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RolloTheRed Report 17 Sep 2018 18:58

It is easy to tell live rounds from blank ones - look, weight, color.
A loaded gun with live rounds is noticeably heavier than one loaded with blanks.
Discharging a 9mm automatic blank into the head would cause serious injury and quite likely prove fatal.
You cannot register a UK plate car with the keeper not a UK company or resident person.
the cctvs you see all over the place are nowhere near forming a homogenous mesh something lost on many thriller authors.
Officers with firearm clearance are tightly controlled. An armed officer with obvious Post Trauma rarely happens in the army let alone the police. The London Met tends not to recruit ex army officers.
Real Time security is not concerned with evidential quality facts or possible charges.
Safe houses are just that. There has only been serious failure in 30 years.
Sure it is fiction but too many wild errors.
If I wanted a coup I would not start with the cabinet members in any case.
Anyway it makes a diversion of sorts.


Mersey Report 17 Sep 2018 18:56

I have just watched them on Catchup...certainly a brain tease :-0 :-D


MotownGal Report 17 Sep 2018 18:47

Nah I've no idea either. :-S

When watching last night, and David recited his mobile number, I said to Beloved, 'bet someone tries to call that'

Sure enough, they did, it was on the news.

Makes yer smile dunnit? :-D :-D :-D


Bobtanian Report 17 Sep 2018 15:57

yeah, only one shot is need for self destruction,so one the one is substituted for a blank,but assuming the pistol was needed for something else, maybe ALL the bullets were a agent worth his salt would know the difference in weight from blanks to live ammo.

going by the wounds that both men have, one facial, the other bodily...maybe one saved the other in a IED situation, so the "I owe you one" factor would apply...hence David allowing time, for the suicide act .

assuming David re- hid the gun in the ceiling...of course, was it originally loaded with blanks??? or did he himself doctor the bullet by removing the slug and propellant the primer will still make a bang and a bit of a blast


LondonBelle Report 17 Sep 2018 14:41

Well, if you weren't confused bet you are now after Episode 5 .....I know I am:-0 :-0

Some might be interested in the following

:-D :-D :-D



MotownGal Report 15 Sep 2018 08:52

There was ANOTHER theory in the paper, that this is reflecting Romeo and Juliet.

She is called Julia, and her surname is Montague. So some similarity. Juliet was presumed dead, and Romeo killed himself.

Julia was presumed dead, and David tried to kill himself.

Romeo has passed into parlance as Lover, David means Beloved.

Nah, I don't know either. :-S :-S

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 13 Sep 2018 01:34

In episode 3, when David ran, I thought he may have been trying to stop the female PPO from reaching Mahmood, rather than David going for Mahmood himself.

Seeing the CCTV in episode 4 seemed to confirm my theory......But then again what do I know :-S

As for Julia being dead or not...Apparently it is all over the internet that she really is :-(

Sad person as I am, I have my fingers crossed that it is a double bluff and she isn't really.



RolloTheRed Report 12 Sep 2018 19:51

Nobody used to using firearms of any sort will leave a weapon loaded.
Why would you? Suppose the weapon may be used for potentially lethal defence you would want to know that it was loaded with the correct rounds. Real rounds, say 9 mm, are not all the same.
So there you go all set to load ... "blank" rounds come in a variety of colors and are instantly easy to tell from the real article.
Professional armories do not use blanks (dry rounds) because they tend to damage the weapon with a small but real possibility that it may jam.
You can get 9mm Luger dry rounds which look like the real thing at first glance.
However discharging a 9mm automatic loaded with blanks very close to the body is dangerous due to the explosive in the round and such actions have caused serious injury and even fatalities.
If Budd really wanted to end his days he is unlikely to have used blanks. If he wanted an extreme form of self harm he was risking ending up in the ICU.if not the mortuary.
nb: private ownership of automatic and semi automatic weapons inc rounds and dry rounds is illegal in the UK but permitted in varying degrees to residents in most of the EU.


JoyLouise Report 12 Sep 2018 17:20

I'm getting bored with it now.

A gun on the move, dummy bullets unchecked before a suicide attempt?

Wouldn't you think they had fingerprint or dental records for the sniper? They would have those records for someone who had been in the forces; teeth may be different if worked on in civvy street but fingerprints? Nah, I don't think so; and they would tie him into his service in the armed forces and, thus, with Budd.

Also, Budd hesitated a tad too long - enough time for the sniper's suicide. I find it hard to believe a PPO would have waited long enough for the suicide to happen. Was it deliberate to prevent the sniper dropping Budd in it under interrogation? So is Budd a terrorist?

The plot reminds me of something similar in a very early episode of The Americans - and I stopped watching that after the initial series.

Finally, I am heartily sick of Budd pouting. He's a grown man, fgs, not a child.


RolloTheRed Report 11 Sep 2018 21:12

Real life secure computer systems have protected USB ports and encryption such that casually downloading files from a laptop using a USB drive is difficult / impossible. Macs are in any case more secure than a Windows machine.


Florence61 Report 11 Sep 2018 18:53

Well I am as confused as the rest of you. Well spotted chris re the USB.I remember now he was copying stuff.

Roll on next week, cant wait to see what happens.

Florence in the hebrides :-S


LondonBelle Report 11 Sep 2018 17:47

Some may be interested in the following




MotownGal Report 11 Sep 2018 16:42

Oooh that's clever Chris, I didn't see that. Mind you, you need an extra pair of eyes to see all that is going on. Apparently there is an article in the Radio Times explaining what is happening. Good, cos I am beggared if I know. ;-) ;-)

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 11 Sep 2018 16:29

The USB stick contains the dirt that Julia has on someone...Prime Minister perhaps?
I seem to remember David downloading it from her IPad thingy when she was asleep after rumpy pumpy :-D



Tabitha Report 11 Sep 2018 13:51

Ah that would explain it - plot thickens even more - Thank you I must have missed that bit.

In that case its defiantly the Ex- husband who wants to get rid of her. No wonder he was so nasty to David. Hopefully they kept him in the dark too. bet she was glad to be rid of him.

I wondered why all the lights were on & curtain open if they were suppose to be in a Safe house & why no police guard saw him when he had shot himself & she was just wandering about on her own.


MotownGal Report 10 Sep 2018 16:42

Just a though...…..if David's wife and kids were in a Safe House. Why, when it was evening, were the lights on and the curtains wide open?


LondonBelle Report 10 Sep 2018 14:47

Tabitha, The Chief Whip, Roger Penhaligon, was Julia's ex-husband. Presumably the woman he was comforting at the hospital was Julia's Mother :-D


Tabitha Report 10 Sep 2018 13:32

I dont think Julia is dead either.

I knew they would try and blame David, he is behaving very strangely.

Why was the chief Whip at the hospital when he hated her.

The last time we saw David hide the gun it was in the wall. Why was the Police girl so excited about the police chap finding the space and then really annoyed it was empty - I think she was tipped off it was there, she spent long enough poking about as though she knew it would be there.

Did anyone notice that up in the roof space above the light with the gun was a USB flash drive. He didn't go for it, so I dont think he knew it was there - whats on it and who put it there and will it be his downfall.

Why didn't the police search the light fittings too, they were very through with everything else., including floorboards and panels.

Nadia did recognise Mahmood you saw her stare hard at him and then glance at David.

I dont think Sharma was in the room as he would have been am unknown male, they were trying to keep her talkative. I wouldn't trust Sharma as far as i could throw him, not sure about the girl.

The Acting home secretary know more than he is letting on - I am sure he is in league with the chief whip.

We are no further forward really - a lot more questions than answers.

Who votes for a happy ending with David & Julia going off into the sunset together.



JoyLouise Report 10 Sep 2018 13:16

Dtr tracks the young un's progress on his way to and from school ..... first year 'big school' with a 2.5-mile walk (5 miles a day) - and so far he's walked every day and used four different routes. Freedom, you see, a lad after my own heart methinks.

Her face was a picture the day I was there when she couldn't quite make out which route he was taking one day - detour for something to eat as he was starving. :-D


RolloTheRed Report 9 Sep 2018 23:41

Tracking mobile phones with GPS disabled is no big deal esp modern phones with non removable batteries. Hence the use of "burner" phones.