried to learn a little Greek here but they all speak English back to you. Our solicitor told us not to bother learning Greek, her actual words were - don't waste your time, do something else like learn to dance. If they want your money they'll speak English. :-)

Solrosen, welcome back. Glad you enjoyed yourself. I have ironing to do today and finish the spring cleaning upstairs. We have friends arriving on Sunday so getting it all done before they arrive as we go out a lot with them. We also have friends arriving today who have their own apartment in Limassol so we'll be out with them. I foresee a busy time :-D

Jem, I'm so sorry about your father. I have to be thankful because I had 32 years with mine and he knew my children. My son cherishes a book of my father's, he asked my mother for it after dad's death and one he got about the building of spitfires at Castle Bromwich which is where my father was during the war. It was my mother who was in the army, ATS in Nottingham, rewiring the damaged tanks. The army taught her to be an electrician, any electrical problem at home mum dealt with. I knew how to wire up a plug and about fuses from quite a young age. :-) Didn't realise for many years that I belonged to a very odd family for the time. Mum did the electrics, dad was a hands on father and helped with housework and was the better cook so cooked Sunday dinner every week. Their rolls weren't defined by the time so I grew up thinking I could do whatever I wanted and went into science, at the time very male dominated. Perhaps this is why I have a son who is a chef and a daughter who is a civil engineer. Dad was a new man before the term was thought of. :-) I have his love of sport, both playing and watching, we went to Walsall and Aston Villa watching the football. We often had discussions re sport much to the bewilderment of mum and my sister. :-)

Have a good day all :-) <3


Solrosen Report 2 Jun 2015 07:50

Good Morning Everyone :-)

Arrived back home yesterday... early hours... had a lovely time although the weather was unbelievably changeable. One day I was outside sunning myself and next day I had to buy an umbrella while I was shopping, it was so bad.
We did have a good time though.. the grandies had a good time at the beach and also exploring the countryside. Me and DH had a nice rest also.

Managed to get all the washing done yesterday... yet m-o-r-e ironing :-(

My Mum arrives here again so I have to get going... have a good day, everyone :-) <3

<3 <3 <3 <3

♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 1 Jun 2015 22:17

Thank you For update.

Explains the breathlessness



PatrickM Report 1 Jun 2015 21:45

Update on 'Our Dizz'

The coroner has been in touch with the family today, 1st June.

Sadly Dizzi had a heart attack.
There was no indication that Dizzi would have known or have been in any pain when it happened.

A small comfort to know that she didn't suffer.

Miss you Dizz <3 <3 <3 <3


kandj Report 1 Jun 2015 16:32

I'm sure that this will be a very long day for Dizzi's family. (((hugs))) to them all.

Jem. Your cakes sound delicious! Your Grandson is sure to make short work of them.

Pat, sera la bonne pratique pour vous.. from one rusty French speaker to another!!!!

It has become very cold now... just turned the heating on to warm up these old bones lol


JemimaFawr Report 1 Jun 2015 14:58

Good Afternoon Roll Callers :-) :-) <3

Thinking of Dizzi's Family and Friends today <3

Well, we have rain and gale force winds here in South West Wales today! Typical when I have a backlog of washing! Having said that, I wash and iron most days!:-D

Hi Kandj
You are right about the memories. As time goes by the sadness is eased by remembering the good times :-)

Hi Pat
It is very sad that the children did not get to know your Dad properly, and for him to see how well they have grown into adults.
My Dad died at 53 in a fire at our home. I was only 18 at the time, and it was hard as he'd brought me up as a single parent.
I used to wish often, when my daughter was born in 1980, that he would have been able to see her.

I have a very naughty mouse too :-| :-D
It is very hyperactive and posts in duplicate, even triplicate at times. I click off a tab and it shuts 3 of them down. I scroll down and it clicks the internet off!
Highlighting to C&P, or drag, is difficult. It is not willing to do that much :-D :-D :-D :-D
Then it highlights when I don't want it too! :-|
I must get another one soon!:-D

It's Grandson 1's 16th Birthday today. He's not doing much today as he had to sit a GCSE this morning and has one tomorrow and Wednesday.
He is going out for a meal with his friends on Wednesday night.

I have made him a cake. I couldn't make my mind up which to do, so I made a big Vanilla Sandwich cake (2 round tins) and cut each in half to make 2 cakes, which was good cos, each cake is now a D shape- his initial!:-D :-D

The one half has Chocolate Buttercream in the filling covered in Melted milk chocolate with flake crumbled into that and his name in Smarties on it.

The other half is filled with jam and has unflavoured buttercream on the top with his initials in White Chocolate Buttons :-D :-D :-D

I hope you will all have a good day
Love Jem <3