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Cash does anyone still use it?

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Von Report 13 Jan 2018 12:01

Sue - I'm very lucky all the shops in my village take a card including the cafe ;-) ;-) ;-)

So I have a choice shop locally which we do every day or elsewhere when needed.

Edit - to say at the moment we have a butchers and small supermarkets selling fresh veg but the coffee shops are slowly increasing. :-(


supercrutch Report 13 Jan 2018 11:51

Thanks for all your replies, they are very interesting.

It reads as though the older generation prefers cash, I'm past my mid 60s so I guess I qualify but seem to be in the minority.

All my accounts are held on a programme so I update those ledgers whenever we use a card. The DDs and SOs are programmed to be deducted automatically on the due date. The benefit of that is I can break down the purchases into every category.

Living where we do probably makes a difference to our spending pattern. We have to travel to shop and we also do online shopping when we make a big order which includes heavy 1tr bottles of water, detergents etc., I tend to bulk buy toilet tissue, kitchen rolls, facial tissues etc., we wouldn't be able to fit those in a trolley!

I would like to support the local shop more BUT due to my health I eat fresh everything and they just cannot stock the produce.



BrendafromWales Report 13 Jan 2018 11:48

I use my contactless mainly for shopping.
I use cash when I go out socially for drinks,either coffee at the meeting I go to every week or the club I go to.

I do use a lot of my cash to give my vast amount of grandchildren and my 12 greats..
Don’t know what to buy ,and they don’t live near so they can buy what they want.
Costs me a fortune,especially at Christmas!


Von Report 13 Jan 2018 11:34

Kense you are correct. You need a card of some sort.

Living in London I rarely need cash and wouldn't dream of carrying cash for safety reasons other than a few coins.
If a card is stolen you have a chance of getting your money back but stolen cash is gone for good.

As for keeping money in the house . Wouldn't dream of doing that either - too risky. :-0 :-0 :-0


Kense Report 13 Jan 2018 11:11

I don't think you can pay by cash on London buses these days.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 13 Jan 2018 11:05

thanks Kath

the problem i have with cheques is that some days I have problems writing as i have arthritis in some of the finger knuckles

I know from working locally till i retired, running the accounts dept of a marina and building company that the bank charges were then quite high on cheques
customers were encouraged to use cards as much as possible

i didnt handle cash but i do know recall the bank did charge
it was long time ago as i retired in 1998!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Jan 2018 10:55

Coincidentally, as from today, retailers are no longer allowed to add an extra 2.5% or fee if you pay by card.

From experience, this tends to happen with online transactions rather than in-store.

We’re due to pay the balance for a holiday within the next few days. As we’d use a CC to offer greater protection if the company folds, it’ll be interesting to see if the surcharge had been removed. They might relabel it as a booking fee!


KathleenBell Report 13 Jan 2018 10:37


You say....."I know that businesses pay bank charges on cheque transactions so I pay cash".

My son runs his own small business and yes he does pay bank charges to pay in cheques, but he pays even higher charges for paying in cash. It's always worth asking small businesses which they prefer.

Kath. x


Florence61 Report 13 Jan 2018 10:33

Well as an ex bank employee, I am still old school..

I have been writing all my purchases in a cash book for years and still do. All my expenditure including standing orders, direct debits etc.I then balance it against my statement.

I do use my debit card in the local supermarket for weekly shops(not contactless as over £30)but for coffees, lunch, newspapers etc I use cash. I draw out £50 per week as there are some places here that wont accept cards for less than £10 as they get charged more.

My mum still draws out all her pension every week and divides it between lots of jars for all her expenses. When the direct debits are due, she pays the money back in!! Cant change her as she enjoys doing her business this way. She has a debit card to keep the peace but has never used it!

in the hebrides :-)


LindainHerriotCountry Report 13 Jan 2018 09:51

I still use a lot of cash. Not that I am a technophobe, far from it. I do online banking and buy lots of stuff online. I use my contactless card in shops and supermarkets etc.
I live in a small market town and use many of the local shops, some don’t take cards, nor do the market stalls where I buy my local grown veg.

I could use my card in some of the independent shops such as the butchers where I buy my meat, but I choose not to because it costs them money if I do.

I always use a credit card rather than a debit card.. It is a Tesco one as they are our only large supermarket and garage, so I do most of my grocery shopping there.. It is set up so the bank automatically pays off the whole amount at the end of the month, so I never pay charges. It doesn’t matter to me what the interest rate on the card is as we never pay any. I have the Tesco card rather than one issued by my bank because I earn lots of I money vouchers. I don’t use them as cash in the store as you mainly get face value, but I use them through their rewards scheme where you can get three times face value.

Ann, we like to keep an eye on things as well, but we use a spread sheet on the computer. We have a sheet for every month. The standing orders are taken off automatically, then we enter in any card purchases, or cash withdrawals. OH checks the bank account and credit card statements against it, just in case, but thankfully it is always fine


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2018 09:33

We use cash, we draw a weekly amount that is used for coffees out, small purchases like newspapers etc. Groceries are on the credit card, have only used contactless once but I note all CC purchases in my accounts book. (I am old fashioned I like to see in writing what we spend) I balance this book against the bank on line statement. We do have contactless debit cards. Not sure I trust them yet. It works for us and 'if it aint broke'!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 13 Jan 2018 08:42

I use a card for most grocery shopping , If I want cash, I would obtain it at the same transaction. I use cash for small purchases eg. when buying greetings cards from small retailers.
If I go into school, when they have Book Club books on offer, I would use cash if I want to make a purchase.

We have a great charity shop in our nearest town and I often buy books for home or school use. I always pay cash.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 13 Jan 2018 06:53

I do
I draw out £200 and use it till it's down to about 20 and then get the next lot out

I go to chiropractor once a month and they only accept cheques or cash
I know that businesses pay bank charges on cheque transactions so I pay cash

I have my hair done every six weeks so that's cash to for the same reason

Any small business I may use I pay cash .

Similarly I go to coffee morning on a Tuesday at a local garden centre and cash for the coffee
I treat myself to flowers too every so often so cash again

Anything under £20 I pay cash or cash when a business doesn't do cards


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Jan 2018 00:58

We still use cash ........ a lot!!

We draw out money every week for groceries and general run of the mill. Only use credit cards for large purchases, which are then paid off as soon as the invoice is received.

I will not use contact-less cards ........ still not convinced of their safety over here ........... and do not use debit.

We take the trains across Canada regularly, that's 6 days and 5 nights on the train. Cash has to be used for tipping the crew for extra service or at the end of a trip. Certain areas on the train will take credit cards (eg, the lounge bar, and I think the dining car for drinks with meals), but no debit .............. very little access to WiFi for such "newfangled" things.

In case you're puzzled .............. huge areas of the country have such a small population that services such as WiFi and internet are not available.

I also keep a very close eye on the balances in our various bank accounts via the internet.


SheilaSomerset Report 13 Jan 2018 00:19

I still use it and don't like to be without, for small purchases. Food shopping goes on debit, larger stuff always on credit card, which is always paid off.


Bobtanian Report 13 Jan 2018 00:11

I usually use cards for Shopping,run of the mill purchases, but often draw out some cash, some for 'er indoors' pocket money...(she doesn't do) cards so has a very bad credit rating....but doesn't owe anybody anything...although she has a bank account that covers insurance, council tax d/d's etc...
and my hobby club doesn't "do" card purchases...but will still accept cheques...or cash..


supercrutch Report 12 Jan 2018 23:46

I understand if you use public transport you need cash......what is a bus? lol

We bank locally, well in the nearest town. They have just refurbished the branch and have done away with one of the three customer windows. In his/her place they have installed a state of the art machine which does everything except make coffee.

The problem is you need to be able to press the correct buttons (I have a tremor). The Manager came over to explain the blasted thing to me and did appreciate that I'll never use it again.


KathleenBell Report 12 Jan 2018 23:43

I use cash all the time. I draw cash out every week (can't be doing with monthly) after leaving in enough to cover a week's outgoings and then I know that everything in my purse is mine to spend. I find it much easier to budget this way and I have ever been overdrawn at the bank in my life. If you haven't got money in your purse you can't spend it.

Kath. x


maggiewinchester Report 12 Jan 2018 23:34

I use cash when I shop locally - I would hate to use my card for anything under £20.
I also need cash for bus fares etc.
I don't bank online - prefer face to face banking.
I also like to keep people in jobs :-D


Kay???? Report 12 Jan 2018 22:47

I use very little cash either Sues,

OH will only deal in cash and after an exchange of notes piggy banks all the left overs in his hidden stash,,,,,,last time he took over a grand in old £1 coins just in time..... :-D :-D :-D'

gawd knows hows many trips next to take the pence bits....... :-D