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The duplicate debate??

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TootyFruity Report 19 Jan 2011 23:39

I am assuming Jane that you did not see my post asking for your opinion on duplicate posts?

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 19 Jan 2011 23:17

I think we should ALL delete our posts and make Janey look like a big Numpty ;)

Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning Janey? Or is your microwave injury niggling at you? ;)


TootyFruity Report 19 Jan 2011 23:01

I see what you mean Jax

Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 19 Jan 2011 23:01


I know no-one on here at all and very very rarely add to any threads, but that thread I did add to.......and was answered (as were you),..... so I feel I have to disagree with your comment about "it looks cliquey" didn't look or feel cliquey to me at all. I didn't at any time get a sense of “ agree with me or else!!!! " from any of the other contributors.

As I was the person who added the comment about the Delete Button being removed, it was as a suggestion to the comments about:

(a) people unnecessarily deleting their threads, sometimes after a great deal of help and information has been posted by helpers.

(b) people (helpers) deleting information given, sometimes in a fit of pique, because the thread poster hasn't returned to acknowledge the info, or say thank you...........sadly yes, I have actually seen it happen.

I certainly wasn't telling GR how their site SHOULD be run, merely making a suggestion for something that could help eliminate the above 2 instances.


~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 19 Jan 2011 22:52

It's an opinion, but as I'm not part of a clique or even familiar with a lot of them, it's not correct. But that's just my opinion lol


TootyFruity Report 19 Jan 2011 22:51

Jane and Kay

Please will you enlighten me as to exactly what your opinions on duplicate threads are?

I know I am most probably being really thick but as I have said before I like to hear all sides of an argument


jax Report 19 Jan 2011 22:35

Did'nt you say the same thing yesterday Kay? and as it was mentioned it could take 3 days before GR saw then they poster has recieved the info twice said thank you very much and is none the wiser



Kay???? Report 19 Jan 2011 22:30

Well it must but a hard life's work and constant daily battle to dot every i and cross every t.

Nobody has to gripe over double posts,,,,nobody has to keep abreast of telling everyone who has,,,,,Its the site manager job to infom when things arent being done as they would ask for a review of the thread......its very simple really.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 19 Jan 2011 22:27

errr Jane, as I mentioned on my thread....the only person I am friendly with on that thread (because I know her from chat) is Rose and I didn't actually speak to her on that thread as far as I can remember.

I've seen Tooty on chat before but hadn't really spoken to her before on chat (did I even speak to her on that thread? I know I did on the other one but I didn't even know she's an old member - I presumed she was new)

I'm not really that familiar with people from tips as went to general years ago and then onto chat. Never met Wellybobs before but had a good chat, she seems really nice.

I was answering the posts that interested me most like you did.

I recognise Janey but we're not friends and to be honest more times than not, we tend to disagree or even clash in our opinions.

Sorry I have to say again you're seeing things the way you want to see them. I'm part of no clique. The people I was most friendly with on GR don't or hardly post on here anymore, they left at the time of the great Exodus (a general board thing lol)

I don't really hang round in any groups on GR, I just chat to anyone :) I'd even chat to you if you stay around long enough :))))


jax Report 19 Jan 2011 22:16

How can you say its cliquey? anyone was free to join in as you did.



TootyFruity Report 19 Jan 2011 22:08

Jane I have to disagree with you. My opinions were my own and as I said on that thread with any debate the issues evolve and solutions to, as well as, the problems with should also be discussed to get a rounded opinion.

Whether you are for or against at the beginning does not mean when after hearing other views your opinion has to stay the same, be changed or move into a more middle ground. Your opinion is your opinion nothing more or nothing less. Even if it doesn't change sometimes an appreciation of the other side of the argument can be achieved.

I'm forever thinking . Oh I never thought of that and consider the new information in relation to my starting opinion.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 19 Jan 2011 21:57

I can understand why Jax to a certain degree, if people are too negative and moan (which i don't think anyone did on the discussion) it gives the site a bad image if it's seen by all.

I was looking at another site which has recently made "improvements". It looks great but some people prefer the old search function. I do too but the way that some people put it across, you'd think that they'd actually paid for the site and invested their about negativity. I think criticism has it's place as long as it's constructive.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 19 Jan 2011 21:53

oh I don't think so Jane, you obviously didn't read my replies carefully. I think it was you that that was telling me that my thread was going off topic which I jokingly said that as the thread originator I could change the topic whenever I wanted with a press of the button lol My topics always go off at a tangent, I don't really care as long as people are polite and considerate to others :)

If you read the debate from the beginning all the way through you would have seen that different opinions were encouraged. My personal opinion is that I think that those requesting information should be helped and encouraged to post. If people are too heavy handed about duplicate threads, it scares people from posting in the first place. I also actually didn't want the delete button added which was completely different from most people's views. I also agreed with the person who said that if duplicate threads were mentioned it should emphasise why it would help the person looking rather than emphasise why it was a waste of time for helpers.

I think you saw what you wanted to see to be honest. There was a variety of views which was good in my opinion. As I said on my thread, it was a pity that you didn't get involved in the discussion, the more the merrier.


jax Report 19 Jan 2011 21:51

It seems to me that when GR want anyones opinion they want feedback by email where no one else gets to see it.



jax Report 19 Jan 2011 21:08

yep just whoooosh it if they dont like it it seems.

If they could answer questions on the Help Clinic why not here?



mgnv Report 19 Jan 2011 21:04

Well, I think GR's heavy handed whooshing of the original thread puts the mockers on expecting any sort of reasonable moderating from them.


JaneyCanuck Report 19 Jan 2011 21:01

"you are allowed to post on another board regarding the same 'family/names' if you are asking about advice or tips and not what you have already asked / received. "

And we all know exactly what happens.

Tips board: Can anyone tell me where I can find a WWI military record?
Reply: Why don't you give us the name and we can help you find it?

And then we're off ... redoing all the research that has been done in some other thread, probably on TTF.

I am not making this up. It happens *constantly*.

"Hi ? I think you could have already had infomation posted,I'll just find it and you can see if its of help."

Yes, this works especially well where the poster has DELETED the previous threads ... and I wonder why anyone else should be expected to go finding the info posted in another thread???

"or,,,,YOU! already have asked this,why are you asking again.or are you just takin the mickey or do you just enjoy having the same information found over and over again
I know which would be more acceptable,,,,,,,dont you."

Kay???? and everybody else who makes these unsourced allegations:

Have you EVER seen anyone reply in that way to someone who does not deserve it? Someone who has deleted a 3-page thread that the person replying spent 2 hours working on? Someone who is not on their 3rd or 4th or 5th thread about the same question? Someone who has not been just plain rude and is plainly intentionally disregarding the rules, and choosing to show no consideration for anyone?

Such people do exist. They really, really do. And what they are is rude, selfish and unpleasant. And I, for one, don't feel any need to follow along behind them gathering up all the work others have done for them and shifting it into some new thread (if I, or someone, happens to realize there were previous threads). Or to pretend not to be seriously irked by their behaviour.


jax Report 19 Jan 2011 20:35

Theres one on here today Toots

One on tips the other on TTF both being answered even after it was mentioned there was another thread and the poster also mentioned they had another thread



TootyFruity Report 19 Jan 2011 20:30

I think that there will never be a consensus where everyone agrees on the issue of duplicate threads but surely it is better to give tips on how to get the most out of the site than not as long as they are delivered in a friendly informative tone.

Kay I don't think helpers are trying to dictate how other members should be but trying to inform them on the best way to obtain the information being sort. I have to admit, apart from the very obvious duplication of the same question I am not completely certain what constitutes a duplicate thread because I think there are some grey areas for instance when siblings marry they then become family units in their own right and so separate from the original thread which identified them. If you see what I mean:-)


jax Report 19 Jan 2011 19:54

Oh it seems you are not allowed to share tips on how to help people use the site better then?
