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That was an 'interesting' Christmas!

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maggiewinchester Report 31 Dec 2021 14:22

I have no idea what they did, apart from finding at least 8 contact doo-dahs on my body, so I presume they were monitoring my heart.
No-one has contacted me from either the hospital or surgery.
I do remember saying, when they suggested a taxi home, that I couldn't afford one,and I'd just sleep there and get a bus home later.
Not something I'd say normally!!
They may have given me a list of things to do, in which case, I probably left it in the taxi.
I've phoned up the surgery about getting the staples removed - a consultation with the doctor wasn't suggested.

So far, I've managed to count 4 staples!
Daughter says the blood streaks in my (silver) hair look good!


nameslessone Report 31 Dec 2021 13:40

Scary. I hope you had tests and they turned out OK.


AnninGlos Report 31 Dec 2021 13:22

Oh Maggie that was unpleasant, I wonder why you passed out though? Did they do any tests. Quite frightening really. I hope you will soon heal, do you have to go for a check up?


maggiewinchester Report 31 Dec 2021 12:50

I went to my daughters Christmas day, my own home being in a state of disrepair (more on that elsewhere).
Had a gorgeous dinner with daughter, her lovely friend, and my grandsons - who, later on, went to their father's.
Daughter, friend and I then cleared up, and spent a few hours sat at the table chatting, playing games etc. A certain amount of alcohol was taken - but not an excess, I had about 4 glasses of wine, interspersed with coffee, in 6 hours. - that's 'normal' wine glasses, not tumblers! :-D

The next thing I remember, is waking up, fully clothed, alone, in hospital! :-S

I was somewhat confused, but not alarmed. I removed a few of contact things from under my dress, then I asked where the loo was, was shown, and when I returned to my bed, was told I had staples in my head, and was going home.
They tried calling my daughter, but there was no reply. Daughter wasn't allowed to come with me, because of Covid.
At 2am, I was taken back to my house, in a taxi.
Stayed up for about an hour, then went to bed.

Daughter phoned at about 7am, to tell me that she and friend had gone into the garden with his dog, at about 8pm.
They heard a thump in the house, came in, I was no longer at the table. They eventually found me in a heap in the corner of the kitchen, with blood pumping from my head. I sort of 'came around' and tried to talk, but sounded extremely drunk (couldn't form words) and was gasping.
They phoned for an ambulance, daughter insisting that, though I had had some drink, I wasn't drunk, and was talking normally before I hit my head.
I don't remember any of this, or even why I'd gone to the kitchen.

Apparently, they stapled my head in the kitchen, then put a bandage over it, as I kept scratching the staples.

I didn't have any sort of headache the next morning, though my shoulders and neck were sore. It seems I passed out and hit my head on the worktop/door handles.

I'm not sure if I was told what to do - what to look out for, when to get the staples out etc, because, the chances are, I was concussed!
So, I've spent the past week doing very little. :-(