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The Pinny Gang

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DorothyG Report 2 Jun 2005 21:30

Wassa matter hen? Jools and me are no foriners!! Ma Jimmy's ma was a sassenach, came from roond hereabouts, thass why we're doon here noo. Livin' in her ould hoose you ken! Aw cum on, hen, less be friends!! Cum and have a wee dram, an' we'll drink to everyone's health, then youse can telt me all aboot the area an' awl.

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 21:24

Aw cor blimey foriners 'ave moved in the Street from that Scotland Country, can't undersand a bloomin word, anyone translate for us. Mabel


DorothyG Report 2 Jun 2005 17:42

Ach, nice to see ya Dolores - weel, to be realllly honest, hen, ma real name is Jenniferrr, but ma mither used to call me her wee Jinty - but I thought youse all sae smert roond here, A better call meself by ma proper name, you ken. So, wud it be awricht to call meself Jinty then? Yer pals woodni mind? A jist want ti be friendly hen. Dinna want tae upset thae folks.


Unknown Report 2 Jun 2005 17:37

are ye shair its Jenny yer name hen and no' Jinty? Blimey - I have reverted to ma mither tongue noo Dolores


DorothyG Report 2 Jun 2005 17:33

Ooh hello hen! A've jist mooved 'ere, we've got a wee butt'an'ben doon at Gaswirks Lane, ya ken. Aye, that's richt, Am awa' frae Glasgie, Springburn, hen, it's awfa smert roond here - ma man's awa' to the pub the noo, so ken onywin telt me where A kin buy sim 'aggis for his tea? Ma Jimmy like's 'is 'aggis with neeps and tatties - now, I got them awricht at the merket, but canna find 'aggis at all, at all. Ooooh aye, hen, ma name's Jenny, how d'ya do? My, my you're a pretty wee thing!! And there's me still in ma curlers! Still, A did change me pinny, cos I went fer ma messages.

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 2 Jun 2005 14:37

Afternoon all ! I've gawn an bought a luvverly crimpolene frock from the charity shop It's a lovely mustard colour wiv orange flowers on. it was only 75p. Got it cheap cos of the brown stain dahn the front, still if I put a brooch over it , no-one will guess.... Heard the frock belonged to that Betty Swallocks who snuffed it last month.....nah she was class. Still good job she rolled over so I could have her frock......after all that frock is an antique, and its hard to get em anymore. Mildred x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 14:11

Hey Mild, I got some good gear at the market I have, stockin's wiv just a little 'ole in them 2/6, can't go wrong can ya gal? then I got some scrag end ,orf that bloke wiv the wonky eye, it is only just outa date by 3 days, so I'll make a bit of stew fer tonight, got some carrot & onion in the cupboard. Gertie's 'air looks a bloomin sight I fink, how old does she fink she is eh? she's 94 if she's a day I reckon. 'Ere by the way you ain't seen that Charley about 'ave ya, could do wiv 'im I could, if ya see 'im gal tell 'im I want 'im, but say niffink in front of that wife of 'is, bloomin funny name she's got Jewel, now then I know she's from uvver parts of the globe, but bloomin Jewel, I ask ya. Mabel x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 2 Jun 2005 09:30

Mornin' gals Ere' a man on 'ere ! Wot a pallava eh ? Goin' ta the charity shop this mornin', need a new summer frock....and some new drawers.....the last pair I got from the charity shop 'ad a big hole in the gusset...proper chilly it was an all.....still was 'andy when I needed a quick wee..... I got a dirty look from the cat this mornin'....cant fink why...arfter all....that fish paste was only a month old. Saw old dirty Gertie from number 30 this mornin', she diddnt see me curtains move at all, proper carefull I was......she had a lovely blue rinse she did,....shame that car had to swerve and crash due to the glare tho'. Mildred x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 09:26

Told ya before Clara NEVER eat one of Milds sarnies, she's as nutty as a fruit cake 'er, and fergets the date when she bought stuff, found a bag of sugar, opened, in the back of 'er cupboard last year, dated 1950, it still 'ad 'er ration book wiv it, dozey wotsit. I've got sum powder fer yer belly at my 'ouse, save yer buyin a new packet. I'll fetch it rownd later on. Mabel


Christine2 Report 2 Jun 2005 09:10

Hiya Mabe Gotta dash - busy day.Try to talk later. Cud yer bring me some stomach powder ducks. I fink them sarnies last night wuz orf. Love Clara x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 08:50

Just orf down the market gals, anyone want anfink? Mabel

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 00:14

'ere gals we ain't 'ad a bloke on this thread before 'ave we? sent me all a blimmin quiver it 'as I've gotta go a bed now, wiv a cup of Andrews, night Gals, see you at the bus stop in the mornin' Mildred x x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 2 Jun 2005 00:10

being bi-lingual ain't jest rude it's blimmin greedy!!! ah need ter 'ave a lie darn. Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 00:06

Don't say damp Dolores :)) Night Charley lad, see ya anuvver night Mabel


Charley Report 1 Jun 2005 23:57

Ah-hah found my little wifey. Night night to you all - come along Jewell, we've got lots to sort out before bed time. *Grabs HRH's hand, kisses it* Bonsoir, I do hope we meet again soon. Goodnight ladies. If you're willing I could bring round my samples from Agent Provacateur one evening - er - when the wife is busy. *Strokes back his floppy fringe and exits*


Unknown Report 1 Jun 2005 23:55

I fink yer should wipe yerself dahn wiv a damp clorth there Mabe, yer lookin kinda flushed! Dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 1 Jun 2005 23:54

Bloomin 'ell glad Charley boy moved in rownd 'ere, the earth moved........ gotta go an 'ave a lie down, anyone got a woodbine? Mabel (still shakin I am)

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 1 Jun 2005 23:49

oh aint he Mabe... ...and i jest put on a fresh pinny too. Cant offer anymore fish paste sarnies cos the cats thrown em up on the carpet. But ive got some nice tripe which has been sittin in me larder since christmas. mmmmmmm tripe Mildred x


Unknown Report 1 Jun 2005 23:48

aint that a bit rude being that there bi- lingual thingy? Dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 1 Jun 2005 23:45

OI MILDRED !!!!! I knows what bilingual is, bit of this bit of that I know I know, now clear orf he fancies me rotten, if 'is misses turns up keep 'er yakking, for a while, while I 'get to know' Chas and no it ain't THAT Chas, yer silly moo. Mabel