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Let me tell you a story.

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Lyndi Report 5 Nov 2019 09:34

Bless you Uzzi for being the person you are. I hope that the relationship between you all flourishes and brings you all lots of love, happiness and the chance to go forward as a strong united unit.

What wonderful adventures could await you all. <3 <3 <3


UzziAndHerDogs Report 5 Nov 2019 00:26

Sit down, pull up a chair
No point just standing
pretending not to be there.

Okay the story no poetry now started 25 years when the twins were born because of reasons not to be divulged their Dad walked away when they were 5 days old. He didn´t do it easy as he had been at their birth, but walk he did.
3 years later he met the person who would not only love him but would understand him.
HE WANTED NO MORE CHILDREN, she couldn´t have any. He told her about the twins.

Skip forward a few years they got married and adopted dogs, life was perfect
BUT the wife always remembered the girls he had left behind, she offered to locate them and was turned down so once again the twins were not talked about.

The wife should have loved this as she had his whole attention and love, which she adored but she always believed one day . He didn´t ever think they would get in touch.

25 years after the twins birth, They got in touch with their Dad. His 1st reaction as he has told themwas I haven´t been there for 25yrs why now......
BUT he forgot his wife who said HOW DARE YOU IGNORE THEM when they have reached out to you, at least acknowledge to them you are their Dad
He did
they wrote back saying thank you.
He wrote back saying hey can we get to know each other
They still exchange emails but each day he comes home from work and asks if I have heard from his daughters as we natter on messenger.

He also said to me thank you ...WHY, for accepting my daughters ...
mmmm He told me about them 23 years ago when we 1st met so not a surprise,
He still said many wouldn´t have reacted the way I have
***looks left and right***should I disaaluusion him . bollocks I have TWIN STEPDAUGHTERs .. by the way I may have a problem with this but that is another story for after they have come and met Dad, Not easy as we live in Spain.

Moral of the story never give up hope and if you love accept.

PS hubby thinks I am having more fun as I am buying Xmas pressies WOW