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House Hunting

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nameslessone Report 6 Jan 2022 09:54

There is a rental near me where, one year, the estate agent went in to take phots whilst the family were away and took pictures of a very messy home with wasjing all over the place.

Other times you know they are using old pictures of empty properties before the the current ownr/tenant leaves. Obviously gives no clue to the current state.


Allan Report 6 Jan 2022 02:37

Not mentioned it much since I posted about the sale of our house, but yesterday something weird happened both during and after we had a look at a property which was the subject of a 'Home Open'

The initial search of the internet showed the property with minimal furnishings. For those who wish to see what I mean the following is the the site address

Yesterday, when we visited the place we were met by the Agent who was profuse in her apologies for the state of the house but was at pains to explain that it was leased by two doctors with a young family and the doctors were exceedingly busy.

The place was a tip and my first impression was that I hope that I don't run into either of them in a professional capacity. Fortunately the walls and paintwork seemed ok and the agent did say that at the end of the lease the premises would be brought back up to a good standard, with the carpets cleaned etc. The lease expires March 31st 2022

The photos on the web at least show the house being tidy which it definitely was not when we saw it.

We were the only ones at the home open.

We said that we would go away and think about it, and the agent said that she would contacts us today for some feedback. Great!

This is where things began to get weird

Yesterday afternoon we received a phone call from the agent to say that the tenants had just broken their lease and would now be leaving within a couple of weeks. An offer had been made on the property and were we interested. No we weren't

Now on the website description of the property there was a disclaimer.

I've done a c+p for those who do not follow links

This property is for sale through ?Market Buy'. All offers end 08/11/2021 with the owner reserving the right to sell the property anytime prior. All registered buyers (only) will be notified in the event the seller brings the sale date forward. We encourage all buyers to submit their offers & register their interest for the property to avoid missing out."

This basically means an auction without being called an auction :-S

Both the seller and prospective buyers can see what offers are being made and the buyers can adjust their offers (upwards) accordingly.

the house has been on the market since July, and suddenly after seeing the house that morning we were being basically asked if we wanted to proceed. What happened to all the other offers, if any?

The answer was NO! We had already decided that the house was too big and as it had been built as a rental property (the cheapest possible way) there was much work that would be needed to bring it back to a reasonable standard.

As rental properties are flying off the shelf at the moment we are still wondering if we have managed to dodge a bullet

:-D :-D :-D