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Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da 2023

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JustGinnie Report 5 Nov 2023 17:24

Yes I read somewhere that Adam had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis .

I hadn't heard that Craig was retiring. Will miss him if he does.


LondonBelle Report 5 Nov 2023 15:20

I hadn't AnnG but thinking about it you are quite right :-)


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2023 14:48

Belle have you noticed that his comments usually end on a positive note so the couple are not left with his hard criticisms.


LondonBelle Report 5 Nov 2023 13:34

I have to say I like Craig he doesn't mind being controversial and he makes me laugh too :-D


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2023 13:21

In a funny sort of way Craig will be missed. but Geo would be a good replacement.

I had not seen that he has arthritis Bell that must be painful if it flares up.

It is such a shame that he is out of the competition this year, I do like him. I suspect it was a combination of things that we will never know. I am not sure that it will have done her long term career much good though, whatever the reason. so I feel sorry for her as well.


LondonBelle Report 5 Nov 2023 13:04

Andysmum, I meant Adam not Gio :-)


Andysmum Report 5 Nov 2023 12:05

I heard recently that Craig is retiring at the end of next year and that Giovanni will probably replace him.

If he has arthritis, judging will be a better option.


LondonBelle Report 5 Nov 2023 11:53

You could be right AnnG :-0. I think he has also been diagnosed with arthritis :-(


LondonBelle Report 5 Nov 2023 11:51

I have to say I was surprised that Adam was in the dance off last week because I thought he had a large fan base :-0

I've just been re-watching some of Rose & Gio's dances on YouTube, they were so good together. I thought Rose was fantastic, it's hard to believe that she is deaf and as for Gio, what a good teacher :-). Whatever the problem was this year, I do feel so sorry for Gio looking on this year :-(


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2023 11:51

JG I thought Adam didn't look well. I wonder if the virus he had last week was covid and he is suffering the tiredness that goes with that and lasts a few weeks.


JustGinnie Report 5 Nov 2023 11:18

I enjoyed most of the dances last night , Ellie was amazing and she always looks so happy .

For someone in the older age group Angela R is very good but she has always danced but not in a competitive way of course
I thought Adam looked very tired after his dance and when he was talking to Claudia upstairs.

I like Angela S but she does seem to have very long arms that do their own thing. Had to laugh when she said she was too Irish for the dance and the bit about she couldn't dress like that in her home town. She talks so fast as well .

Maybe Angela S and Adam in the dance off but Adam's fans may up the voting so who knows ..


MotownGal Report 5 Nov 2023 08:03

I hate to say this, but I am beginning to get a bit jaded with the competition this year, the judging seems to be all over the place. Yes I agree that Anton is a bit more critical, but that is all for the good. The '10's have been thrown around like confetti this year.

In no particular order.

Angela R. is always good, her waltz was very elegant.

Nigel's Tango reminded me more of a Paso. Saying that it was still very good entertainment.

Annabel got very emotional, and it was easy to see why. Johannes is the best partner for her, and understands and supports her. Her dance was very smooth and elegant.

Bobby did look very different with his hair slicked back, and his Tango was sharp.

Kristnan is always joyful in his dancing, and such a change from his serious job as a news broadcaster.

For me, the dance of the night was Ellie. What a way she has come as she has little or no dance training.

I agree it could be Angela S and Adam, with Adam too go. But he has a big following, and could keep him in.


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2023 07:56

I thought they had all improved...... again, some more than others. I loved Ellie's American Smooth, Vito is a good teacher

I also liked Annabelle's couples choice, very emotional and, like Bell I shed tears. Her back story is so sad. But she has achieved what she hoped she would. I hope she stays a while. Yes Johannes is lovely.

I also liked Nigel and Bobby.

I thought the scoring was strange last night. weird that often Motsie and Shirley were high and the men lower. Anton was critical but also practical and he always pointed out what part of the dance (performance or actual dance) he was criticising. Craig was marking low and I think he holds back on giving a 10 for effect. Sometimes the remarks they give to the performers are not reflected in the marks.

Not sure who will be in the dance off tonight, could be any of the lower four. Probably Adam.


LondonBelle Report 5 Nov 2023 07:37

Each week the bar is being raised :-0

My favourites, in no particular order, were ;-)

Nigel's Tango.....what a dramatic dance with a modern twist :-D

Annabelle's Couples Choice....such an elegant dance, I have to say I did shed a tear. As always Johannes was so lovely couldn't be a better partner for Annabelle <3

Bobbie's Argentine Tango....he looked very much the part. I do love this dance :-D

Ellie's American Smooth.....each week she comes and dances better than the last :-0
I can see her going all the way to the Final if she continues like this :-D

I thought Anton was more critical this week but that should be expected at the midway stage :-0. The time for confidence building marking has gone :-0. I thought The Judges marking was a bit erratic more so than usual :-0

So who's for the dance off :-0. I think possibly Adam and Angela S with Adam to go :-(. At the end if the day I think it will be dependent on the size of their fan base as to who will be in the dance off :-0 I just hope it is not two of the good ones :-(


LondonBelle Report 30 Oct 2023 09:00

I agree Maddie & AnnG about 'a level playing field' :-0. It does seem unfair for those who have little or no dance experience :-(


AnninGlos Report 30 Oct 2023 08:36

I didn't like her dance much but also I found her costume strange and distracting so maybe that was against her as well. for a completely non dancer she has done very well. I wonder what it would be like if, one year, they were to experiment and have all non dancers. It is certainly not 'a level playing field'.


MotownGal Report 30 Oct 2023 07:56

Zara fought bravely on, but she is one of only a few that has had no dance training at all. Good on her for having a go and getting so far.

I think the field is too uneven this year, but they are all upping their game.


LondonBelle Report 30 Oct 2023 06:57

Zara must have thought is it worth having a dance off especially as Shirley said she was 'shocked' that Adam was in the dance off' :-0

However, Adam was the better of the two but Zara should be pleased with herself for getting so far in the competition :-)


MotownGal Report 29 Oct 2023 08:10

And so we battle on through Halloween!

I was distracted quite a bit by the headpiece that Motsi was wearing, it seemed to have a life of its own! First it was up, then it wilted like an umbrella on her head.

I didnt much like Adam's dance, I thought it was a bit twee. But he smiled brightly through it, although he was not too well, apparently, in the week.

Bobby is always good value, I liked his cha-cha, and he listens to the judges. I hope he is in it for the long haul.

Angela R. never ceases to surprise me, she is the oldest competitor, but puts on a good show every week.

Nigel, seemed a bit lost in his cha-cha, but his popularity will pull him through.

Best dance of the night for me was Ellie. She is such a bubbly little thing and takes chances, and pulls them off.

I think it was will be Zara in the dance off with maybe Annabel, with Zara to go.


AnninGlos Report 29 Oct 2023 07:42

I can't add to that Belle as I mostly agree with you although I also liked Ellie's dance, she has done so well and has learnt a lot. The joys of being young. I also liked Angela R's dance, she is so flexible. But I did read that she says she has always been flexible. She also said she doesn't feel physically tired after dancing. I feel tired watching her. I also quite liked Adam's dance too.
Yes probably Zara in the dance off but with the second, that is down to peoples favourites now I think.