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♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 21 Feb 2007 10:03

hey, who sez we have 'odd postings' ????? cuwl. Night all, ~~~~~~~~~ to Dreekie, catch up tomorrow Vonny ps the rain didn't last long but was nice while it lasted.


Aussieone Report 21 Feb 2007 09:36

Hi Dreekie noo it not a holiday it just something :-) But its something good Cheers Sue


. Report 21 Feb 2007 09:35

Morning Sue, We overlapped! Sorry must have missed that posting, what happens in 2 Days? Hope it's something nice like a holiday! Dreekie


Aussieone Report 21 Feb 2007 09:23

Evening Wattlers Ok that enough from HZ and Vonny you dont have to brag about your wet stuff, we are still waiting, supposed to get showers for the next 3 days haa haa haa. Tony have a confession to make, I dont actually drink Boags, I am a top shelf drinker, but on a very rare occassion I will drink a Boags, but that southern stuff, well how can I put it .................. I think it is something like a byproduct of Boags, you know it goes in Boags and comes out Cascade oooh I better behave now or I will be kicked out for being naughty :-) Merle not good that they lost the xrays,as long as they dont lose patients:-0 Morning Dreekie, glad the mouth feels better today. Jude diy, ooooohhhhhhh Im sooooooo jealous, patting that big cat, hope yoou gave her a pat for me too ::-) 2 DAYS TO GO !!!!!!!! Cheers Sue


. Report 21 Feb 2007 09:15

Vonny, We have tons of the wet stuff here in Leeds, bad tonight and tomorrow, hope you enjoy it. I only like water in Whisky1 (Hear that Tony) :-)) Jood, Merie. Have PM'd yuze with recipe, hope you get them as this thread is so sloooooooooow! Techno Info: Reason for slow postings mail etc. is the size of this thread 20,000 odd postings! Wow seeyas Dreekie

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 21 Feb 2007 09:06

Hurray, hurray, wet stuff is falling from the sky - REAL wet stuff. *Vonny runs off to join Hz*


. Report 21 Feb 2007 08:41

Back from Leeds, had my daily fight with a Bus. A right bunch of *ankers. I better stop before blood presure goes up!!'!! Jood got your PM will reply in next hour. Merie, Oils don't cure but realy helps, I can send you my recipe I've used for last 10 years, helps me to walk properly first thing in morning and sleep at night. (Suffer from peripheral Neuropathy ..etc etc..) seems to work for all sorts problems, muscles as well. Question! Do yuze know if I can send small bottles of Aroma. oil in the post to Ozz? It would be easier to send some. Better go and type up recipe, I've got 3 computers to build in next couple of day's *ugger can't be *rsed :-))) Will call in later Dreekie


Laurie Report 21 Feb 2007 07:47

Evenink all . . . dont know what happened to today . . . it just went !!!! Could have something to do with haveing TLR here !!! Joodles, Lew gave me the clock you left at her house, and TLR will take it to work with him tomorrow and post it off to you. Ah Merle . . . if they can loose your xrays in just a month . . . imagine how much stuff they can loose in a year . . .!! Hope the leggies are better soon . . . I got the type that have to keep moving too - TLR hates sitting next to me on a plane! You done good again on the songs Tony . . . can we have a copy of the video too please ??? Well best go feed the man - at least get the salad ready as he is cooking on the barbie again. While on the subject of food . . . know what Lyn cooked up for us at the caravan park on Monday night . . . roast vegies !!! and gravy . . . we had a feast !!!!! BTW . . . I am suffering . . . have the most painful jaw . . . From so much talking and laughter on the weekend !!! Catch up with you all later luv Laurie xo

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 21 Feb 2007 07:41

Dreeks I'm definitely interested in your cure for restless legs.. Have to continue on with physio for another six weeks before he'll authorise a scan. What in hell is the point..Once you turn 70 noone wants to know.The buttery hospital had lost the xrays in less than a month????


. Report 21 Feb 2007 07:15

Morning Peeps :-))))))))))))))))))) Thanks for sympathy, it worked or was it Tony's WHISKEY!! No pain at all, Strange?? Catch yuze later, got to take wife to work and daughter to collage. Tony will print out song's and practice them when I'm sitting in traffic.!!:->> Dreekie:-))


TonyOz Report 21 Feb 2007 06:30

Nice to see peeps arriving home safely. Judeyv. What a great thrill for you to have been able to pat the Cheetahs. Can feel a cuppla songs coming up.....:>))) by the Sneekers. The Car-knee-fool is over. Say goodbye our own true Mudgee As we sing a leaving song How it breaks our heart to leave you Now the Wattlers av come n'gone....:>(((( High above the dawn is waiting And my tears are falling rain For the Mudgee meet is over Let us all meet up again Like a drum my heart was beating And your kiss was Mudgee mead But the joys of love are fleeting for V.B i am in need. Now the Melbin lights are calling This wont be our last goodbye Though the Mudgee meet is over I will lurv you till I die.....:>))) ***************************** Dedicated to my navigator....Bar-Code There' a new meet somewhere. There's a new meet somewhere Darn here The Promised Land And we'll be there some day Darn er'e in under land I still need you there beside me No matter what I do For I know I'll have another meet with you There is always someone that brightens up yer day And you'll be our someone For ever and a day We could search the whole world over Until our lives are through But I know we'll have another meet with you It's a long, long journey So stay by my side But next time we go to Mudgee I think that we might fly If they gave me a fortune My pleasure would be small We could all meet up in London and we would av a ball But if you should lose the map dear I don't know what I'd do For I know I'll never find another you But if you should lose the map dear I don't know what I'd do For I know I'll never find another yooooooou....:>))))) Tony Oz...:>)))) *Earl of Nossex*

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 21 Feb 2007 06:07

Apparently its raining in Albury - wonder if Hz is running around her backyard nekked! lol Tony you must get great service from Optus we are with foxtel and had to install our own digi box, came with the instructions 'ring us if you get into difficulties'. Afraid Telstra aren't any better with their phone coverage either. Whats Barb using for her competitions with her phone being awol? Have you hidden your phone yet - pmsl. Could we have a video of the MM too please - just to refresh the memory and have another momento. Do you want us to collect it? How much is going on the cutting room floor -lol. Well I'm outta here, catch tomorrow xxx jude diy

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 21 Feb 2007 04:27

Arvo Wattlers We are home safe and sound. So glad everyone else has arrived home safely as well. Many thanks to our lovely HRH Lew for opening up her beautiful royal residence for the festivities. As you have heard a very picturesque setting, the view is spectacular and the stars/milky way were so bright from the first class spot of laying on the grass (sorry you just had to be there!) It was suggested the the princeth and her royal consort Terry might consider building a wattler retirement village on one of the corners of the property - ever seen an ice princeth blanch - she lived up to her title - hehehehe. The weekend ran like clockwork, thanks also for all the organising Lew and the scrumdiddlyumptious repast. A big thanks to the other wonderful wattlers who made for a marvellous weekend. Don't know about the video of the event though - been racking the brain to see if I could 'remember' misbehaving. I don't think I have laughed so much since the last wattle meet. I was granted a royal audience and got to curtesy to our queen Trifley and the Royal consort Graham. You are such a great bunch of peeps. Thanks also to our 'neighbours' Laurie and TLR, Fluffy and Anna,Sandra, Lyn, Shazz, Lara and O.H's. We left Mudgee shortly after Tony and Barb as we passed them on the road out of town ( I waved as Ken drove past) did ya see us? lol. We took a short detour to Sofala (quaint) - although the cottage wouldn't have looked out of place!. Passed Tony and Barb in the next town, saw you busy with the camera. Reached Canberra at 12.30pm and found us an eatery for lunch (mind you I didn't have any meat,or chicken and made sure I washed all traces of food away!). I navigated Ken into Canberra (thankfully Vonny and John had lent us a street directory) but we still managed to get lost - the inevitable road works/detour did us in.(nothing new for us in Canberra we always get lost.) Found ourselves near the Captain Cook fountain, after a few frantic minutes of searching we took off again towards Capitol hill and I spotted a route 2 sign and we were back on track. Arrived at the zoo with 20 mins to spare (panic over!). We signed the release forms saying we realised we could be chased,caught,tormented,slashed and nibbled on by the cheetahs -lol, and made our way to the meeting point. We spent 10 mins just observing the cheetahs before meeting them 'face to face'. It was a bit disconcerting to see the male Roby just pacing up and down the perimeter fence. The keeper arrived and gave us our instructions and we entered the cheetahs domain. Being very co-operative they were at the fur -therest point from the exit gate! We were just so mesmerised at the time, it was only after the 15 mins were over, that you realise on the walk out how far you had to go if the keeper said run. What totally beautiful cats, just like a bigger version (much bigger) of Cleo, smoochy and they melt as you rub their heads. Mind you after having my hand licked by them I can see why bones are left clean ! The male Roby was very unsociable, he continued his pacing, but we totally fell in love with the two girls. I do prefer Cleo to sit on my knee though she only weighs 4 kg - a bit easier to manage. Have no idea as to whether the photos are any good, the keeper took 21 photos and used up all my film (BTW still haven't found the digital camera charger). Vonny our thanks to you and John again for your hospitality, especially as you are on countdown to the big trip. The four of us just talked and talked - as you do when you are a wattler - isn't that one of the criteria? We met Vonnys lovely daughter and grandchildren, and daughter in law, and we got to see 'the boat' in all its glory. Vonny and I left the two OH's happily chatting about guy/boat stuff for an hour or so before dinner. A great finish to a fabulous weekend. Had a very hot trip back home, but I did talk Ken into detouring to Alexandra to water the garden. Plumber still hasn't finished so 'not happy!'. Looks like a shower with a watering can, and bucketing the loo next weekend. His phone is 'out of range/switched off' he better hope it stays that way. Grrrrrrrr. It was lovely to be greeted by our lovely Cleo, Ken put on his t-shirt he had worn to meet the cheetahs but she didn't re-act in any way - so his little experiment backfired. She was soooo glad to have us home, and she is a lot easier to smooch! Jude -Flakey made a dressing with the 'good olive oil' from Mudgee last night - works a treat - yummy! Thank you Tony again for the C.D's mind you a few secrets got let out on the weekend and I don't think I'm going to be 'allowed to play' on the computer as much as I have been - drat it! So it could be a while before they are put to use - pmsl. Well must away and do some work - 'or we won't get home tonight'! lol ~~~~ hello to everyone who did and didn't go to MM xxx jude


TonyOz Report 21 Feb 2007 04:18

Well the Optus bloke has been and gone. Took him all but 5 min to correct the problem. The first blokes that installed the Digital box, set it through the VCR and not the DVD console ( dills ) Anyway....I'm happy....Barbs happy ( now she can tape her Tennis ) and everyones happy. Now lets see...what else can i whinge about.....O'h yes....isn't it about time that Optus sorted out there mobile phone coverage while ya in the bush.....:>))))) After all....this is Australia, and we av Bush here.....Heaps of it..........Lotsa those Gum trees....and Hillsides...and Mountain ranges.....Koala's and Roo's......and Croc' .........Get it right Optus. Joodles. Its the least i could do. Dreekie will understand perfectly. Its the thought that counts.....:>)))) Tony Oz....:>))) *The Whinger* Gwenda. Have emailed you ( re the cd's )


Judy Report 21 Feb 2007 02:54

You are soooo caring Tony, offering to have a whiskey to take the pain away from Dreekies missing molar!!! .. lol What is wrong with Ray, Laurie? I thought he seemed quiet over the weekend. .. Has he got an aching molar too :) Hooray, at last I am home for the rest of the week, and truly, I don't know where to start first. .. Have soooo many options. .. One is a Nanna nap, and that's looking good. Mary my commiserations. My techy once clicked on 'compact' - I could have killed him, he stopped it, and that made things worse. A system restore would not have helped, the emails are probably still there, compacted - somewhere - but you would need step by step instructions I think. I could give you the addresses of some good techy forums who may be able to help you. (pm me) Love to all (Gwenda - I was there early this morning, but didn't get around to waffling) Jood

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 21 Feb 2007 02:31

Hi everybody, Won’t stay on long today as I can hear rolling thunder and Yarrawonga Radar is showing big storm heading our way, hope it brings rain, are you wet yet Lara?? I’ll be dancin’ nekked if it does give us a decent downpour !! (not saying where though lol) Sympathies Deekie, molars can be monstrous! ~~~~~~~~~~~ to all, Hz


TonyOz Report 21 Feb 2007 01:01

Arvo.....:>))) Nuther warm day in darn tarn Melbum. Lunch time here, so better knock up a few sanga's for Bar-code and me. Calling it quits for the day, as we have the Optus bloke coming out to take a look at the Tele and new wizz bang digi box they installed last week. Rang them yesterday and told them that I'm not happy with the way they installed it, as i cant tape the tele from the DVD unit. We have the Dolby surround sound theatre system, and they have mucked the bloody thing up installing from the old Optus/Foxtel box to the new wizz bang Digital. They dont mind taking ya money, and jump up and down if you dont pay on time. So they can come and fix it, and put it back the way it was. Sue ( tassie ) . They dont sell many V.B tablets in N.S.W ( disgusting )...hee hee Only a few tins in the Pub fridge that i grabbed, so bought a Boags at Deebs kitchen, after i was corrected by a few Wattlers who heard me ask for Cascade......Sorry i forgot was wrong of me....and i hope i am forgiven for ordering darn sarf Tassie beer. I have a pickle to prove i did drink Boags in your honor. Cheers Have about 10 orders for the Mudgee meet DVD, so bare with me, and i will send peeps a copy shortly. Hope everyones having a great day or night. Dreekie. Sympathy coming your way mate ( molar out ) Gotta look after us blokes, as they tend to forget us sometimes. I will pour a glass of whisky for you later, and drink it so you wont feel the pain after the anasthectic wears off. Sorry...buts that the best i can offer from down Best wishes to all the sickies. Av a good un. Tony Oz......:>)))


. Report 21 Feb 2007 00:32

Hya SuzyQ, Hope all was well with Est. agent. Do you want recipe for Aroma oil for legs etc? Off to bed, see yuze tonight!! Dreekie


. Report 21 Feb 2007 00:25

Hello Laurie. Sue, I'm chewing on think I'll head same way as you. 10 minutes to pull the thing, jaw's all swollen. Molar was the size of 'Ayres Rock'. (Typical male, poor me etc. not in this house) No *loody sypathy all women, wife, daughter even the dog!!! Can't even have a tinnie tonight. catch yuze later Dreekie


SuzyQ Report 21 Feb 2007 00:23

Morning All, Thanks for all the pickles, there are still one or two that I cannot place especially among the OH's. I think that some may have bounced back because my mail box was full with all the large photos. I will empty it and then you can try again Hope every thing goes well for you today merle. And yes thanks I am doing much better, mostly because of all the good advice that I have received from all my Wattler friends. I came to the realisation the other day that I am actually afraid of my father. It goes way back. He never actually smacked us but he has a very cruel way with words. I can remember one occasion especially, when I was about 15 and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. During his tirades, he brings back every thing that you have ever done wrong, and his face takes on the most awful devilish appearance. And they say words can never hurt you. Don't believe it. I think that I will be able to over come my fears now. Thanks heaps to those who have helped me. I am waiting for a real estate agent to arrive, just hoping that she is better than the last lot. It has taken them a week to get back to us. Guess who we won't be using. Wattie is really well travelled now. Does he really have a passport and if so does it have any stamps in it? Lew, love the bling. Yes Yvette I sent it to all the wattlers. Well, looks like she has arrived, I will look back later Luv SuzyQ