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Russian/jewish names

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alviegal Report 21 Oct 2014 14:24

Here's the Fellmans going to NY.

Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 Transcription
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First name(s) SORE B
Last name FELLMAN
Gender Female
Age 16
Birth year 1889
Marital status S
Occupation TAILORESS
Departure year 1905
Departure day 30
Departure month 8
Departure port LIVERPOOL
Destination port PHILADELPHIA
Country United States
Destination country United States
Ship name MERION

She has the name Zachariah underneath her name, child aged 11. He has STET written in pencil beside his name. She has N u b ? written besides her name and they have both been scored out.
There is also a David Krenas? a 17 year old tinsmith written above her name and also scored out.

Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 Transcription
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First name(s) SORE R
Last name FELLMAN
Gender Female
Age 16
Birth year 1889
Marital status S
Occupation SERVANT
Departure year 1905
Departure day 23
Departure month 8
Departure port LIVERPOOL
Destination port PHILADELPHIA
Country United States
Destination country United States

There is 44 year old Chane/Charles Fellman, a labourer. His wife Rivka? 42 and children Devore?boy of 6, Jochebad? girl of 3 and Gedalia, boy of 2 named above her who are all scored through with REJECTEN? beside their names.

Sore has a child, Zachina? Fellman girl of 11 written below her name. They are then scored out and N O B written besides their names.

This probably has nothing to do with your family and will probably only confuse you more. Sorry.

Looking at these, they appear to be the same person trying to emigrate. Zachariah/ Zachina could be the same person, the writing is pretty bad. I'm pretty sure his age is in the male column and then in the female column but this could be a mistake.


brigid Report 16 Oct 2014 11:19

It's not our Taube as she was still in Russia in 1891 when her sibling Khaya was born .
Thanks for looking Gritty at least I know that its a girl's name now !

Our family seems to stick to same names thru generations

I'm interested in Shora ; He has a sibling called Shora B1885
an uncle/aunt Sorre d1883 as a child
there is a Sore B Fellman + a Sore R Fellman on boats from liverpool -new york in 1905 aged 16 ....

it would help if i knew whether Mera /Bassa/Sora are girls names or not or if there is a male + female version of same name ... Sorre could be Male + Sora female


Gritty Report 16 Oct 2014 09:33

Possible death in Prestwich

Gender Female
Birth year 1891
Age 0
Death quarter 4
Death year 1891
County Lancashire
Volume 8D
Page 291
Country England

Edit: not correct as would've been aged 1 at death


brigid Report 15 Oct 2014 23:18

when I go to various research pages on Jewishgen putting in" Fellman " answer sometimes come up for Blumenau seems an unlikely spelling variation ..what else could it be ?

Eldest brother may be Nathan Fellman b1868 d1916 prestwich


brigid Report 15 Oct 2014 23:12

Hi I'd like to know what became of Sheiner ? b in Russia
and her children Taube Fellman born 3/march 1890 Jacobstadt,
and Khaya Fellman b1891 in Jacobstadt

I'd also like to know more about naming systems ;the first born boy seems to take the fathers name as his own middle name (patronym) in this family
what is tradition for other sons and do daughters take mothers names .

Are names ending "a" automatically girls names ? I have found Mera,Bassa,Shora, as possible siblings for my ggrandfather (from a list on jewishgen)

Update ; SUMMARY

Thanks to all who've helped On my threads +
Alisouns Threads too

A lot of detective work shows that Seina was actually my GGgranfather Samuel Fellman's second wife she ended up in USA as Mrs Jane Fellman

Taube died in manchester
Khaya's name became Tilly or Matilda

Matilda was 20 years younger than half brother George Jacob Fellman
a1900 school register in B'head has guardian/parents name as George

She emigrated to USA with her parents + sisters in 1903

she became a Saleslady in USA and married Leo Jampolsky .

sister Gertrude was born in Manchester 1893 also comes up as Taube Golda Gertty on school + ship records
on US Census 1910 she was aged 15 lost traceof her after that

sister Esther also born Manchester 1897 aged 4 on 1901 census
she was listed as lestraube on the boat passage 1905
but by 1920 was known as Estelle
she married Abraham Clifford

Estella Clifford grave gives b as 1901 death 1987 aged 86 but she was closer to 90

They had 12 half siblings including my GGfather george Jacob
and Barnett the brother Already in NY cited on their boat passages

Barnett Barius + Benjamin turned out to be the same man
as the Barnd who took a ship to US in 1900

his address was given when other siblings David .Bessie and May each travelled independently to US in 1903 and 1904
(he probably had a different name in Russian Latvia too but dont have records ) links info on here links with Alisoun's "Are they siblings" Thread