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Old Report 31 Dec 2013 17:09


The joys of having a cat - remember I have two and that's twice the fun and twice the trouble. I don't think they are ever deliberately naughty,

My two seem to take it in turns to sleep on my bed. Vikki, the bigger one, is my alarm call. Most mornings she jumps on the bed, steadies herself, then leaps in the air and lands on my chest. The next thing I know she is nose to nose with me and she is purring fit to bust. There is no alternative but to get up and feed them.

Nikki has just rattled the food container to draw my attention that it is time for more food.

The storm last Monday brought down another tree and 3 fence panels. The tree was draped over my small greenhouse and miraculously no glass was broken.
My nephew and I spent Boxing Day cutting up the trunk. More shredding to keep me busy.
The bad weather has meant that we have not been able to fix the fence - managed to get a concrete spur alongside a fence post that was leaning at an angle. Need to get another concrete spur into the ground for a new post - as nephew away over New Year expect the fence will not be back before Friday. Bill was £80

One good thing is neighbour's son collected all the big logs from the garden. I think he will sell them - good luck to him.

A Latvian friend who lives near Riga tells me that we should not have winter in January, and possibly not in February. Hope he is right as it will mean lower heating bills for everyone. Hope it doesn't mean rain every day :-|

With my best wishes to everyone for a better 2014 :-) <3 :-)


Tabitha Report 31 Dec 2013 13:26

An advanced Happy New Year for most of us - but its Midnight in Australia now

Just had a chance to pop in & say hello

Keep warm everyone as its very wet & windy here (Again)

Oh Arthur

Our little Shadow has suddenly decided he does not want to sleep in the bedroom with us. So took himself off to the Spare room & jumped up on to the unit, pushed a few things about & got himself settled there for several nights.

On the 5th night however we were woken at 2am by an almighty bang and a cascade of things falling to the floor.

This is what we think happened as we have seen it when he was sitting on our lap’s.

Shadow woke up around 2am thinking of food & as he turned over or was having a clean he fell off the edge. Grabbed wildly at the cover & pulled it off with him along with all the books, bric a brac, gloves booklets & other assorted items.

I shot off to the spare room – OH shot off looking for the cat – I spent 15 minutes tidying up & putting some things back in place (threw a few out too) – OH spent 5 minutes getting the cat out from behind the sofa – I checked he was ok
just rather wide eyed & confused (so I went back to bed as he didn’t need both of us fussing over him) then OH stayed up soothing the cats nerves for over 40 minutes & came back to bed. Woke me up again to tell me the cat was ok now as he had left him tucked up on the cushion & given him some Dreamies.

I had to go to work in a few hours – OH had the day off.

Got home from work & was given the full days diary of how Shadow had spent the day & was none the worse for his early morning tumble. I was tired out as it had been busy & nearly fell asleep watching the new Marple.

As soon as I sat down, Shadow jumped on my lap – looked very miserable & snuggled up to me & would not leave my side all evening. Went up to bed & was on my side & settled before me - so I had to move him to get in & got the grumps from OH & Shadow. nearly went down & slept on the sofa. Sure Oh would rather have Shadow next to him in bed.

Shadow has not been anywhere near the spare bedroom since.

Oh for the life of a cat in my house


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Dec 2013 04:34

Hi Sue, and everyone

I am back in circulation!

We had a good Christmas, a bit different from what we expected, but it was still very enjoyable

Lunch on Christmas Eve at one house ................ tourtiere, which is a French Canadian specialty meat pie, traditionally served after Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve

Lunch on Christmas Day at another house ............. turkey, ham, brussel sprouts, roast potatoes, bread sauce, stuffing, Christmas pud (we took that!)

Lunch on Boxing Day with our other good friends .............. tourtiere!

We were well fed :-)

One strange thing ................... we had not arranged to meet up with the 5th friend, a single lady, age 87. M does other things at Christmas.

On Boxing Day, my daughter phones the friend we are staying with .................... did we know that M was in hospital?? No, we did not! Neither did the other close friends. So it took someone on the opposite side of Canada to tell us what was happening :-)

J was doing her Christmas phone calls to friends, when M's phone was answered by someone in "to water the plants and feed the cat". Otherwise, we might not have known for days!

Apparently M had trouble swallowing on Christmas Day, and so her friends took her to Emergency!

She's now back home, more tests pending, but they seem to think it was a bad attack of acid reflux.

The weather here was pretty good ................. mild, dry, and even some sun.

Quite unlike what was happening in Toronto and southern Ontario, and in New Brunswick. They had a major ice storm before Christmas, and thousands of people are still without power .......... and some are unlikely to get it before New Year.

At one point over 300,000 people were without electricity!

AND ............ there is another storm for them tonight and one over New Year!

I was sitting here watching the TV news before we went away, thinking "if this had been a year to go east to our daughter, we'd have been in the thick of THAT ............ or that ............ or that"!

We will have New Year on our own .................. we're planning what "special" meal we might have.

take care everyone



Sally Report 29 Dec 2013 22:10

hello all

glad you droped in Robert and reece

I have been on geneolagy research assistance site on facebook I find it very interesting I have been trying their comp but not getting very far it is good fun try it

I had a good Christmas

was the weather bad at yours not too windy here

happy new year

sally w <3


Tabitha Report 24 Dec 2013 17:44

Happy Christmas Everyone

I hope you all have a very happy, healthy & prosperous 2014

Lovely to see so many people popping in - will try & look in tomorrow too

Very grateful to be able to say we only lost a fence panel and now have a leaky shed in the big storm & no other damage. Its the first Christmas eve I can remember where we have not had the gas fire on or the heating.

I hope everyone is safe in their homes & can enjoy the Christmas they want

Take care all


Susan Report 24 Dec 2013 14:57

Wishing all my very dear friends A very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy

new year

Lovely to see you back reece

<3 :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D <3

Suex <3


Reece Report 23 Dec 2013 22:28

A very happy Christmas to you all and a wonderful New Year.

With love,

Reece <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Sally Report 23 Dec 2013 15:04

hello all

happy Christmas

to you all inclueding the missing evelyn Robert and reece

a healthy new year

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

sally w <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Dec 2013 23:16

Merry Christmas, everyone

we're going to friends for Christmas, leaving tomorrow morning.

We should be back by next weekend ......................... the weather reports are pretty good for this area.

I hope you all have a lovely time, not matter what you are doing, or where you are spending Christmas.



Cynthia Report 22 Dec 2013 09:54

My word, so much to catch up on. As with everyone else, life is so busy at the moment and, I have also been catching up on some family history, I discovered an obituary via the newly released 1921 Canadian census, which related to a family member I thought had long since died. Nope......he only died in 2009 aged 97!

I am in the middle of working out how best to make contact with his family so I can sympathise with Arthur over his dilemma re contacting Cathy. Maybe a snail mail letter wouldn't go amiss, but after Christmas would probably be better.

Poor Josie, I am so sorry to hear of all your trials and tribulations and will miss seeing you popping in on here. However, the fact that you got the new job is a bonus and I really hope it works out well for you and that you can juggle all the various factors which are going on in your life. <3

Many of us seem to be facing all sorts of problems at the moment, but it's good to be able to just pop in and out of this thread as we feel able to and to chat to the lovely people on here. Even if it is only occasionally, we can still stay in touch and catch up now and again.

Much love to you all......Cx <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Dec 2013 21:24

Hi Sue, and everyone

Josie ............... I've just seen your message. I'm sorry that you will no longer be posting, but quite understand!

Good luck with your new job, and hope your OH gets better xxxx

Arthur ............. I think Sally has a great idea there ............ that is, if you have her home address???

it was a lovely sunny day, with blue skies, yesterday ......... but there was a strong wind coming down from the north!

And, sure enough, there was a change today ............ very cold overnight, gorgeous red sunRISE, and snow in the forecast for tonight %3A-%28

I've been spending a lot of time with my ancestors .............. trying to sort out some of the siblings of our direct ancestors (his tree and mine). You know, did they marry, who, did they die, etc. Not going too deep into their lives ........................ but still hard at times!

We have so many that have relatively uncommon names .............. except in the town/village where they actually live.

Combine that with the frequent recycling of the same few names, and you can end up with a mess!

I went to the dermatologist yesterday afternoon to have the squamous thingy removed ........... only he didn't remove it!!!

His copy of the biopsy report said it was basal cell, and he said that was what it looked like!

Anyway, I have to go back on Jan 8 to have it scraped off .....................he couldn't do it yesterday because he considers that the shin is a difficult place, and susceptible to infection. So I have to get a prescription antibiotic ointment, apply it for 7 days before he does the scraping, and then for the healing period afterwards.

Now we can think of Christmas.

I think everything is done. No food to buy as we go away on Monday to friends for the week.

We have to put the evergreen wreath up outside the house ......... probably from the sundeck railings.

I have to buy some gift bags to put the pressies in for the people we will see over Christmas ................ apparently we are having Christmas Eve lunch with 1 couple, Christmas dinner at another place, and Boxing Day lunch at the 3rd!

First though .................. OH has to take me to the Mall. My watch stopped at 12:15 am this morning, so it needs a new battery.

And, my printer had to be sent to printer heaven last weekend ................ so we must buy a new one. He's spotted one that might be good, and it is on sale this week. So we have to try to get to that store!

take care everyone



Sally Report 16 Dec 2013 21:57

hello all

Arthur I would send a letter and put a stamped addressed envelope in it may encoureage her to sort some pics out

I hope every ones ailments are improveing

I emailed gr to see if they would extend my subs for a week as I was unable to get on and they have result :-D

sally w <3


Old Report 16 Dec 2013 11:39

Would appreciate some advice on how to approach a relative to obtain family photographs.

Last year I obtained the address of the daughter, Cathy, of my cousin Robert through someone on GR searching Electoral rolls. I had wanted to make contact with Robert who I had not seen in 50 years in an attempt to get photographs of our grandparents.

Robert's father, my uncle Joe, was my mother's brother, Their father, my grandfather William Joseph Freeman, had died before I was born. My grandmother died when I was 18 and that was the last time I saw my uncle and my cousins, Robert and Peter. They lived in Barnstaple and came to live in east London to look after my grandmother who was dying of cancer. They stayed in London, but we lost touch when we moved to Kent = looking back I find it odd that we lost touch as my mother was very close to her brother.

Sadly Robert had died in 2010, but Cathy replied positively when I wrote to her in November 2012. She explained that she had recently had a baby so would not be able to do anything for a while. She also said she would contact her uncle Peter.

Having heard nothing I emailed her this May - I have just started again on my Family Tree, and wondered if you might be able to send me copies (Scans) of the family photographs you have. Any spare originals would, of course be much appreciated. Did you contact Peter as I have not heard from him.

Again I have heard nothing.

What would be the best way to approach Cathy? I really would like to establish contact with Peter.
I have lots of photographs on my father's side of the family, but very few even of my mother as a child. and none of her parents or grandparents.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance



Tabitha Report 15 Dec 2013 18:39

Josie - just had a chance to read up on the thread

I will really miss you - but understand the situation - hope your OH gets better soon - please PM me your email & we can keep in touch if only on birthdays & holidays - we have great ambition in life to get to New Zealand & I would love to be able to see you for a cool drink one day.

Its one of my goals to get to the other side of the world one day. You have to have a dream.

Sue glad your OH is on the road to recovery.

Have to go - Christmas cards to write - feeling very behind with it all this year and no tree yet either - may not get round to it this year the way we feel

Take care all - we need a party before you leave Josie

Reece hope all is well for Christmas in your new home

Will try & pop in when I can

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Susan Report 15 Dec 2013 11:04

Hello Friends

Sally yes my OH's Op went is the aftercare that gets to me are not good patience :-D

He is good though still using crutches but will get rid of them wednesday as his stitches come out then.
We are just pleased that something has been fixed as his neck is going to be a long drawn out affair.

Josie I am so sad you are not coming back you have been good fun to have around but I do understand ...I wish you and your family lots of luck in the new year and a very merry Christmas to you.

Anne I am having a lot of fun watching the Cricket ,it has been very hot in Perth (40c ) for the English boys not good weather to try to play Cricket in.
Looking forward to tomorrow and I hope your workmate is not giving you to much grief,I have learnt from last year not to count my chickens just yet :-D
A bit busy just now seeing as I have to do all the odd jobs around as Oh is out of Action.

Off to put the christmas lights on and water the lawns. :-(

Love to you all

Suex :-D <3


Tabitha Report 12 Dec 2013 13:51

I am sorry - i am so busy here this week - as on my own

No lunch & in early

will try & catch up another day

Take care all


Sally Report 11 Dec 2013 22:36


I e works fine on all the other sites I go on it is genes they have something wrong at their end I have been told it is a broken linck

sue did your oh op go well

sally w <3


Old Report 11 Dec 2013 18:21


If you have to work then your job sounds just the ticket. Hope all goes well in the future for your husband.


I found the same problems with Internet Explorer 11 that you had. My solution was to uninstall it quickly. Not sure what the benefits of the new Internet Explorer are, but think I will not miss them. Hopefully it affects other programmes and Microsoft will be inundated with complaints and have to do something.



Sally Report 10 Dec 2013 22:32

Josie I shall miss you it is allways interestjng to hear about our life we had a good time in Australia at the party

I hope your oh surgery goes well

god luck in your job will you get first pick of the clothes

although the wind and rain was quite strong in lincs there was no flooding where I live

take care sally w <3


Kiwibird Report 10 Dec 2013 21:30

Hi everyone, It's December already :-0
Am now another year older :-( time just seems to get away from me, I was horrified to see I had not posted since August.

I hope everyone in the UK is okay following the terrible weather they reported on the weather a couple of days ago.

In regards to Susan shutting down this thread, I am very sad to say that this may well be my final bow on here. :-(
I came across this thread about 4 years ago having been made redundant and feeling a little lonely, Frank was saying how he would love a cup of cocoa and I tentatively joined the conversation, have had some great times especially 'Our virtual Party ' I have enjoyed spending time with you all.
On the 3rd Jan I start a brand new full time job and will no longer be able to spend hours on my computer. At this time of life I did not want to have to go back into full time employment I was enjoying part time hours even if it meant we did not have much money.
But have no option now My OH had a CAT scan 3 weeks ago and he is facing major surgery in the next 6 months.
The Femoral Artery in his left leg is blocked and the Femoral Artery in his right leg is partly blocked and he will have to have bypass surgery on these Arteries otherwise they will be forced to amputate both legs above the knee.
They also discovered an Aneurysm on the Aorta which is 3cm in size which they will be monitoring when it reaches 5 cm they have to operate and put in a stent otherwise it could burst and he could bleed to death in minutes.
He is only 2 years off retirement and the chances of him ever going back into full time work is unlikely, so I had no option but to try and find full time employment.
I went for an interview which took an hour in front of a panel of 3. It was very daunting and I did not know whether I had done well or not.
So It was with great relieve last night when I got home from work, having done my final shift at the Call centre for 2013.[ Everyone is to busy to do surveys at this time of the year] to get a call to say that I have the position of Store Manager for a local Salvation Army Boutique [quality second hand vintage clothes and accessories].
It is going to be fun going back to retailing and while I am not looking forward to the long hours, I am looking forward to the variety and the opportunity to let my creative side blossom in display and merchandising.

So to all my dear Genes friends, Susan, Anne, Sylvia, Cynthia, Robert, Reece and Sally thank you all so much for your online friendship I will miss you all.

My prayers and thoughts will be with you and your families this christmas may 2014 bring health and prosperity to you.

Take care all my love and best wishes Josie

:-( :-( :-( <3 <3 <3 <3 :-( :-( :-( <3 <3 <3 <3 :-( :-( :-( <3 <3 <3 <3 :-( :-( :-( <3 <3 <3 <3