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Sally Report 10 Jun 2014 21:39

hello all

vikki hello I am sure someone will come along to help you but it might be quiker if you pos on geneolgy board we mostly just chat on here but you are welcomb

ann I know what you mean after have eye ops etc will be thinking of you how is your cat keeping you entertained I hope

hope Cynthia is all right not been on here for some time

have agood time Sylvia I would think the views are wonderfull

Arthur I expect the garden and cats are keeping you busy

my oh is a lot better at the moment and not so much pain and is getting about on his scooter

Robert it is time you popped in and tell us how your shell is

hope you are all well

sally w <3


vikki Report 10 Jun 2014 18:57

Help please,

I have had a message to say that 'someoone ' has shared their tree with me - great.

But as they did not personally,message me, just sent access, how do I find their tree.

Their name is not on my contact list, is not on my 'message sent' list

Help please


Susan Report 10 Jun 2014 12:03

Hi Everyone

Anne I know what you mean ,anything to do with the eyes is sore and annoying,I still have a bit of trouble with the left eye after op but it is slowly coming good.

Sylvia I hope you and your OH haver a safe trip and enjoy yourselves.

It is very cold here now but I am enjoying it better than the 40c we had over Summer.

I can't stop to long as I have visitors on there way,will try to get back later.

Hope everyone else are doing well.

Love to you all <3



Tabitha Report 9 Jun 2014 15:04

Hi all
Just a quick post

Had another eye operation on the 5th feeling very sorry for myself.

Tomorrow i can get up & move around a bit

Echos of 5 years ago even if its nothing i could do about it just one of those things

i have my check up on Wednesday fingers crossed please that all went well this time

I really am not sure i can go through all this again

Sorry for being so grumpy


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jun 2014 20:14

Hi Sue, and everyone

Hope everyone is well, and just busy

Only 2 more days, and we will be on the train to Montreal :-)

I'm busy trying to get my stuff together ....... I let OH sort himself out :-D

We have 1 small case and a bag between us for the 4 days on the train, and 1 case to be checked ........ with the clothes etc for Montreal and then the return home

We will have the laptop with us .................. but I have no idea what the WiFi situation will be. Certainly not on the train for most, if not all, the journey.

The weather looks as though it will be hot in Montreal

Then we're back for 3 days, before going up North for about a week

I'll try to post before we leave, but I think it will then be a case of me popping in as and when ............... so don't worry unless you haven't heard for a month :-)

take care everyone



Susan Report 4 Jun 2014 05:53

Hi everyone

I too am still around just a bit busy of late with my tree and Doctors appointments for the OH,he is doing Ok but will be happy when they finally decide on what op they are going to do on his neck.

He is still in a lot of pain even with his meds ...should be a lot of fun getting him off all the meds when they do operate.

Our Winter is really here with lots of rain and bad winds but I do not mind as I am inside my nice warm house.

Went out to the forest last weekend to fill up the wood heap ,we did get a nice load that will last a few months.

Sally and Reece I hope you are both feeling a little better,we are all always here for you both <3

I had better get some housework done :-D

Will drop in again later.

Love to you all <3 :-D



Tabitha Report 1 Jun 2014 19:38

Can you believe its 1st June already

Will pop in again later - just letting you all know I am still here

Take care all


Old Report 24 May 2014 11:09


I was asking for some rain for the garden, but got rather more than required. It always seems to happen before a Bank Holiday. Thinking of you.

I am glad you mentioned Shadow - I did not want to ask in case the dreadful woman who used to own him had demanded his return. He is clearly much better off with you.
My two continue to give me so much pleasure. Nikki, the hunter, continues to reduce the rodent population. She has not yet learnt that I would prefer to be presented with her trophies -dead. She even jumped on my bed several times with a very large live mouse she thought it great fun, I was not so sure.
I think they will have to be kept in the kitchen at night, although she does bring them in during the day.

My tree continues to frustrate. I am trying to find the birth of my 4 x gt grandfather, Peter Nichols (We are now Nicholls) He lived in Sudbury, Suffolk and I have found his marriages to Ann Crow and Lydia Abbott in the early 1770s. I also cannot find his death! May have to go to the Records office in Ipswich but rather too busy at the moment and hoped to find details on line.


Susan Report 24 May 2014 09:47

Hi Everyone

I too have been very bad at not posting but I have gotten very into my tree of late and pleased to say I have got rid of a few brick walls.

Reece nice to see you popping in ,hope you are well.

Sally we are all here for you are not alone <3,I had trouble back a few weeks ago with my Computer,all sorted now and working very well.

Our weather has changed a lot ,rain and strong winds all week this week but I am glad to see it ,we need it badley.

All my lot are well and our Grt Grandaughter brings us so much pleasure,she is so cute.

It was the Anniversery the other day for that poor soldier Lee Ridgby,killed in his own Country...still find that hard to handle,RIP Lee .

Going to the big smoke Monday for a shopping spree can't wait,Dau Grandaughter and Grt Granddaughter all going so Four generations all going shopping and we are all female :-D so should be a good day.

Off to watch the last of the footy. :-)

Hi Sylvia and to you all <3

Suex :-D <3


Tabitha Report 24 May 2014 08:59

Hope everyone has a good bank holiday weekend

Very wet here today - but its warm and three days off at home together only the Monaco GP to bother us.

Shadow had his first MOT with us yesterday - gave up waiting for previous owner to decide on a date. He gets his booster in 3 weeks time

Sylvia hope you have a successful few days away & enjoy emptying the booze cupboard - what a good idea for a send off. Hope things sort themselves out with your family.

Sue & Cynthia hope all is well with you both

Reece & Robert hope you are keeping well

Arthur how are the "Kittens"

Sally - hope you are still keeping positive and enjoying your time together

Apologies if I have missed anyone


Sally Report 23 May 2014 18:54

hello all

I broke some thing on my modem that I could still click and read but not type any thing daughter got the part today and they did not charge her that was nice of tem

o the rain yesterday it started just after three we were in tescos the noise was so much you could not hear any body when they spoke the kids were just comeing out of school my granddaughter rang her mum to arsk if she would take her some shoes and trousers she works in fish and chip shop after school

the roads were flooded so it was slow goingidid not get home till after five my path was under water right over my shoes my trousers were soaked it only five yards to the door the thunder went on forever

we have a mc donalds opening soon here my granddaughter has a full time job starting as soon as she leaves school the first of jully so is very pleased

hope you are all o k

sally w <3


SylviaInCanada Report 21 May 2014 20:17

Hi Sue, and everyone

gosh, I have been so bad at popping in on here :-(

poor little thread, we must all be busy.

Sally ......... I hope things are going as well as they can for your OH xxxx

Reece ....... it is so nice to see you posting. I hope that you are doing well?

It is definitely early summer here. The temperature is up around 18C to 20C most days .......... very pleasant!!!

Today it's about 18C or so, and the window is wide open, but the clouds are rolling in and rain is in the forecast ............. though that has been the case for the last couple of days, and the rain has never actually fallen.

The university's Graduation Ceremonies start today ............... 4 a day for the next 6 week days. OH is Senior Marshal for the students, and goes to all 24 ceremonies.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that heavy rain does not fall while the students are processing from the marshalling point to the Theatre, or after each ceremony when there are "snackies" on the plaza outside the Theatre.

We are chugging along quite well. My leg is still being a nuisance ............... although it only hurts now when I sit down or stand up, and aches a bit when I walk. Hopefully, that will soon stop!

We go away in 3 weeks to Montreal for a meeting. We're taking the train both ways :-). I want to be walking more comfortably by then!

3 days after we get back, we have to drive north for the spreading of OH's sister's ashes on the ski hill, and the ceremonial drinking of the contents of her liquor cupboard (or as much as we can!). We'll take 2 or maybe even 3 days to do the drive ........ it's 15 hours on the road, not counting stops, any way that we do it!

Our daughter is coming over from the East Coast, with her son, for that weekend ....................... it will be a long trip for her and our grandson. It will take 14 hours for her to get there on the Friday, and 11 hours on overnight flights to get home on the Tuesday. They will have to change planes twice each way, but each change is short, about 90 minutes each time.

But she wants closure ............ and she also realised that this could well be the only time when she will be able to meet with all her 3 cousins and families at the same time, and the only time that grandson may meet his generation of children altogether. They all live in different towns, and, as you may have gathered, travel is often long!

She and her husband are still going through counselling, and making progress, although M is now on mood changing medication 'cos he obsesses about things.

take care everyone



Sally Report 11 May 2014 13:23

thankyou reece

every one is so kind

I hope you are feeling better and have settled in your new home

it is chucking it down with rain here

sally w <3


Reece Report 10 May 2014 16:49

Sally, I am so very sorry to hear this news of your OH - sending both of you love and all best wishes.

Love to everyone



Tabitha Report 7 May 2014 19:00

Sally - we are all in this together

That's what friends are for - all there to help each other through good & bad

You all kept me from going do lally 5 years ago

Stick in there & shout when you need help

Take care all


Sally Report 6 May 2014 22:21

hankyou ann

so kind

sally w <3


Tabitha Report 4 May 2014 18:56

Sally so sorry to hear your news (((hugs))))

Make time for yourself too as you need to keep up your strength - you will both be in my prayers

Sue so glad I could help - let me know if there is anything you need we have a -week off in June - so we may be able to visit Maidstone if you need any records checked.

My M in Law is 90 today - we had a meal with them yesterday - My F in Law will be 92 in 10 days - we are at a loss what to get for his birthday as he no longer like his little bit of whisky at night. He has no hobbies & wont listen to his music these days either. We use to give them theatre vouchers but mum finds it hard to get about on their own now.

Any thoughts would be welcome

Take care all <3


Sally Report 3 May 2014 14:28

thankyou Sylvia and sue for your thoughts

sally <3


Susan Report 2 May 2014 04:37

Hi Everyone

Sally what can I say ,I am so sorry to hear your news but stay possitive ,the Lord

works in mysterious ways,my prayers are with you and your family <3

The line Anne found for me is proveing good so far but it does get harder back that far1770's,other members in the Uk are quite excited about it has been a long time between find for this line a big thank you Anne.

Getting used to new Ancestry but I do prefere the old version.

Off to Bunbury today a friend who had surgery 2 months ago is back in again with the same problem ,she is type 2 diabetise so she takes a bit longer to heal,a very big scar that is taking its time to heal up.

Some nice rain coming up for us :-D

Love to Everyone <3

Suex :-D <3


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Apr 2014 23:39


I am so sorry to hear that the cancer has spread


I hope the treatments help him

Look after yourself, while taking care of him xxxxxxx