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Sally Report 30 Apr 2014 20:48

hello all

we have had sad news oh cancer has spread to his bones he has had radio therapy last week which has helped with the pain tomorrow he is having an acid drip which should also help

so all we can do now is hope

will speak soon

sally w <3


Susan Report 29 Apr 2014 13:45

Hi Anne

Yes Anne that is it ,thankyou so much ,it did give me a new line to search and as I have just got World Ancestry instead of Heritage Plus ...I thought a few more records may have come to light over the last few years never know :-D

Just doing a bit now ,eyes are getting a bit sore though :-(



Tabitha Report 29 Apr 2014 13:17

Hi Sue - I think it was around the 4th March 2011 - time fly's far too quickly - its over 2 years since they shut the Canterbury office - hope this is what you wanted


Sue - did the look up for you in Canterbury - spent an hour doing a bit of a trawl - but not a lot to report - wasn't sure to do a PM - but as you put the item on here - thought I will add the info.

I looked at the actual Parish Record (& Bishops Transcript) was most certainly down as Acock - I also looked at the Canterbury Marriage Licence register.

Parish Record for St Paul Canterbury
William Acock a minor of this parish and
Mary Page spinster also of this Parish
Married by licence 19 February 1793 by Thomas Foreman Vicar St Pauls

X mark of William Acock
Mary Page signed her name


Sarah Page and John Williamson both signed their names.

Licence details

William Acock of St Pauls aged 20 father William Acock a labourer
Mary Page of St Pauls aged 24
Applied for marriage licence 18 February 1793

I had a look in the baptisms as I was nosey but didn't find a William son of William. I did find;
William Acock son of Henry & Cathrine Accock 3 May 1771

Mary daughter of James and Mary Page 25 December 1767
John son of James and Mary Page 3 December 1769
Jesse child of James and Mary Page 17 May 1771
Susanna child of James and Mary Page 24 October 1773 (Born 18th)

if this is the same Mary she was 26 when she was married so told a little bit of a lie about her age.

I found Jesse son of William and Mary Haycock 2nd March 1794

All very interesting - if you need me to look at anywhere else let me know - we are not back there till Saturday 2nd April.


Susan Report 29 Apr 2014 12:18

Hi Everyone

I had another scare last night with Computer < I just turned it all off from the wall and waited until this morning to turn everything back on again and all was fine so don't know what happened.

Anne you found me some info a while back now on the Haycock line ,I have lost it ,it was to do with a marriage for a william Haycock in London ,I don't suppose you could find it again I would appreciate it,I think you found it in Canturbury.

I have been searching the pages on here but I cannot see it .

I am fed up with Chocolate and do not want to see it for a few months ,I lost a lot of weight before easter but put it all back on again eating chocolate.

Our Winter is here at last ,had a bit of rain but a lot more to come I hope.

We are enjoying our Grt Grandaughter who is talking a lot now she is so cute,she melts your heart.

Off to do the Dinner dishes be back later :-D
Love to all my friends <3

Suex :-D <3


Tabitha Report 27 Apr 2014 19:30

Have you all had too many Easter Eggs & cant get to the board

Its another Bank Holiday in a weeks time lets see who gets back to the board

Take care everyone


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Apr 2014 04:42

bit late .......................



Susan Report 20 Apr 2014 08:21


Welcome back John ,busy now but be back later :-D

Sue :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D <3


Tabitha Report 19 Apr 2014 19:00


Not too may Easter Eggs now


John Report 13 Apr 2014 14:21

Hi everyone,
Sorry that I have not posted in a while, but I am only an occasional poster, although I do read everyone else's posts on this thread.

I spent a fantastic 3 weeks in Australia in late September up to the middle of October last year. I went with my youngest sister Pat and brother in law Colin. We spent three days in Sydney, then we flew up to Cairns for 4 days, you know, doing the tourist thing, like the Great Barrier Reef (fantastic), we also went up to Karunda Village on the train and came back down on the cable car, which scared the life out of my sister, she doesn't like heights, and would look nowhere else except straight ahead, we had to change cars halfway down and we were then in a glass bottomed car which was even worse for Pat.
We then flew down to Melbourne and stayed with my eldest sister, Sheila, it was lovely to see her and all the extended family and unfortunately Pat and Colin had to leave and come back to the UK, because Colin has his own business and Pat was needed back to look after her grandchildren, whilst my nephew and his partner went to work.
I stayed on for another week at Sheila's, it was nice to take it easy and relax my legs, they don't like walking too far. But all in all it was a brilliant holiday (except for the flights, 3 going out and two coming home). I doubt very much if I will ever go again, except maybe if and when something happens to my eldest sister.
During the last week I was there I was privileged to see my sisters newest great grandson the day after he was born, he is beautiful.

Since coming home my sister had three more great grandchildren born the week after I got home. :-D . (Twin girls and another boy). I have some wonderful memories now.

Went out for a meal last night, it was my youngest sister Pat's 65th birthday yesterday (Saturday) and there were 5 of us in total, we had a brilliant meal and there were lots of jokes and laughter talking about all sorts of things, the atmosphere in the pub/restaurant was great with background music and lots of laughter from everywhere in the pub. I think a good night was had by all.

I have been watching the London Marathon this morning, but now I must close and get on with my ironing, which has been staring at me for over a week now. My daughter always says to me that I can do that at any time, there is no rush, but it is beginning to bug me now, so
Cheerio everyone, and may I wish everyone a very happy Easter and that life is good to everyone,



Old Report 13 Apr 2014 09:58

Loving the fine weather and enjoying gardening - there is a lot to do!

Would appreciate your thoughts on a Family History question.

On a Census the place of birth is given from 1851 onwards. With Mary Nicholls (born Henniker in 1801) her birthplace is given on different Census as Sheerness, Chobham (Kent not Surrey), and she was baptised in Bredhurst. All places are very close but I wonder why different answers might be given.


Tabitha Report 10 Apr 2014 13:13

Not a lot to report here - all very samey - not a lot going on either

Tree still giving me a headache on certain lines

Oh for the luxury of retirement

One day I will get to work on MY Tree - still doing OH one - when we had our "Lack of work spell" I set up things for him to work on - on his tree while I was working - Mainly to give him something to think about and keep him sane.

The noise from the building site made it impossible to work in the garden

Anyway I digress - so of course his tree seems to have grown in leap & bounds .

Whereas mine is lurking in the corner waiting attention.

He of course is working nearly every day - which we are very grateful for.

I only really get a Sunday or occasional Saturday afternoon - so i don’t get a lot of time to finish off the bits he needs - so he can do the odd bit during the week.

He has promised to devote as much interest to mine - once we stop work on his & I know he will.

He seems far more fascinated by some of my rellies than his own - & vice versa on some of his.

Just for a change we have very different tastes in what interests us.

I need to break a few of his brick walls & he says leave them till later – I keep on.

He has a few “Unusual” characters & events I would really like to pursue but never seem to have the time.

There is a Reverend on his tree who fascinates me a great deal & died in mysterious circumstances – i would Love to find out more – I dragged OH to visit his churches while we were in Kent & I loved every moment.

He also has a family who seem to vanish for around 10 years & I want to find them – as the wife & youngest seem to have died – but no certificates or burial records. He then turns up on the census in the neighbouring area with a new wife & family. It’s all very strange. I still think he kept the first wife locked up somewhere as his parents looked after his first son while all this was happening. As soon as he comes back in focus his parents vanish - did he bury them in the cellar?

There are also a few more I want to get to the bottom of.

My father seems to give my OH a great deal of interest – he wants to map out his life – where as I don’t really have An interest – probably because I never knew him. There is also a great great goodness only knows how many grandfathers
who was a murderer & met a very sticky end - apparently he wanted to marry his daughter (he had children by her) & killed off her fiancé to stop them marrying. As he didn’t want to lose her. It was a very big court case - so he wants to find out more

I think I would prefer to forget it

Oh well I had better finish up & get back to work

Take care all


Cynthia Report 9 Apr 2014 12:04

Hi everyone...... <3

It's a bit sparse on here lately.......everyone is so busy I guess. Susan, I certainly hope you manage to knock down a few of your brickwalls with your worldwide sub. Some rellies just don't want to be found though do they....? :-D

I've spent ages on my tree lately but now I am ferrying either OH or son or Grandson to various medical appointments/dentists etc. It takes a fair chunk out of the day.

It's half term here so I am caught up with daughter on several afternoons in the week. ........ this is retirement!!! :-0

Hey ho, I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way really.

Hope everyone is keeping well - even though busy. <3


Susan Report 9 Apr 2014 10:57

Hi Everyone

Thought I would stick with Ancestry and they gave me a good deal with World cover so I have gone for the lot as I do have a few brickwalls to get past it may help with that .

If i can help anyone only to happy too. :-D

Sylvia that is good news on the cabin,Another worry off of your mind I guess.

Weather here cooling off now with the odd day of a tad warm but winter is not too far away.

Looks like they have found the black box from the missing aircraft off of exmouth ,over one thousand Klm's out to sea and more than 4500 Mtrs down.

I really feel for the families of the passengers on that flight it must be terrible for them all this waiting to find where it went ...lets hope this is it ,I was hoping it had been highjacked and all onboard are still alive but it does not look like it now.

Have to go now and put some dinner on ,will be back late trying out my World Ancestry,only ever had Uk Heriage Plus since 2006.

Be back later

Suex :-D <3


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Apr 2014 04:06

Hi Sue, and everyone

It was physio day today ............... he really worked on my knee ....... he doesn't think it is structural (ie, not arthritic), but the muscles in my thigh have tightened, so I've been given some exercises to do.

If it doesn't improve in the next 2 weeks, then he will ask for an Xray to be done to be sure that he there is nothing there.

It was a lovely sunny day, and quite warm. The skies were clear, and there were the most wonderful views over to the mountains to the north of here. Fresh snow had fallen in the last week, so the mountain tops were just gorgeous!

Everything to do with the cabin is now finished ............ we picked up 24 post-dated cheques from the Notary yesterday. Now all we have to do is remember to deposit the relevant one on the right day each month :-)

take care everyone



Susan Report 1 Apr 2014 11:48

Hi Everyone

What a shock about Jonesey,such a wise person,who could calm things down allright,we shall all miss his greatly.

I can't get over how different it is with Genes on Google Chrome,the site is faster and much better .
I have had a lot of work done on my computer over the last month so that has made a big difference also.

I was going to go to FMP for a while but I see everyone thinks Ancestry is the best so may stay with them,I have been with them since 2006.

Grandaughter all better after having her Gall Bladder removed,hubbys Knee slowley mending and we have appointments now for his EMG test (electric test on the nerves that run up the arms to his neck) and to see his neuro surgeon for his neck op,about time too,our medical system here is so slow.

Sally so sorry to hear about your OH,mine is taking Morphine for his neck but in a patch form that last a week at a time ,he has been on them for 2 years now ,think it could be a problem getting him off them but doc says no he will slowly wheen him off them when they finish operating on his neck.
The Morphine works well.

Well I had better get my dinner dishes done :-Dlove to all my friends.

Suex :-D <3


Sally Report 30 Mar 2014 15:19

hello all

Sylvia your wheather sounds much like ours today although the sun is out it is hideing behind some fret

my oh is not too good he has cancer in his bones at the top of his legs and is in some pain he is takeing morphine tablets and they are helping

Cynthia I was shocked and sadend about jonesey if there was a spat on the boards he had some words of wisdom to calm it down

hallo roy I see you are a follower :-D

sally w <3


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Mar 2014 23:15

Hi Sue, and everyone

We've got real April weather here ..................... sun, showers, downpour, sun, showers and on and on and on!

Meanwhile, all the trees are in flower or budding ................. cherries, plums, camellias, magnolias, etc etc.

this is a lovely time of year here :-D

Our clocks went forward on March 9 .................... I will now be 8 hours behind the UK once again. It's much easier to calculate an 8 hour time difference than 7 hours :-)

take care everyone



Cynthia Report 29 Mar 2014 17:39

My; cats; gall bladders; shells; Ancestry; McDonald's and the oldest profession in the world! What a varied thread :-D

I have been very busy on my trees for a while as I attempt to 'flesh them out' so to speak. I've been scouring the net for old photos of the various areas in an attempt to see them as close to as my ancestors would have known them. Very interesting.

Also, my son has had an op on his knee which means that mum's taxi service has come in useful.... :-D

Was really shocked yesterday to find that Jonesey from the boards has died. I have put a thread on Genealogy chat about it. He was great fun and a regular contributor to Gins thread on FA. Very nice chap indeed. :-(

Been busy all day so am glad to sit down.........take care all....Cx <3


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Mar 2014 00:22

OH got the car back about 4 pm this afternoon (Friday)

The invoice was the exact price of the estimate :-)

so just over $2,000 on the MC, ready for the next statement ........... we only paid this month's earlier this afternoon!


Old Report 28 Mar 2014 19:55


Thanks for clarifying.

Having a good mechanic is great and should be valued highly.