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SylviaInCanada Report 28 Mar 2014 18:57

Just to clarify ................

Our car is a 2006 Subaru Forester

The dealer noticed the oil leak in an out-of-the way place while doing the "recall" job .................... but just told OH, and said to take it back

We did not take it back to the dealer .................. we have our own mechanic who runs his own shop and has done our cars for over 20 years.

They do have to order the Subaru parts in on an as-needed basis

As a point of interest ..................... the recall was due to "rusting" of some part under the car (don't ask me, I know nothing about cars!). I do know that "rusting" was not considered a problem here, but had been identified as such in areas where they get a lot of snow and use salt on the roads.

Treatment was replacement of the affected parts ............. except in areas such as where we live, where they just applied a waterproof paint to the parts :-)


Porkie_Pie Report 28 Mar 2014 11:15

Arthur, I understand that, I was just explaining how the system works,

But i will also add in the light of your reply that there is often conflict between departmens in a dealership

The service manager is trying to meet and possibly exeed customer expectation whilst the parts manager who is supplying the service department is trying to maximise his turnover and profit, (He is paid a bonus on his profits) and most parts managers see the dealership bodyshops and service departments as a captive audiance and there for don't always give the same customer service to their own departments within the dealership as they do to the external trade counter,

Been their done that got the T shirt :-D



Old Report 28 Mar 2014 10:49


I agree with everything you say would apply in an emergency repair. Sylvia's repair was planned, having resulted from a discovery during a Manufacturer's recall.

When the engineer stepped on the gasket :-0 I would expect any decent dealer to make a priority replacement order - even if it meant losing the discount.



Porkie_Pie Report 28 Mar 2014 09:57

Not knowing what gasket is leaking it's difficult to say how long a job should take but what you need to consider is that most companies are not stood idle waiting for your car to go wrong and so the 4 or 2 days could be because they cannot start work on your vehicle immediately

As for how long it takes to get "parts" their are 2 options open to a dealer

option 1, order the part along with your normal weekly/monthly "stock order" in which case the dealer will get the part at a more favourable price usually anything from 40% up to around 60% discount off the retail price, so that item will arrive along with and when the dealers stock order is due.

option 2, 24 hour delivery price which is less favourable because the dealer will only make around a 10% or 15% mark up on that item



Old Report 28 Mar 2014 09:24


I sympathise with you over the car, but find it difficult to understand their explanation.

I worked in the motor industry and had responsibility for buying gaskets. Nothing annoys a customer more than an oil leak. Of course the engineers worked to make the system more robust to minimise leaks, but steps were taken to ensure adequate supplies of replacement gaskets. Typically an order to the parts depot was delivered in 24 hours.

This was the situation over 25 years ago so I am surprised they said it would take 4 days and even more that an engineer stepping on the gasket could cause further delay.

I worked at Ford, I suspect your car might be from General Motors.


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Mar 2014 03:39

Hi all

another wet day here :-(

................ and of course, that also means wet at the site of the mudslide in Washington State. They're really having major problems working there .................. it's like being in quicksand

I'm looking forward to going to my physio on Tuesday ............ he rarely hurts me now, and I usually feel much better after he's worked on my back. I'm hoping he'll work the same magic on my knee .............. which is slowly getting better :-)

The Notary phoned this afternoon .................. the down payment for the property is now in our bank account. Then he phoned back later to say he had forgotten to deduct his expenses, so we have to pay him next week :-)

Anne ................. the seller carrying the mortgage for the buyer isn't common, but neither is it uncommon here, especially for recreational property. It's all done legally, and under strict regulations.

It's done if the buyer for some reason cannot get a regular mortgage from a bank or insurance company, but is able to make regular payments.

The seller, as in our case, can insist on a higher rate of interest being paid on the mortgage .................. and that ends up with us getting paid more money than the asking price.

If the buyer fails to comply .................. eg, fails to make the payments .................. then the property reverts back to us.

We had a recall on our car the other week ....................... the dealer fixed that, but said they had spotted a leak in the oil system and the gasket needed replacing ................. a 4 day job, so they said.

OH took the car to our own mechanic on Tuesday for them to do the work ........... they said 2 days, possibly even by lunchtime on Wednesday.

They still have it! They hope it will be ready by lunchtime tomorrow (Friday)

...................... it seems one of the mechanics was carrying the gasket over to the car to put it in when he dropped it, then proceeded to step on it :-0

so they had to order in another one :-)

take care everyone



Tabitha Report 26 Mar 2014 13:47

Sylvia - hope the knee improves & OH passes his check up

I didn’t realise you were so close to Washington state, it’s such a tragedy,
The chap from the weather bureau on the TV this morning said they had warned
them years ago not to build on that area. - Its so like the floodplanes in the south - no one listens when they want to build a new housing estate.

I really don’t understand your process in Canada
Why would you carry the mortgage for them for 2 years

It all seems very strange

Well we were only without the car for 2 days in the end .

Monday we took the bus home – stopped off for a MacDonald’s breakfast
And a bit of shopping & a trip to the bank – got home pottered about & then
OH said make the most of the bus ticket – lets go to the marina for dinner.

So he took me out & we had a lovely Steak dinner & bottle of wine as we
had no car – we missed our bus home by a fraction of a second & had to get 3 busses home instead.

The next day i had to walk to work & it threw it down - they called the OH in the
afternoon to say it was ready a day earlier - so today in the weak sunshine I got a lift to work & he has the day off. He is going to tidy the garden & take the rubbish to the tip a few times. Oh forgot to say yesterday he cleaned the kitchen for me & my oven is sparkling.

Oh well back to work


Robert Report 25 Mar 2014 19:59

Here in the North East of England we don't do floods although we are on the North Sea. The Winter has been very mild compared to previous years and I have only had to scrape ice off the car twice during the whole winter.

Our hearts have gone out to the people down South with their terrible floods. Having spent 45 years working in Insurance I am well aware of the time it takes to get back to normal after a flood - if "normal" ever returns.

I hope things are improving with all of you.


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Mar 2014 19:05

Hi Sue, and everyone

The weather is not as nice today as it has been ............... rain, drizzle, some sun ........ in other words, you name it, we've had it this morning :-)

Robert ..... how nice to see you, and to know that you and the shell survived the winter unscathed :-)

Anne ...... that was quite the day with the car!!!!

Arthur ...... I'm glad the kitties are healthy and recovering from whatever it was they had.

OH had his 2 yearly colonoscopy last Thursday ........... they found 3 sessile polyps (ie, they didn't have stalks), and removed them .......... but that causes more scarring of the colon wall, so he was on a soft food diet for the rest of Thursday and Friday.

He has to go back for another one in 3 months, on July 3rd

We had great fun at the Opera Ball on Saturday evening ................. one of the major fund raisers for the student programme at the university where he volunteers so often.

....... but my knee didn't like the chairs. So I'm back to being Limpy Lou, as we always call it :-(

Though Hopalong Cassidy has also been said about me :-)

Isn't it terrible about the landslide in Washington State ....... it's not that far from here, less than 2 hours drive, and we have much the same sort of terrain in many areas.

They're saying there could be as many as 170 people missing :-(

Daughter was 40 yesterday

where did the years go :-O

I don't feel that old :-D

The sale of the property has crossed its next hurdle ....... the writing up and acceptance of the mortgage, which we are carrying for the next 2 years. We have to go and sign some more papers at the Notary later today.

Closure is this Thursday

OH had to take the car in to the garage for work to be done this morning ................... it'll take at least 2 days, and the bill will be around $2,000 (or a bit less than £1,000), but it has to be done, so "bite the bullet" :-(

take care everyone



Tabitha Report 25 Mar 2014 13:48

Robert -

So lovely to see you here again - we all miss you

Glad the Shell survived the winter blasts - if it had been on the south coast it would have been a different story - we would have seen you floating out in the channel on your way to Evelyn


Robert Report 24 Mar 2014 20:31

Hi Susan,

Yes I am still around and fit as a fiddle. I seldom post on here but I do look in from time to time to make sure you are all behaving.

Love to all.


It has not been very wet in the North East of England so the shell hasn't had any problems and I should be able to peep out a bit more now that the weather has improved.


Susan Report 23 Mar 2014 08:21

Hi Everyone

All eyes are on the Southern Indian Ocean at the moment out from us for the missing malaysian Aircraft.

I for one hope it is not there ,it is 5 klm deep out there so not much luck in finding anything but they say there is good Satelight image to say there is something there floating around.

I can't begin to imagine what the families are going through,I am hoping it was highjacked and flown to some other country at least there is a chance there maybe someone still alive ,the thought of them out in that vast Ocean ,there is just nothing out there .
Our Airforce has been flying out there everyday trying to find anything all 2500 klm there the same back so only enough time to search the area for two hours and they have been doing that for days now ,I do wish they would find something .

Granddaughter had her gull bladder removed on Thursday so we have been baby sitting for a good week now ,she can't lift her baby or anything else for that matter for a few weeks,I have to go watch the news just in case they find anything today.

Be back later...lost my spellckeck again :-|

Love to you all.
Suex <3


Old Report 20 Mar 2014 09:04

Visit to Vet yesterday confirmed that both cats had lost weight - 0.3kg each. Wish I could do the same

They thought it might have been a virus.

Happily both are now back to good health and eating well. :-)

Loving the current extended spell of sunshine, even if it is getting cooler.


Tabitha Report 19 Mar 2014 12:55

Sylvia - so sorry to hear of your problems

I hope it all works out for the better very soon.

I do prefer Ancestry - its really good for searching - haven't tried FMP lately so must give it a go over the weekend

I am out of the office tomorrow - as I am on a "Walking Tour in London " I am going to be shattered on Friday - So wait for it

Cynthia - fair warning

I am taking the day off on Friday at home - (hopefully doing my family tree) then we are at the outlaws on Saturday - seeing the new puppy I hope - a free day on Sunday & a whole day off on Monday

OH has to take the car for a re-spray - so we are going out for breakfast on the way back as we will be by bus.

As you know OH is a driving Instructor - well the other day he was at home for a couple of hours as he had a cancellation. Quite happy sitting watching one of his recordings with Shadow on his lap – when the door bell went. There was our neighbour (he taught her son to drive a while ago) - she said how sorry she was but she had hit his car when she reversed parked . Well it wasn’t as bad as it first looked & the bumper needs a re-spray & a dent needs knocking out of the car just above the mud flap.

He took it to our garage & they said £300 plus VAT (she is going to pay) - so he went to his next lesson. Brand new learner They spent the first hour going through all the theory & details needed - car sat in a wide road – very quiet no traffic So she could practice in peace. He had just given her the key & told her to get herself ready in the seat & how to start the car Ready to do a short move off & stopping session.

The car was stationery no key in the lock – he looked in the rear view mirror to check all was clear & saw a car turn the corner & wobble towards them - then there was an almighty bang & the car took the door mirror off. This was the door mirror he had Had fixed 2 weeks prior that cost over £150.00. there it was just hanging & the car that hit it had its mirror lying in the road & the Car had hit another car on the other side of the road.

OH checked the girl was ok – then went over – to the other driver – who was past retirement age & swearing & kicking his car.Apparently he had just taken the car to the local shop on the way back hit a pot hole & the tyre burst - he was trying to drive it home But had trouble steering. He over steered & hit OH’s car & then over steered & hit his neighbours car. Well apart from the Obvious they exchanged names & addresses & he said he would pay for the damage . OH reassured the girl & took her home & Spoke to the parents – he then drove over to the garage again - cancelled his next lesson & waited for the damage to be assessed.

As it happened the mechanic knew this car well & managed to fix it as good as new – no charge, Phew

This all happened on the one day – I said the OH should have charged the old chap for a missed lesson & petrol - but he didn’t.

So Monday it is going for a re-spray & OH has 3 days with no work & no money coming in

And on that note – i must go as I have a meeting - take care all


Old Report 19 Mar 2014 10:22


Sorry to hear of your on-going family issues.

I use Ancestry in exactly the same way you suggested. There are so many collections available I am sure it is the most cost effective supplier.


Old Report 19 Mar 2014 08:44


Sorry to hear of your on-going family issues.

I use Ancestry in exactly the same way you suggested. There are so many collections available I am sure it is the most cost effective supplier.


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Mar 2014 00:19

Hi Sue, and everyone

Reece .............. I am so sorry to hear your news. xxxxx

I have not been posting much on GR ................. on-going problems re my daughter and her OH have me so worried that I am just not good company at the moment!

Sue ......... I much prefer ancestry ................. and have worked out a system for using the "new" ...................

Click on Advanced Search

Click on Match All Terms Exactly (ie, make sure it is 'ticked')

enter your information

scroll down to Collections box, and select the area you want

Hit Search

The next screen should be what you are used to ................ at least, it is the same screen that I have been seeing for months and months.

It is important that you tick Match All Terms Exactly

take care everyone



Sally Report 17 Mar 2014 21:42


my gt grandmother had four children and not married and I presume she followed the oldest profeshion in the world

all though they all in the workhouse later on my nana who was born 1873 lived in the workhouse until she was old enough to be a serveant

I can remember her as she lived with my parents but until I started family history nobody in the family new

sally w <3


Old Report 17 Mar 2014 15:22

I thought that I should for completeness add a further comment on Hannah Dixey.

On checking for the 1841 Census I found a Hannah Dixey in Sudbury, but the children do not fit.

I know that Maria and Arthur were children of Hannah - tracking Census details - John & his wife Maria lived with Arthur Dixey on the 1871 Census.

Occupations of Boat Building fit in with the extended Nicholls family.


Old Report 17 Mar 2014 14:00

Had a look at my family tree today. Found an interesting fact on a distant line.

Hannah Dixey born about 1808 in Sudbury, Suffolk was unmarried and had 4 children Emma 1836, Maria 1842, Thomas 1846 and Arthur 1850. The census of 1851 shows her as unmarried.

Maria married John Nicholls, my great grand uncle.

Has anyone come across anything similar. I thought having children outside marriage was a 'crime' at this time. I wonder how she supported herself, especially when pregnant with the next child.