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Emily Baulderstone b.1870ish

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Kristen Report 19 May 2010 00:05

I am trying to find my great grandmother Emily Baulderstone presumably born somewhere in England about 1870 (give or take a few years) she migrated to Australia, date & ship unknown, where she married a Robert G. Cooper in 1908 @ Cootamundra, she had one daughter, Charlotte Eveline Cooper in 1910. Emily died tragically (automobile accident?) about 1924, when my Nan was just a teen, hence I have no other information. I would greatly appreciate If someone could shed some light on this &/or Robert G Cooper - b.1863ish, again place of birth unknown, as my family-tree is at a dead end without any info on my great-grand parents.
Regards Kris

Mike *

Mike * Report 19 May 2010 00:14

Births Jun 1874 in Lancashire.

BALDERSTONE Emily - Blackburn 8e 353

Purchase this certificate and it will tell you who her parents were.

Mike *

Mike * Report 19 May 2010 00:17

This is her in 1881... It would appear her parents were John and Christiana (unless birth cert says otherwise )


John BALDERSTON Head M Male 33 Layland Cab Driver
Christiana BALDERSTON Wife M Female 32 York, England
Robert BALDERSTON Son U Male 12 Blackburn, Lancashire, England Scholar Half Time
...............Emily BALDERSTON Daur U Female 7 Blackburn, Lancashire, England Scholar
William BALDERSTON Son Male > 2 Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Etta BALDERSTON Daur Female 6 m Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Emily COWELL Border M Female 30 York, England Cotton Weaver
Alice COWELL Border M Female 20 Blackburn Cotton Weaver
Elizabeth Jane COWELL Border Female 19 Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Fredrick COWELL Border Male 2 m Blackburn, Lancashire, England

Dwelling 47 Brook House Lane
Census Place Blackburn, Lancashire, England


Vicci Report 19 May 2010 00:34

this is emily's death record in NSW


so parent's were Samuel and Charlotte

the AUS death certificates give a lot of info, so definitely worth buying it.


Vicci Report 19 May 2010 00:36



Mike *

Mike * Report 19 May 2010 00:44

This is the marriage for the parents found in 1881

Marriages Dec 1866

Balderston John - Blackburn 8e 506
COWELL Christiana - Blackburn 8e 506

Can't find any marriage for a Samuel and Charlotte !

Mike *

Mike * Report 19 May 2010 00:48

I wonder if anyone could find her on a passenger list.
Maybe she went to Australia with her parents.

Just as a matter of interest, I have an Australian death cert for an Uncle. It gives his mother's name as Elizabeth. This was actually his first wife. His mother's name was Maria !!!!!


**Ann** Report 19 May 2010 00:51

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page

Marriages Dec 1874 (>99%)

BOLDERSON Samuel Wolstanton 6b 187
CLEWES Mary Ann Wolstanton 6b 187
HUNT John Mt. Bosworth 6b 187
Jones Charlotte Wolstanton 6b 187
Rigby John Wolstanton 6b 187

Mike *

Mike * Report 19 May 2010 00:57

Ah ... I stand corrected !
Different spelling threw me.

Good shot Ann.

Can't see a likely birth for Emily now.


Vicci Report 19 May 2010 01:36

Samuel Bolderson
Age: 31
Estimated birth year: abt 1850
Relation: Head
Spouse's name: Charlotte
Gender: Male
Where born: Staffordshire, England

Civil parish: Wolstanton
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England

Street Address: High Park
Condition as to marriage: Married

Employment status:

View image
Occupation: Coal Miner

Registration district: Wolstanton
Sub-registration district: Tunstall
ED, institution, or vessel: 12
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Samuel Bolderson 31
Charlotte Bolderson 24
Henrietta Bolderson 6


Vicci Report 19 May 2010 01:37

Births Dec 1874 (>99%)
Bolderson Harriet Ann Wolstanton 6b 145

Births Sep 1881 (>99%)
Bolderson Maria Wolstanton 6b 111


Vicci Report 19 May 2010 01:40

Samuel Bolderson
Age: 45
Estimated birth year: abt 1846
Relation: Relative (Other Relative)
Gender: Male
Where born: Burslem, Staffordshire, England

Civil parish: Stoke Upon Trent
Ecclesiastical parish: Wellington
Town: Hanley
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England

Street Address:


Condition as to marriage:


Employment status:

View image

Registration district: Stoke Upon Trent
Sub-registration district: Hanley
ED, institution, or vessel: 8
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Arthur S Kellam 27
Olive Kellam 31
Samuel J Kellam 5/12
Samuel Bolderson 45
Charlotte Kellam 34 Mistranscribed should be Bolderson
Harriett Kellam 16 "
Samuel Kellam 6 "
Henry Kellam 5 "
Olive Kellam 1 "
Edward Kellam 7/12 "


Vicci Report 19 May 2010 01:43

still in UK 1901
Saml Bolderson
Age: 50
Estimated birth year: abt 1851
Relation: Head
Spouse's name: Charlotte
Gender: Male
Where born: Burslem, Staffordshire, England

Civil parish: Hanley
Ecclesiastical parish: Hanley St Luke
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England

Street Address:


Condition as to marriage:


Employment status:

View image

Registration district: Stoke upon Trent
Sub-registration district: Hanley
ED, institution, or vessel: 9
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 268
Household Members:
Name Age
Saml Bolderson 50
Charlotte Bolderson 44
Maria Bolderson 19
Samuel Bolderson 16
Henry Bolderson 14
Olive Bolderson 11
Edward Bolderson 9
Harold Bolderson 7
Lily Bolderson 6
Ethel Bolderson 3

so maybe not the right family, any of these names ring a bell??


Vicci Report 19 May 2010 01:51


Name Relation Condition/
Yrs married Sex Age Birth
Year Occupation Where Born Original

BOLDERSON, Harold Son Single M 18 1893 Magoner Miner Coal Staffordshire Hanley VIEW
BOLDERSON, Harry Son Single M 24 1887 Hewer Miner Coal Under Ground Staff Hanley VIEW
BOLDERSON, Edward Son Single M 21 1890 Miner Coal Staff Hanley VIEW
BOLDERSON, Samuel Head Married M 60 1851 Miner Staffs Burslem VIEW
BOLDERSON, Charlotte Wife Married
30 years F 55 1856 Home Staffs Hanley VIEW
BOLDERSON, Olive Daughter Single F 22 1889 Home Dress Maker Staffs Hanley VIEW
BOLDERSON, Ethel Daughter Single F 14 1897 Home Staffs Hanley VIEW
CRESSWELL, Jane Visitor Single F 23 1888 Servant Staffs Stoke VIEW
WOOLLISCRAFT, Phyllis Niece Single F 5 1906 School Staffordshire Wolstanton VIEW
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
16556 Reference:
RG14PN16556 RG78PN1023 RD361 SD2 ED8 SN93

Registration District:
Stoke upon Trent Sub District:
Stoke upon Trent Enumeration District:
8 Parish:
Stoke upon Trent

9 Davenport Street Stoke-Upon-Trent County:


Kristen Report 21 May 2010 23:32

Thank You All so very much, I am stoked to the response of my enquiry. It may be that the name had originally been Bolderson, so it's worth looking into.
Kindest Regards


Craig Report 30 Apr 2016 15:38

Hi Kris, I don't expect you will see this after such a long time, but felt compelled to set the record straight and maybe help others. My name is Craig Baulderstone and i know quite a bit about Emily's parents Thomas and Charlotte and before and also only recently very curious about Emily's life. I thought that she had died much earlier but then learnt from a number of sources that is not the case. I know that Emily lived at Goodwood Road with her father Thomas up until his death in 1898 "South Australian Register, Adelaide, Saturday 2nd July, ,
Mr. .Thomas Baulderstone, of Goodwood road, died on Thursday, June 30, at his residence at the age of seventy-eight. He came to the colony in the ship Sultana in the year 1851, and engaged in farming pursuits as soon as he arrived, taking up the land— an 80-acre section— on which he lived during the whole of his colonial career. He was known as one of the best and most successful farmers in South Australia. By careful tillage he always managed to produce a succession of good crops, and varied the growth of wheat with that of barley, rye, peas, &c. He has left three sons— Mr. Henry Baulderstone, of Hackney; Mr. Thomas Baulderstone, of Mundoora; and Mr. George Baulderstone, of Sydney— and one daughter, Miss Emily Baulderstone, who had been living with him. He had also eleven grandchildren." This is from Trove - have you used this?
Her eldest brother George moved from Adelaide to be a miner at Cullinga in NSW some years earlier than that, and it appears that after that she moved over to this area. She married Robert, also a Miner in 1908 that I have seen on the title to a large part of the now Adelaide suburb of Cumberland Park (as life estate that i haven't investigated yet) but was the Goodwood Road farm. "Robert George Cooper of Wombat, Miner on the 2 day of January 1908 at Christ Church Cootamundra". I am pretty sure Samuel is a different 'lot' but spelling means nothing back then because of course they were all illiterate. Emily Cooper (Baulderstone), who died in car accident 1938 (I think) - her parents were Thomas and Charlotte who came from Wickham Skeith in Suffolk England on the Sultana in 1851. Her Grandfather Christopher came via Pt. Arthur in 1834 after stealing 7 pigs, but her family goes back quite a long way in the vicinity of Wickham Skeith. Without rattling on too long, I mainly wanted to put you on the right track. Lastly, i think i saw in an obituary that George died at Emily's house, or with her support perhaps, in 1919. George remained unmarried and without children, so i like to think that after many years alone over there he had that family support there. Also i am descendent from her brother Thomas (jnr), my great grandfather and grew up on Palmer Ave, at the end of Baulderstone Rd in Myrtle Bank, SA that was the subdivision of his land. Happy to share anything i know with anyone, if you have any questions let me know. Also i would love to know any personal information you have heard about Emily and Roberts life. Also happy to correspond via email etc but that may be frowned upon - i have hardly used this site. I can refer you to family trees on and My Heritage that i have assisted with if that helps - go back to 1600's for some. I have only done a months membership to be able to do this to help others, which is adding value to their site. I am not happy with this site extorting money from me to do this - don't mind paying when i am researching and getting info, but to give my knowledge simply to help others and have to pay for the privilege i do protest. Shame they don't have a free trial as with other sties.


JoonieCloonie Report 30 Apr 2016 22:54

Hi Craig - in an odd coincidence Kristen's post is almost a duplicate of Kelly's in which you have posted a reply, and the two were posted only weeks apart. Presumably Kelly and Kristen are related but as Kelly did not reply to additional info added to her thread she may not have seen it.

I added a note to you there and have also sent you a private message directing you back to the thread to see it, in case you expected that you would get notification of replies, which you won't. ;)

edit - Craig has read my PM. You're welcome, Craig.