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Allan, or maybe Allice, in Wonderland

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Bunnyboo Report 16 Sep 2018 13:37

When I was about 8-? I longed to be a boy, they always seemed to have so much more fun and freedom! Once I reached 14+ I couldn't think of anything worse! a feeling that has stayed with me ever since! How lucky I was to live in an era when parents took absolutely no notice of what they perceived to be childish fantasies and just put it down to being a Tomboy that with time would be grown out of!!


Allan Report 16 Sep 2018 02:10

I don't mind admitting that when I was very young I once got a toy 'cooking set' for a present.

I've always enjoyed cooking.

Even now when out shopping OH will make a bee-line for all the DIY tools, whilst I'm at home looking at all the Kitchen equipment.

As you say, let children enjoy their childhood, they'll soon sort out who they are and what they want :-)


maggiewinchester Report 16 Sep 2018 01:45

I was a LSA at a primary school for 6 years.
I 'predicted' the fate of some of the children I worked with - with depressing accuracy.
'X'. and 'Y' are homeless. 'Z' their brother is dead. 'A' is also dead.
'B' is gay. 'C' is just stuck.
'B' was the best friend of one of my daughters. Lovely boy.

The 'nana' of my grandsons was 'anxious' because he was pushing his teddy around in a pushchair. When she voiced her concerns (should a boy have a pushchair) about this to my daughter - her response was 'He's copying his father'.
When I 'exposed' my grandsons to a doll's house (or 'toy house' as elder grandson called it) they had their 'superhero' figurines living in it.
As I pointed out - no-one's a 'superhero' unless he can make his own bed, and cook his own meals!
Oh - and that grandson will grow up to be a bit of a 'nerd', but very understanding of women (he has a lovely sister who is 6 years older, and takes no sh*t from anyone, but understands everyone)

Let children be children, without giving them labels. Let them dress how they want.
They will be what they will be - just hope they won't be mindless racists, misogynists or fascists and accept them for what they are.
When they're 18 - they may begin to find their place in society, and decide what they are.


maggiewinchester Report 16 Sep 2018 01:08

:-D :-D :-D

I had that choice today, walking in the New Forest.
It would have been so much easier to have just stood behind a tree, rather than finding somewhere where the passing cyclists wouldn't have seen my exposed *rse.
But then, doing a supermarket shop with wet knickers and jeans would have been so uncomfortable. :-|


Allan Report 16 Sep 2018 00:58

:-D :-D :-D

Well next time I go to urinate, I'll probably have wet myself by the time I've decided whether to stand or sit :-D :-D :-D

Honestly, I'm not taking the p**s ;-)


maggiewinchester Report 16 Sep 2018 00:54

Let children be what they want to be, without the intervention or labeling of 'academics' - who've probably not had children, and are totally unaware of their wish to 'try things out'.
This was brought to my attention when an 'academic' had to broadcast their 'view' that 'boys should be allowed to wear what they wanted from the pre-school dressing up box'.
Well, actually, until you voiced your allegedly 'expert' opinion, most were, you plank!

signed Maggie
apparently an 'academic' - but I had to look it up, to be sure :-D


Bobtanian Report 16 Sep 2018 00:07

be brave mon ami!


Allan Report 15 Sep 2018 23:56

I think that I may have (please tick appropriate box)

1 Fallen down a rabbit hole

2 Overdone the magic mushrooms

3 Been transplanted to a parallel universe

Paragraphs seven , eight, and nine, caused me to doubt my sanity, and even my sex! :-D :-D