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fast action ...........

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LindainHerriotCountry Report 25 Sep 2020 16:19

Good that you are sorted Sylvia. I get lots of wax in. Y ears as well, last time I had it suctioned out was about a year ago.
I had to go for a chest X-ray yesterday, nothing wrong, just the GP being cautious. I have taken its of people there over the years doing my voluntary driving and the waiting room is normal packed, but they have taken all but six chairs out. They are running strictly timed appointments, so there were very few people there


AnninGlos Report 25 Sep 2020 14:34

Good that it is on the way to being sorted Sylvia. They won't go near our ears with a syringe until we have put oil in them for 14 days. a lot of places here now only use the suction method.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 25 Sep 2020 11:19

Good result Sylvia.
I can imagine what a difference it has made to your hearing.
I can't get water in my ears, as I have a perforated drum, so I wash my hair at the sink, as I have more control that way.
In 'normal' times, I attend the ENT clinic at hospital every few months and my ears are cleaned by vacuum suction by a nurse. Hearing is so much better afterwards. Unfortunately, they cancelled my last appointment in June and I've no idea when I will have to attend next.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 25 Sep 2020 08:04

What good news, Sylvia. I am glad you were treated so soon. Let's hope your final result is really improved hearing.



SylviaInCanada Report 24 Sep 2020 23:10

It went very well ................

Turns out I had impacted wax in both ears! Who knew??

I just assumed I had poor hearing most of my life because Dad worked in a very noisy environment (brass foundry) so we always had the radio or records played loudly, plus we had a bomb land pretty close to our house on Christmas Eve 1944. The concussion blasts blew out all the windows in our street and neighbouring ones, except for our house. We were sitting on our basement stairs as usual when the sirens went off and I can remember screaming my head off, and Grandmother saying "she's just frightened", but I've since wondered if the blast had hurt my ears.

I used to have my ears examined regularly, but not for about 10 years. Nothing was ever said about wax, and I never asked to have my ears examined.

Plus, of course, like so many of us, I used Q-tips regularly in my ears until about 5 years ago!

So, the one that got the water in on Saturday is now clear and I'm hearing pretty well, still got a bit of water from the doc's syringing. The other ear, that has been useless for several years, has some very impacted wax.

I have to keep putting in oil 2 or 3 times a day, and go back next Thursday when it should be softened enough to come out.

Then, she said that I may not even need hearing aids, though it might be worth having the test done :-0 :-D :-D :-D

My keyboard sounds awful noisy :-D :-D :-D

Ann .............. it was clean tap water, as I wash my hair in the shower. Shampoo is no problem, but the clean water gets in during rinsing.

I noted that the doctor used warm water from the tap to the sink in the room.

OH was allowed in the waiting room, and then told he could come into the exam room with me when the doc wanted to wait 10 or so minutes to see the wax in my right ear would soften enough to come out.

We had to use hand sanitizer as soon as we walked in the room. Everyone wore masks all the time, even the 4 women who work together. I noticed the washroom had a sign to say only 2 people allowed in at a time ........ there are 4 cubicles and wash basins. It's a big room for a university!

It was really eerie .............. the clinic is on the university campus, and both campus and clinic are usually busy.

Everywhere was empty!! Most courses are being given online, so few students around. Lots of empty parking spaces :-D

The clinic had the usual 4 staff in the reception area, but only 4 chairs spaced around the waiting room, they usually have about 10. The small children's play area was roped off. No-one in any of the examination rooms, and they have 6 or 7. One of the receptionists took me into the exam room, had to switch on the light, pull the paper sheet over the couch, etc.

Total silence!!

It took a bit longer than we hoped, but OH still had time to have some lunch before walking down to get his eyes tested.


maggiewinchester Report 24 Sep 2020 15:35

Hope it went well, Sylvia.


AnninGlos Report 24 Sep 2020 14:40

I think they are wary about ears Sylvia, especially if it is your good one. Hope it solves itseld anyway, was it just clean water?


SylviaInCanada Report 24 Sep 2020 04:52

I managed to get water in my ear on Saturday. Left me almost completely deaf as that was the ear that still had some hearing in it.

It seemed to get better over Sunday night, but then got worse during Monday. I had physio appointment yesterday, but was still hoping.

Phoned the doctor's office just before lunch time today (Wednesday), receptionist set up a call with the doctor for late afternoon.

She phoned me within the half-hour estimated. Said she thought I ought to go in, but could put more oil drops in that ear tonight and tomorrow morning. Gave me an appointment with her for 10:15 am tomorrow morning (Thursday) after any later appointment was ruled out because OH has an eye test at noon. She'll get me in the examination and out as fast as possible!

Receptionist phoned back later to give me my instructions ............. wear a mask, use hand sanitizer as soon as I get into the reception area, and don't arrive earlier than 5 minutes before the time. That was after both the she and the doctor had checked that I didn't have any covid symptoms.

OH will have to either sit in the entrance hall downstairs or go to the nearby coffee shop (if it's open).

I didn't expect to get in so soon!