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Garden thread 2014

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kandj Report 15 Sep 2018 17:38

Ann, I hope that you and OH are having a good time together in Tenerife.

Vera, I am continuing to dead head here and being rewarded with more flowers. The weather is still quite warm and although the nights are drawing in fast, the flowers are still "blooming lovely"..... imho. How are you liking your mini greenhouse?

Gillx, I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's good to shed tears for lost loved ones.

I planted out snowdrops and crocus bulbs last week. I am waiting for mixed tulips and also some February Gold an early flowering miniature daff to arrive from Amazon. I have ordered these before and been very happy with them.

Today I have planted Narcissi Martinette which will flower March-April next year. They were a bargain £2 for 20 bulbs from village Morrison supermarket. They also had Anenomies at £2 for 20 bulbs which I ignored but now that I have planted the miniature daffs, I just might go back and buy some of these to put into some tubs.

As well as weeding/dead heading and then planting the Narcissi Martinette bulbs I also cut back a Pieris "Flame of the Forest" big shrub that we bought 40 plus years ago. It is really beautiful and makes for lots of lovely comments on the colour from folk who walk past. I have definitely done far too much today..... silly me.... I feel exhausted now, but pleased to have passed some time out in the garden today.


Gillx Report 14 Sep 2018 22:50

I haven't been online for a few days as we had a death in the family, second one this year, so as you can imagine I didn't feel like doing much. I'm all cried out now. I have done a bit in the garden today. We are buying my mum's neighbour's shed so I'm in the middle of laying some flag stones for it to go on. I was doing well today then it started raining, I'm hoping the rain keeps away tomorrow so I can finish it off or it'll be Monday when the weather is dry again. The apple tree has been re-potted into a larger pot and the rest of the summer plants have been moved to a more sheltered spot in the hope they'll last a bit longer. The Anemones are flowering better now they've been moved. I've also noticed today how the sedums are coming on nicely and the colour is lovely.

Have a lovely time away Ann, look forward to hearing all about it when you return.

Vera your garden sounds lovely, I would still dead head though as you never know what might happen, it's still quite warm some days so they may well flower again.

Yes, I've planted quite a few bulbs Kandj and still have a few more to do. We were hoping to build another planter for the back garden but with having to do the flag stones I can't see it being done this year now, so I'll probably plant the last of the bulbs in a pot instead. I'll just have a few left to plant in January then as they don't flower until the end of the year.
It sounds like your garden is all sorted for the winter now. It's nice when you get someone in to do the really big jobs. We had a man with a digger take out our hedge in the front garden so we could put up a new fence, it saves such a lot of time than trying to take it out by hand. I'm hoping we have a few more days of sun as there seems to be more rainy days lately which is stopping us from finishing the last few jobs. I was lucky today I manage to sort out quite a few flags before it started raining and hopefully tomorrow will be mostly dry so I can crack on with the rest of them, then it's going to rain for a few days so if I don't finish it tomorrow I'll have to wait a while before going back to it.


kandj Report 13 Sep 2018 19:00

Ann, have a good holiday with your OH in Tenerife.

Vera, good to know that you and OH have enjoyed your break away.

Gillx, I have already planted out snowdrops and crocus bulbs. I plan to have February Gold a small and early variety of daffs and a mixed variety of tulips to put in when they arrive via the Amazon site next week. Nothing like the number you have already done, put enough for me to plant out comfortably and to sit back and enjoy seeing in colour at Springtime and after Winter has been and gone next year.

Yesterday the regular landscape gardening firm were here to cut back the trees and trim/prune several mature shrubs in the back garden which look so much better and is all tidied up for the Autumn/Winter period now. Not ever cheap, but there was no effort needed on my part except less in the bank, but worth it as I am so pleased to see everything looking good and all sorted out now for the rest of this year.


SuffolkVera Report 12 Sep 2018 21:32

We got back from Bulgaria last night so I did a tour of the garden this morning (that took all of 2 minutes ;-))

As they haven't been deadheaded for a couple of weeks the heleniums and rudbeckias look more or less over, but there are lots of pink Japanese anemones in flower and some big clumps of lovely dark mauve asters. I was making mental notes as I went round that the helenium, the anemones, the asters and the hostas will all have to be divided next spring as the clumps are getting too big and congested; and the two choisia bushes and the viburnams will definitely have to be pruned. The choisias are different varieties and one of them has come into bloom again and looks very pretty at the moment.

You sound as if you have been working really hard in your garden Gill. Next year it is going to look a picture. I wish I had your energy though you are a lot younger than me - in fact a similar age to my children who are 51 and 53. We do have something in common though as my daughter is also Sandra :-D


AnninGlos Report 10 Sep 2018 21:19

We are away for two weeks Gill. Hope it diesn't rain too much tomorrow as I don't want to get wt getting from the airport car park to departures.


Gillx Report 10 Sep 2018 19:57

Pleased to hear other garden centres will take the card Ann, now your OH won't lose the money left on it. Thanks for the name of the fern, I'll make a note of it and pop it in my purse so next time I'm at the garden centre I can look for it.

Lanzarote, how lovely, well you'll definitely have the sun there. Have a great time. How long are you away for?

Well, I didn't re-pot my apple tree in the end as it started raining and went quite cold. I did however plant up the bulbs in pots I had for my back garden and only have a few packs left which I'm putting in the planter OH is making for me. I also sorted out the edges of the lawn as it was growing into the borders and did some weeding. OH painted the gate and cut the lawns, so all in all it's been a productive day. He's finished the trellis part of the planter now and will finish the rest when the weather is nice again.

According to the weather it's going to pour with rain most of tomorrow, they say our area is going to get a month's rain in one day, so that will put a stop to anymore work outside until it's dry again. I think that's why it's taking so long to finish all the jobs in the garden, with not having many dry days now. The wind has picked up too. I do need to change the bedding and do some hoovering, so they'll be done tomorrow now.


AnninGlos Report 10 Sep 2018 12:18

Hi gill, yes we have three other garden centres that take that card, it seems to be only Wyevale that doesn't.

The fern I bought is called Tsusima Holly, it should have 'evergreen' on the plant label - There was one I was looking for that is evergreen and has variegated leaves but I couldn't find it there.

We are going to Lanzarote.

OK thanks for the address, I will see to it when we come back. :-) :-)


Gillx Report 10 Sep 2018 11:40

Sandra would be thrilled to receive some craft bits, thank you Ann. I won't tell her as like you said she would get over excited, it'll be a lovely surprise for her when it arrives. Are you going anywhere nice when you go away? Hope the weather is dry for you.

Fancy the garden centre only excepting their own cards now. Can your OH use the gift card somewhere else, it would be a shame to lose what's left on it? You got lots of bargains at Wyvale Garden Centre. Do you know the name of the evergreen fern, I'm after another one to put in the border in my back garden and I'm worried I'm going to buy one that dies back when I'd like it on show all year around? Yours is going to look lovely next to your Sedums and right where you can see it to. :-)

It looks like I'm going to be busy in the garden again today. I have a number of little fiddly jobs to do so while the weather is nice I'm going to make a start on them. I need to re-pot my apple tree, then move it to a sheltered spot for the winter. We only got two apples on it this year and they fell off before they were ripe, so if I move it to a better place it might not happen again next year. We had loads of lovely apples the year before so I think it might of had something to do with the heat wave we had. OH is painting the gate and then we must make a proper start on this planter we want in the back garden or it'll be to late in the year to plant it up. I also need to pot up the rest of my bulbs, so a busy day ahead.

I'll PM you my address now and thank you again for your kind offer.


AnninGlos Report 9 Sep 2018 13:36

Kandj, I know how you must feel I was 2 months short of 16 and OH a month short of 18 when we first started going together, it is a long time to be together.

Gill Interesting that Sandra makes cards, she will be starting on her Christmas cards soon I expect. I too make all my cards. would she be interested in some of my surplus craft bits and pieces? If she is I would need your address of course, and it would not be for another 2 -3 weeks as we are going away and won't be able to get it posted (so don't tell her or she will get excited and it will be a long wait). Let me know (PM me your address) if you think she could use some of the stuff i have. I always buy too much, often give it to the local school but Sandra is welcome to it.

We have just been to the Wyvale garden centre. I bought an evergreen fern to overwinter on the shelf outside out floor length lounge window, it is in a pot next to some sedum. We also bought some packets of seeds (marigolds and nasturtium that were reduced to 50p a packet. And some bulbs, indoor hyacinths, allium. All for planting when we come back. We were a bit annoyed as OH still has money on a garden centre gift card he was given for his birthday, it is the one taken (we thought) by all garden centres. Wyvale used to be Blooms before they were taken over and they always took the general voucher. Now though they only take their own gift cards. :-( :-(


Gillx Report 8 Sep 2018 23:16

Yes, Kandj Sandra, my daughter, loves flowers and helps plant the bulbs, her face is a picture when they start growing and she takes lots of photos of them on the camera we bought her for Christmas last year. She bought me a peace lily for Mother's Day a couple of years ago and after the first year it never flowered again, just recently it's started producing some flowers and she is thrilled to see them. My husband thinks it's because the plant has now filled the larger pot I put it into, I must admit I'm also happy it's started flowering again. Sandra also makes cards which she has done for the family for years, she can be very creative. The borders in my back garden are made up of plants in pots so the Ivy won't spread anywhere, otherwise, like you said it would soon take over the borders. What bulbs have you ordered? I've noticed the nights are drawing in now to and it's going cooler. I'm so sorry to hear you're still struggling without your husband. I know it's not the same but you have us to chat with anytime you need to.

I'm so pleased your daughter and son-in-.law got to go to Holy Island Ann and they missed the rain. It's nice to hear they have both found happiness with each other and your daughter is in a better place now. It's funny how things change depending on who you're with, I'm sure her husband will be thrilled she goes to the matches with him. Hope his team wins.

I like some sport, mainly the F1 or motorbike races. I went on a motorbike simulator years ago and got the highest track time. I won two tickets to Alton Park to watch the superbikes, which my husband and I thoroughly loved. They were VIP tickets for Red Bull, they laid on breakfast, lunch and dinner and we also got to go into the pits to see the bikes and riders, it was a great day out.

Pleased to see you sorted your bra out and got one that fit you properly, fancy the lady saying you could buy an extender for the one that didn't fit, like you said she didn't get it did she. What plants are you hoping to buy tomorrow, or are you just going for a look around?


kandj Report 8 Sep 2018 17:09

Thank you Ann. Life is very different and I am still struggling to be honest, but it is still very early days after we were together first "courting" in our teens.... that's an old fashioned word you never hear any more. How lovely that your daughter and son in law have both come through heartbreak and are making a new life for themselves.It is good to read that and I wish them a long and happy married life together. You and your OH must be relieved Linda's happy again after her sadness.

I have ordered some bulbs from Amazon, which I have done for several years and been satisfied with good quality and a colourful display from them all. Dark nights are approaching fast and I'm not looking forward to Winter at all this year.

Gillx your new plants sound different, and will bring colour and interest to you. Keep your eye on the new ivy you have bought. It can become invasive. I have been digging lots of ivy up from the back garden border. I could have given you some.
Does your daughter have your green-fingers and help in your garden too?


AnninGlos Report 8 Sep 2018 13:20

Kandj, pleased that you enjoyed the wedding photos. Yes it is good to know that Lyn has somebody to care for her again now. (Although I think the caring for is pretty mutual! She is the doer he the follower!). they have both been through a sad time in the past two or three years so it is so good that they have found each other. We were worried about her after Jon died and she was not her usual confident self. But she is back again now, they are so good for each other.
Kandj, although I am sure you are still missing your OH every day and that can be lonely, it is good to see you taking hold of your garden and looking forward again to the coming of the bulbs next spring.

Gill, yes daughter did get to Holy Island and to several other nice places apparently. The rain seems to have missed them up in Embleton Northumberland. I think today, for one night, they move down to near Newcastle. Her OH is a Rugby league follower and his team is playing at Newcastle tomorrow so they intend going to the match before driving home. such is love - all her life she has hated any sport and never watched it on TV, now she actually goes to matches with him!

You have been buying up the garden centre again Gill, we were going to Wyvale today but yesterday I bought a M&S bra same size I always wear and I could not, even with OH's help, do it up, it was about two inches out. So I returned it this morning. Nice young lady told me I could always buy an extender. I think she missed the point. Anyway, OH needed socks and I found a bra in a different style that will fir, then we had a veggie breakfast in Wetherspoons, so all good and maybe garden centre tomorrow.

I have read about your daughter Gill on Mel's thread, she seems lovely and I am sure that she gets great satisfaction from the continuity of her TV. :-) :-)


Gillx Report 8 Sep 2018 10:16

I hope your daughter and son in law managed their trip and it didn't rain for them Ann. You made me laugh when you said an Orchid jumped into your trolley :-D :-D

That's good news about your lawn Kandj, I'll keep my fingers crossed the seeds grow in the back, after all your hard work. If you have sun followed by rain the seeds will soon start to germinate. How lovey to have the rose to remind you of happy times you shared with the couple. It's nice to have reminders like that.

How are you getting on with your new greenhouse Vera, is it full yet? The wind got up here the other day so if it was the same for you your tender plants would of loved being under cover.

I nipped out yesterday to buy some pots for the last of my bulbs as I'd like some in the back garden, needless to say I ended up buying more plants. I'm like a child in a sweet shop where plants are concerned, but at least I'll have some colour through the winter now. I can't remember the name of them but they have red berries all through until Christmas and the other one has white berries on them. I also bought some trailing Ivy to edge the new border I made earlier in the year in the back, so that's starting to look good now. I just need to buy a few more to finish it off but I bought all they had so will need to go back next week.

It's raining here today so no work outside for me, instead I'm going to catch up with some programmes I've recorded before I run out of room on my planner. I'm having to delete programmes to make room for my daughter's programmes. She is special needs and I'm her carer, she loves her TV so if I'm not quick enough watching mine I run out of space and have to delete them. I'm going to settle down and catch up with Masterchef, I love that programme, but then I used to be a baker making novelty cakes, I don't do that anymore but still make ordinary cakes for my family every now and then.


kandj Report 6 Sep 2018 21:32

Hello all

Just looked at the wedding photos Ann. Your daughter looked beautiful and you now have a new son in law to welcome into your family. Your gt grandchildren looked lovely. I do think little ones steal the occasion, after the bride of course.

I am only a couple of years behind you Ann and really have to pace myself these days. I am pleased with my ongoing effort and after raking the large dead patches back and front I put some grass seed down two weeks ago in the front lawn and this is sprouting already. Early this morning I did the same on the large patches in the back lawn and fingers crossed this will help to make both lawns look better soon.

You have the energy I had years ago Gillx and are certainly putting it to good use.
I plan to go and hunt out some Spring flowering bulbs tomorrow. Not too many, but enough to give a pretty colourful display after Winter has been and gone next year.

Vera I hope you and OH are enjoying your week away. Your mini greenhouse will give you an added interest and shelter your tender plants over the coming months.

Gwyn, I have a beautiful Peace rose which is in full bloom for the second time. A good tonic. It came several years ago from a lovely couple who have sadly both passed away and I have this rose to remind me of happier times shared together.


AnninGlos Report 6 Sep 2018 12:04

Oh dear is it raining up north Gill, it is quite nice here. Daughter and (new) son in law are staying at Embleton Northumberland, they were hoping to go to Holy Island today but not if it is raining, they will be disappointed if they can't go. They move on down near Newcastle tomorrow so today was the only day.

We have just done a Tesco shop, a bit strange shopping this week as we go away again on Tuesday so not a whole week to shop for. Still I managed to get my cprinter ink in with the groceries and also an orchid jumped in the trolley so that was ok :-D

At least not much needing doing in the garden I must put the latest garden photos up to show that it survived without us for a week.


Gillx Report 6 Sep 2018 10:52

Oh, that's good that you didn't get to wet Ann, there's nothing worse than walking around in damp clothes. Good news from the Chiropodist to.

I've finally finished both the new planters, I put the bulbs in yesterday so that's the front garden finished for now. OH is going to make me a planter for the back garden as his first attempt didn't go to plan, but it's raining here at the moment so that'll be a job for another day. I spent most of yesterday sorting out the shed, OH had made a start on it but had to go out yesterday so it was left to me to finish it, what a job that was, but at least it's done now, pleased I did it yesterday when the weather was nice as it's far to wet to do anything outside today.


AnninGlos Report 4 Sep 2018 22:21

Didn’t get too wet Gill, dodged in and out under cover and when we got off the bus the rain had stopped. Yes got on ok at the chiropodist, just a routine visit really.

The kids enjoyed rolling down the slope, good to see them doing what we would have done at their age.


Gillx Report 4 Sep 2018 15:28

I just missed your post Ann. It's lovely and sunny here after a bit of a damp start so OH is sorting out his shed. I had a form to fill in and post so that's out of the way now. I was going to put the bulbs in the planters but with all OH's stuff everywhere there's no room to move so I'll probably do it tomorrow. Hope all went well at the chiropodist, sorry to hear you got wet going for the bus, I bet you're glad to be home and dry now.


Gillx Report 4 Sep 2018 15:22

Lovely photo's Ann, it looked like everyone was having a good time and the roly poly looked fun to. :-D :-D


AnninGlos Report 4 Sep 2018 15:20

Gill goodness you have been busy, however seeing your age, you are just a baby to 78 year old me, I can see why you have more energy than I have. I can remember getting out in the garden and keeping going all day (mind you, at that age we didn't have the internet to entice us away from jobs). These days a couple of hours (with a rest in the middle) is about all I can manage, although OH does seem to have more energy than me and he is two years older.

If your summer plants are well protected behind the trees then it is a good place for them so no need for plants there as well as probably nobody sees them. Monty Don did mention a plant that was good in complete shade but sounds as if you don't need to know now.

It has rained most of the day so far although is not cold, we had to go into town as I had a chiropodist appointment and we got wet going for the bus but it was just a bit damp when we came home not really raining hard.