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Special needs kids

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 8 Mar 2018 15:43

We can knock the system but it can come up trumps

I have a special needs step grandson who I love to bits

He has a faulty chromosome that is quite rare that he inherited from his mum but he is more affected than she is

My daughter and SIL have had custody of him since he was 5 and it's been a difficult journey

He will be 18 in June but has a brain age of about 8
He goes to the special needs part of the local secondary school

He can be difficult and now he is a Young man with raging hormones that he doesn't know how to deal with he can do inappropriate things

So he leaves school in June and has been accepted for the local college where they will teach him life skills. He will learn how to iron, to cook ,to shop etc

All skills he will need to hopefully cope in the big wide world.
We have always said we can't see him living independently but maybe the skills he learns will equip him

My daughter is 60 and is very concerned about what will happen to him when she is no longer around

In his case social services , education etc have been a big support in his journey

We can knock the establishment but they can get it right lots of times

I am very proud of my lad and my daughter and SIL for doing all they can for this lovely lad

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 Mar 2018 16:25

Lovely to hear about your grandson Shirley. I know you have a special bond with him.

I hope the move to college goes smoothly.
I know someone who works in a local college with students like your young man. She loves her work and they try to make learning relevant for their on-going needs.
Maths, for example might involve going shopping for ingredients for a cooking class later in the week. Help with working out money and what change would be needed would be later followed by weighing to follow the recipe.
I do know that each student has to have an individual work plan each day. These will be for a group class activity, but each plan geared to the needs and ability of the individual students.

I hope your grandson enjoys the new experience and learns a lot of useful skills.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 8 Mar 2018 16:54

Well the school he is currently at made a big deal of his problems on inappropriate touching and made a big problem and a worry about it
The college have said no problem we have come across this many times and we will deal with it

He is a lovely boy and when you talk to him he says he understands but really he doesn't as the instincts just overwhelm him .

My daughter is so worried that when he is 18 he is legally an adult even though his brain isn't and he will be dealt with as an adult and he won't know why

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 Mar 2018 17:11

It sounds as if the college will be well suited to cater for his needs.

Inappropriate behaviour will be gently discouraged, but with understanding staff I'm sure your grandson will gradually learn what is acceptable.


Sharron Report 8 Mar 2018 18:01

I think you need to remember that you have never dealt with this problem before, he is at the very top end of the age spectrum for a school so they probably don't deal with inappropriate behaviour very often but a college deals with his age group and problems all the time.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 9 Mar 2018 01:43

Shirley, I hope your grandson does well at college. I am sure he will learn lots and the energy needed to absorb all the new information will maybe help curb other urges.

If your daughter is concerned about your grandson not always having someone around for him, is there anyone in the family or close friends who would 'sign up' to be his guardian in the future, just to look out for him? I am sure some sort of agreement could be drawn up.

Good luck to him, I hope he enjoys learning the new skills.
