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kandj Report 31 Jul 2015 09:24

Morning all...... a very SUNNY morning no less.

Thanks Pat, Mr Sunshine has indeed arrived here this morning and it's LOVELY!

Nice to have you back Jem. I can't seem to do emicons but will give ((((hugs)))).

Will be back later, and hope everyone is blessed with sunshine (courtesy of Pat).


PatinCyprus Report 31 Jul 2015 07:23

Morning all. :-)

Just a quick hello. Off to Paphos this morning to see ex neighbours. Out this evening. Friends that are staying are now meeting and saying goodbye to people in the evenings. :-(

DNA results starting to come in and you'll never guess - my maternal line is identical to my daughter's :-D, well proves I'm her mother. I have less Neanderthal in me, average is 2.7%, daughter 3.3% me 3.1%. It'll take a few days for it all to come through.

My certs arrived, I believe I've uncovered a bigamist as 1st husband seems to be alive when she remarries. Married at 18, marries again at 23 but states she's 20 and she then disappears as I can't trace her and new husband. May have emigrated. Will now go all out to find them.

Have a good day all. :-) <3


JemimaFawr Report 30 Jul 2015 22:54

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to Kandj <3 and Pat <3

I'll try to pop in tomorrow :-)


kandj Report 30 Jul 2015 22:46

Hello All

Pat, I've read your posting and it made me feel tired just knowing all that you have got planned........ you certainly have got a lot of energy. Enjoy it all. Hope it all works well. Nice to know your daughter and son will be out visiting later in year.

26 degrees sounds good Pat. We have had usual heavy rain and chilly day again.

I watched a near neighbour fitting a weather vane today which is easily seen from our kitchen window. Now I only need to work out when it is going to be dry and can put the washing on the clothes line without worrying it might get wet.

We haven't seen any sight of the new people who have bought the bungalow in the road. They are sure to show soon and we will all be happy to make them welcome.

(((hugs))) for Jem. Have a good day tomorrow everyone.


PatinCyprus Report 30 Jul 2015 07:09

Morning all :-)

A quiet few minutes, I'm the only 1 up.

Kandj we have our friends stopping with us prior to going back home on Monday. We all went to the club for Chinese and saw other friends there. Only the 4 of us went out to a taverna last night. Tonight we're going to another taverna and the four of us are meeting friends there. Then if OH's back is ok we're going up the club for karaoke night as it's such fun. They have some good singers amongst the ex pats. OH is taking it easy during the day so he can enjoy the evenings.

Our ex next door neighbours arrived in Paphos last night. We're going to see them tomorrow morning and arrange an evening out with them. Paphos is about 45 mins drive. It's mainly on the motorway and even at busy times there isn't that much traffic on there.

Tomorrow night we are out with different friends. They have their son in law here with grandchildren. He's escorted the children out and staying a few days. We are getting together for a meal as they want to say goodbye to the people staying with us. Their grandchildren are staying most of the summer hols then their daughter is flying out for a few days and escorting the children back.

Our daughter has told me about the weekend and has confirmed she will be coming out here in October with our son. :-D She'll organise him. She is 4 years younger than him and he hasn't won an argument with her since she was 5. :-D She started telling him off when she was 3 when yet again he cut the corner on the way to school and went across the grass with a keep off sign. Before I could yet again reprimand him she chimed up with "How many times do you have to be told to keep off that grass." Had great difficulty keeping a straight face to tell him off.

Must tell you how she got revenge for him tormenting her. She was 18 months old and he was being cheeky to her, nothing nasty just moving her toys and hiding what she was playing with. He was never nasty to her it was always in fun. He however thought it was funny to keep on doing it. I told him that she'd get her own back 1 day and he should stop as it was now irritating her. One evening we were all in the sitting room having a cup of tea and watching TV. OH and myself were sat on chairs with the coffee table in front of us. Son was sat on the floor watching TV and daughter was wandering around the room. She walked up to the coffee table and picked up a large mug, nothing unusual as she liked draining them, she loved tea. This time she turned and walked over to her brother lifted the mug and swung the mug in a deliberate act right across the back of her brother's head. She really hurt him and he was shocked that she could do that. We had such a hard time keeping a straight face as we told her off. He didn't move her toys again very likely worried what she would do next time. :-D

We are out Sunday up the club and it's the last night for our friends staying here so we'll have a get together with anyone who wants to come. Monday evening it's off to Paphos airport to get them there around 7 pm. Will try to get that the evening we go out for a meal with ex neighbours. We can drop 1 lot off and go 10 mins down the road and be at 2nd lots hotel. :-)

Jem hope all was ok with your check up. High kicks are very easy when you are semi prone on a settee ;-) Think I'll practise 2 kicks a day to get me fit for September, don't want to over do it. :-S

Have a good day all. Hope you get better weather today. It's 26 C and no sun as it's very cloudy which is strange for this time of the year. I'll try sending some warmth to you. I'll ask Mr Sun if I see him to hook himself onto a UK bound flight so he can shine for you. :-D

:-) <3


kandj Report 29 Jul 2015 22:54

Hello All

Been having a clear the clutter day today. Two bin bags are in the car boot to drop off at the charity shop tomorrow. It is a good feeling to have some space, but won't last very long.

Pat, that is sure to have been such a traumatic funeral service for John's family and friends. You never think to go on holiday and have a terrorist shoot innocent people.

I hope you enjoyed your Chinese meal. Did you meet your friends at the club?
It's been quite cool today. I have had the central heating on twice already this week. I have to keep reminding myself that it's meant to be the middle of Summer.

Jem, I hope that you are feeling alright after the pre-op assessment. Is grandson 1 home yet after camping out with friends? Is your granddaughter behaving better?

Have a good evening and wishing everyone a happy day for tomorrow.


PatinCyprus Report 28 Jul 2015 13:47

Afternoon all. :-)

Have a few minutes before I have to go out.

Just been ironing so am having a drink before climbing into the shower. It's 34 C today, visitors are on the beach near here whilst I catch up. Having hair cut in an hour. Went out last night another great meal. It's a Chinese tonight up the club.

John's funeral yesterday, people were asked to wear pink. Guard of honour from 2 Para his old regiment. Will get more details soon as my ex next door neighbours fly into Paphos tomorrow.

Kandj I've only had cramp twice and that was a couple of years back when I had a severe chest infection and needed 2 courses of strong antibiotics. During the second course I got the cramp 2 nights running,a known side effect of this tablet. OH does have problems so eats half a banana with his breakfast so I finish it off as it wouldn't last long out here. We have to keep the bananas in the fridge anyway as they go over so fast in the heat. OH's back is being rested during the afternoons so he can cope with the seats - well that's what he tells me ;-)

No DNA results yet. Getting excited though as I know it's close.

Jem hope all went OK today, let us know. I've had those pre op tests, if you're ill why do they test you to see if you're fit :-D :-S

Hope you all have a good evening and night and the weather picks up for you and Mr Murphy's left you Kandj............. :-) <3


kandj Report 28 Jul 2015 13:13

Good afternoon all

Weather not sure what to do today. Just seen a break in the cloud and it's stopped raining, so I have just pegged the washing out (it's bound to rain again now methinks).

Jem, thinking of you and hope all went well for your pre-op assessment this morning.
I also hope that grandson 1 and pals survived the windy weather in their tent last night

Pat, Has the DNA result arrived for yourself and your husband yet? I hope there are not too many surprises in the reports. Enjoy your high temperatures and being out and about with your visitors. Hope hubby back is holding up with seatings.

I hope all who look in will have a good day today.


kandj Report 27 Jul 2015 22:35

Hello All

Rained during the night and has continued for most of today. Doesn't feel like July, more like Autumn in fact the tree at the top of the road has lost some leaves which have blown down and into our drive....... it's far too early, so what is all that about??

Jem. no more night cramps (yet) sshhh, don't lets temp fate! Murphy's Law seems to be following me around just lately.

I hope all goes as planned for your pre-op tests and that it will be straight forward.

Your grandson and friends will enjoy the camping and not worry about the bad weather. I'd hate it and my old bones couldn't cope with roughing it but the youngsters will have the time of their lives whilst you keep awake worrying lol.

Pat, I hope you and your friends are out and about having fun in the 30degree temp
Can you send a little warmth over here please? I had the heating on last night and have just clicked it back on again now as we both feel chilly (old bones ha ha).

Hope everyone has a good nights rest and enjoy whatever is planned for tomorrow.


JemimaFawr Report 27 Jul 2015 17:33

Good Afternoon Roll Callers :-) :-) <3

Well, we have had awful weather here for the last few days. Torrential rain and strong winds.

Grandson 1 and friends have gone on another camping expedition IN THIS! A different camp site this time. His stepfather took him today at midday, and will no doubt have erected the tent for them.
It's giving 40 mph winds tonight! :-0 :-0
I hope the tent stays put, because I will not be fetching him in the middle of the night!

I will be going to the hospital tomorrow first thing for my Pre-op Assessment.
They will be testing among other things for suitability for the anaesthetic.
Then they will send me the appointment for the biopsy/ op.

I have been "Tresearching" again the last week, since I took out my £1 Month Membership to Ancestry.
Tresearching was a term I came up with accidentally when my finger hit the T and the R button at the same time when typing in Researching. Apt I thought!!!!:-D :-D

I have had lots of what they call "hints", which have helped fill out some info and in some cases another generation back.
However, most of the actual records were either unavailable or just transcription, whereas I GOT THE RECORDS (including a lot of ORIGINAL records) ON GR :-D :-D
I don't know why some members run it down so much! :-S :-S

I have spent most of the time putting information on members' Public Trees, with c&p'd record transcriptions to back my information up!
I have also re-contacted a distant cousin on there. She's not on GR any more, and is gradually copying her tree out from Ancestry to FamilySearch, which is a free site.

Ooooooooooo!!! :-D :-D :-D
I now have a mental image of you with your high kicks and pompoms :-D :-D
I'm just hoping I don't get my op appointment for during the Rugby World Cup. I shall not be at all amused :-| :-| :-|

Do you know, I said exactly the same thing to OH the other day, about the nights drawing in already! :-0 :-0 :-0
It doesn't seem possible does it!
I hope we get some good weather for a while to build us up before winter sets in again!

I hope you don't get any more cramp for a while, it's really awful.

~~~~~~~~ to Prickles <3

~~~~~~ to all looking in on Dizzi's Roll Call :-)

Love Jem <3


kandj Report 26 Jul 2015 21:52

Hello all

I spoke too soon because it rained through the night and has rained heavily all today. Murphy's Law following me around again methinks! The positive side is that its saved me from having to water the gardens, so a job less for me to do today.

Pat, I hadn't realized that so many folk suffered with cramp in the legs during the night. Seems to be another "joy" of getting older NOT!! A friend buys quinine tablets from the village chemist for his cramp and finds ti helps a lot. I'll just keep drinking water and eating the banana..... good job I like fresh fruit.

I have some powder in the garage to sprinkle inside the dustbin. it is the granules instead of the liquid form of Jey*s Fluid. I had forgotten all about that, so will use it and hope it will keep the wriggly maggots from returning again.

I hope Jem and PH and others will have a good day tomorrow.


PatinCyprus Report 26 Jul 2015 21:02

Evening all :-)

Kandj the reason I have my banana at lunch is so if I forget I've plenty of time to have it later. :-D Quinine is good against malaria think it puts the mosquitos off. Never heard about quinine and cramp.

I don't like either gin or tonic. I've never been a drinker and the doc at the sleep clinic advised I don't have alcohol. That was the end of my shandy in the evening after we came back from our outings. OH drives there I always drive back.

Was stopped recently by the cops as they were doing a check on drivers in the evening to check for drunk drivers. I had to open the door so the cops could get close and 1 asked what I'd been drinking, I said water and he looked at OH and said "now I know why she's driving". He laughed and walked away. About a mile nearer our house and a week later we were stopped again and again 2 cops walk towards the car, I open the door and see the previous week's cop and he said something to his mate and they just waved us on. Pays not to drink. :-D

Sounds like there's lots of rain in UK today. We had 31 C with strong winds.

This week I should have birth/marriage and death certs arrive, hope all my questions are answered.

Friends arrive to stay tomorrow, they are coming back from Paphos until next Monday when they return to UK. They have been here since June.

Have a good evening all and a peaceful night. :-) <3


kandj Report 25 Jul 2015 22:26

Hello All

Still no rain today although big black clouds one minute and then blue sky and white fluffy clouds next but no rain and I'm still being good and watering the front and back gardens as I don't want to lose the plants I have grown from seeds earlier this year.
Both lawns are looking like a good soaking is needed and it has been forecast rain for tomorrow so will have to wait and see what happens then.

Pat I forgot to eat the banana today and don't fancy eating one now. I don't often get night cramp but when I do then its not good at all and I'm even limping the day after. My neighbour tells me she drinks tonic water (with quinine) to keep her night cramp away. She drinks gin too. I could buy the tonic water but not gin as teetotal.

Jem, are you out and about with your camera and taking lots of lovely photos today?

The nights seem to be drawing in already which is a bit of a shock. I don't mind the darker nights, but I'm not ready to even think about them while it is still July!!

I hope everyone is well and will have a good night and even better day tomorrow.


PatinCyprus Report 25 Jul 2015 21:24

Evening all :-)

Temperature just over 30 C earlier but it's been cloudy and humid.

Had a meal here tonight for a change. Had 1 of my concoctions as I call them. Just look to see what I've got and put them together. I baked some white fish with garlic, cheese and bacon and served it with salad. OH loved it, may do that 1 again. :-D

I have my half banana at lunch Kandj. You hit the nail on the head, daughter will tell us all about it. Son doesn't contact us very often but then suddenly he's on Skype and chats for 3 hrs, all or nothing.

We used to get some powder from the supermarket that keeps flies away from bins. Trouble is I can't remember what it was called. Did you get your garden watered by the rain?

Are you having fun with the grandchildren Jem? Was listening to Radio Wales this afternoon with their treasure hunt. It appears it's a summer filler for the winter sports slot. Next week is the last week. Must be to make way for Radio Jem. Been practicing with my virtual pompoms and I've found I can do the high kicks quite easily as I sit on the sofa. :-D

Have a good evening all :-) <3


kandj Report 24 Jul 2015 23:16

Hello All

NO rain here today...... how good is that?? We have seen from the weather TV broadcast that other folk have had rain for much of today but thankfully none for us (in Yorkshire) although hubby says that rain is forecast here for the weekend. Hey ho, the good thing is that it will save me my usual job of having to water the two lawns and borders and all tubs,so a mixed blessing I suppose.

Jem, you obviously have a real gift for photography. Well done to you!
I am from the old school of 'point and click' camera shoots and manage mainly to chop people's heads off when I do take family photographs, not good at all really!

Thankfully no more maggots in the dustbin but as it was only emptied yesterday I am keeping my eye on it and still double bagging as I usually do. Not a nice experience at all and certainly not one that I would wish to repeat again soon.

Pat, I am munching on a banana as I am typing this message right now and have a glass of water handy to drink before I go to bed. I don't often get the leg cramps and hope I won't be bothered again by them as they are just too painful to bear.

I am sure that your son will be pleasantly surprised when he has his sister visiting.
Will your son tell you about it or will he leave it to his sister to fill you in with the news
We have no sons, but experience with our son in law and grandson tell us than men don't communicate very much. Our daughter and granddaughter are very different.

It is well past my bedtime, so I'm off now but I hope whatever weather comes your way tomorrow.... rain or shine... that everyone will have a really happy day.


PatinCyprus Report 24 Jul 2015 18:57

Evening all :-)

Well done Jem. I haven't got a camera now but used to take lots of photos. Had to laugh, went to a wedding with an expensive photographer taking the photos. Our daughter was bridesmaid and whilst bride and groom were having snaps taken of just the 2 of them our 3 yr old fell and sat down amongst the plants and flowers planted at the side of the grass that was used for the wedding photos. I took a couple of photos of her sat there and they were the best photos of the whole wedding, had to get several copies as people wanted a copy when they saw them.

You keep taking them Jem, you just may have "the eye" for taking good pictures.

Kandj hope your leg is better and no more cramps.

Went out last night, just the 2 of us, a quick meal we thought, got back at 1 am, got hijacked. OH has also promised to do a cd of classical relaxing music for someone by Sunday. Did go out for a quick meal this evening. OH fancied a Chinese so went to a Chinese buffet. We ate and left as OH's back was sore after last night. My steak last night was lovely.

The weather is so odd at the moment, didn't get out of the high 20s, what's going on. I see it's raining in several places in UK as most of the T 20s have been abandoned.

Daughter on her way to friend's birthday in Belfast where her brother is working, at the moment he has no idea she's also been invited to the birthday bash. :-D Will hear all about it in a couple of days.

Hope you all have a good evening and night. Keep dry. :-) <3


JemimaFawr Report 24 Jul 2015 10:53

Good Morning Roll Callers :-) :-) <3

Just popping in quickly to wish you all a good day :-)

It's wet and miserable here today, so washing on the radiators yet again! :-|

Kandj, maggots.. yuck! It's awful when they get into the bin isn't it!

My husband bought me the camera as an anniversary surprise 18 months ago, so I could take photos of the children and upload to the computer.

It is quite a good one (I don't want to sound ungrateful) but because I'm long-sighted, I needed one with an eye viewer and not a screen, as it means on and off with reading glasses all the time.
Off to look at what I'm taking, on to look at the screen etc. Also when it's sunny I am "pressing and guessing" as you cannot see the screen only the reflection of yourself and what is behind you.

I have always taken photos on holidays and days out etc, for a remembrance really.
Mike on the quizzes takes brilliant photos, and I think that made me think of taking it up as a bit of a hobby.

Off to get on with some work! :-D :-D

~~~~~~~~~~~ to Pat :-)

Love Jem <3 :-)


kandj Report 23 Jul 2015 22:47

Hello All

Not the best of starts for me this morning. I discovered maggots in the dustbin.YUK.
I needed to take the bags out and hose the inside and outside of the dustbin and use bleach to get rid of the maggots and the awful smell. I double bagged everything and the dustbin men arrived shortly afterwards. I then hosed in and out of the dustbin again and used more bleach. Now it is all clean but I felt itchy and dirty afterwards!

Pat, I remember about eating a banana and drinking more water to stop nightcramp.
It is the most excruciating pain and frightening to be woken up from a deep sleep.

I also have experience of an earthquake Pat. I was working 7 stories high and I sttod up and walked across the office and the floor moved like I was on a ship in a rough storm... it was really weird and only lasted a few seconds. I thought that I was having some sort of weird spell, but others were experiencing the very same as I was. It was only when I went home from work and saw on the local TV news that our town had experienced an earthquake measuring 6 on the Ricta scale!!!!

Jem, you are a clever girl to have your photograph chosen in that way. Do you have an expensive camera and is photography a hobby of yours? Well done!

The man who died in the railway incident was very young. What a tragic loss of life and how hard it will be for his family and friends to come to terms with this shocking death. I feel sorry for his parents and family and also for the train driver and railway workers who have been affected by such an horrific incident. So very, very sad.

It's bedtime now, so I hope everyone will sleep well tonight (including me).
I hope tomorrow will be a good day for all roll callers looking in here just now.


JemimaFawr Report 23 Jul 2015 10:16

Good Morning Roll Callers :-) :-)<3

Well, I have had "Pic Of The Week" in my local newspaper again! :-D :-D :-D
It's the one of "The Square" in my childhood village. I think I posted the link to it.

The latest news about the fatality on the railway line.
It was not the train that we saw on stop, but one coming from the opposite way. It was a 34 year old man that had been hit and killed, and it was on the level crossing to the caravan park about a mile away. He must have been on holiday there, as he was from Merthyr Tydfil.
Very sad for all concerned :-(

I was very busy on my tree using both GR and Ancestry all day Tuesday until late in the night, so it was cleaning all day yesterday for shame sake! :-| :-| :-D :-D
But I was back on it again last night! :-0 :-0 :-0 :-D

I want to clear out drawers and cupboards today.

I'm sorry to hear that you suffer from cramp, particularly at night. I do too, and the last couple of years the type of cramp changed to both legs going into complete spasm going on for quite a long time.
The GP sent me for an MRI scan and I have a protruding disc in my back which presses the nerve, so it could be that with me.

Pat is right about bananas. Also drinking a glass of water (some say a pint) before bed. You would have to balance the problem out with any possible resulting trips to the loo however!

Glad you had a good night out. How is OH's back now?
It's good that there were no injuries or damage because of the earthquake.
Thanks for the link for the DNA Testing website, I shall check it out :-)

I wonder if we may be related then Pat?!:-D
My Great Aunt told me about 12 years ago that we are related to David Lloyd George. She said that her mother had warned her never to tell anyone because "he is an immoral man!" :-D :-D

I wasn't doing genealogy then, as I didn't even know how to put a computer on!
It was after I learned the basics in my Grandson's Primary School and his Mum gave him her old PC for his schoolwork that I started GR.

I know that we haven't descended from Lloyd George as he was contemporary with my Great Grandmother. It will be through his father's Pembrokeshire roots, but that is notoriously difficult. I assumed it was through GEORGE, as there were many George families where my G. Grandparents lived. But I have since found a LLOYD on my tree. It was a while ago, so I will have to investigate that again when I have time.

Prickles <3

~~~~~~~ to all looking on on Dizzi's Roll Call :-) :-) :-)

Love Jem <3


PatinCyprus Report 22 Jul 2015 21:11

Evening all :-)

Had a lovely meal last night. It's now quiet with no one about. Won't last though. Went shopping this afternoon, if you go mid afternoon there's very few people about. It was 33 C today.

When we were up the club I put my drink down and lay my arms down on the table. I felt a faint shudder, it was only when we got home I found out it was an earthquake. It wasn't a big one although it was quite close. No damage or injuries.

Quite night in tonight. May go out tomorrow night if OH's back is ok. We'll see tomorrow afternoon .

Glad you had a better night Kandj. Bananas are good for cramp. OH has half a banana on his breakfast every morning and I have the other half as part of my lunch. Hope your leg is ok tomorrow. As for your washing I think it comes under this

Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. :-S

You wouldn't be the only one caught out today.

Hope you all have a good evening and night. Night and bless :-) <3