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Matthew Gibbons

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David Report 30 Nov 2011 22:03

Thanks for the reply. I'll have ti sit down and organize these and come up with a plan of action. I am dealing with a man who seems to have disappeared into the woodwork. I have contacted numerous people with ancestors of the same name but theirs doesn't match my tree. I wish this was easier but as someone pointed out life isn't fair and this is getting more interesting as time goes on.
I may try and attack it from the other children of Matthew and Amelia gibbons if Henry Gibbons or Jane Amelia Gibbons got married. There may be a possibility of their descendants on this site. When it comes down to it I have a lot of research to do and I thank all of you for your ideas and help.


Dave Gibbons from Thunder Bay Ontario Canada


Potty Report 27 Nov 2011 13:00

David, there are replies to your last post on your other thread.


David Report 26 Nov 2011 19:48

Hi Folks I am stuck on this research. I have two marriages that I am investigating.
1) Matthew Gibbons to Jane Calcraft on the 30th Jan 1774 at St. Mary the -Virgin Church, Dover, Kent England.
Indexing Project Batch # M01463-3
Source Film # 1836144 Reference number 70
2) Matthew Gibbons to Jane Chalcraft on 05 Feb 1774 at Sibbertswold, Kent England.
Indexing Batch # 104762-7 Source Film Number 1737008
Reference # Item 1
Is this the same couple getting married twice at two different churches or is it two different couples or could it be the marriage at a church and then a cival registration.

Dave Gibbons, Thunder Bay Ontario


David Report 25 Nov 2011 15:30

To the members of Genes reunited that responded to my posting of Matthew Gibbons I thank you very much for the help and the ideas that you have given me. In 10 days I'll be on my way to California and I'll continue to research Matthew Gibbons from there. (Palm Springs) I have 3 or 4 ideas to research and hopefully one of them will lead me down the path to more ancestors.
Some of the ideas are
1) Matthew could have been married twice. Waiting for replys from Ann Hatchard relations.
2) Looking for the death of an Upholsterer named Matthew Gibbons with a spouse named Amelia somewhere between London and Eton
3)I believe that Matthew Gibbons came from the Dover Kent area as his son put in his records that he was born in Kent.
4) and finally researching the areas of England so I can visualize the areas that they lived in and where they moved to.
I won't be doing much until January so I'll see you in January when I get back on line.

Thanks for your help, David C. Gibbons Thunder Bay, Ontario


David Report 13 Nov 2011 02:14

To the members that responded to my posting of Matthew Gibbons. I have four responses with some new ideas. There is a possibility that Matthew Gibbons married twice as Christina says that the marriages to Amelia Baugh and Ann Hatchard are similiar. There is also a marriage in 1774 between a Matthew Gibbons and Jane Calcroft who may be the parents of my 3x Great Grandfather. I may do some research on these lines but the main problem that I have is when did he die. I know that it had to be after 1823 and before 1841. There is a death of a Matthew Gibbins in Blyth Lane Hammersmith. The problem here is the transcriber has decided that the age was 67. Some other folks seem to think that the original has been altered and could have been 47 years, therefore born in 1793. If I can find a death of a Matthew Gibbons upholsterer then I know that I will have the right person.

Sincerely, David C. Gibbons Thunder Bay Ontario


ChristinaS Report 12 Nov 2011 11:04

The Matthew Gibbons signatures are similar for the marriages to Amelia Baugh and Ann Hatchard. Not the Eleanor Mullins one though.


Lynski Report 12 Nov 2011 04:35

groom's name: Matthew Gibbons
bride's name: Amelia Baugh
marriage date: 28 May 1820
marriage place: Saint Martin In The Fields,Westminster,London,England
indexing project (batch) number: M00145-4
system origin: England-ODM
source film number: 561168

Based on where they were married, there are these children -

name: Jane Amelia Gibbons
gender: Female
baptism/christening date: 13 Jun 1823
father's name: Matthew Gibbons
mother's name: Amelia
indexing project (batch) number: C03721-1
system origin: England-ODM
source film number: 933987

name: Richard Henry Gibbons
gender: Male
baptism/christening date: 13 Jun 1823
father's name: Matthew Gibbons
mother's name: Amelia
indexing project (batch) number: C03721-1
system origin: England-ODM
source film number: 933987

Is this them in the 1851 census ??????????

BUCKERIDGE, Alfred Visitor Unmarried M 27 1824 B.A. Of San Coll Cambridge Assistant To Mathematical Master At Eton
Hurst Berkshire England VIEW
GIBBONS, Amelia Mother Married F 59 1792
St. Owens Hereford Herefordshire England VIEW
GIBBONS, Sarah Wife Married F 27 1824
Eton Buckinghamshire England VIEW
GIBBONS, Richard Henry Head Married M 27 1824 Assistant To The Mathematical Master Eton St. Martin in Fields Middlesex England VIEW

Piece: 1718 Folio: 516 Page: 6
Registration District: Eton
Civil Parish: Eton Municipal Borough:
Address: Eton Wick House, Eton County: Buckinghamshire


David Report 12 Nov 2011 02:43

Hi Folks. Wondering if anyone can help me solve this problem. My 3x great grandfather was a Matthew Gibbons. He married Amelia Baugh on the 28th of May 1820. They had four children Jane, Jane Amelia, Henry and Richard Henry born between 1821 and 1824. After that there were no more Children born. Matthew was an upholsterer by trade. He does not appear in the 1841 census and Amelia is listed as a widow. I have the complete background of Amelia through a Sharon Baugh but cannot find the birth date or death date of Matthew Gibbons. There is a Matthew Gibbons christened in 1798 born in Hythe, Kent whose parents are Matthew Gibbons and Jane. I am stuck at this point in my research and can't seem to get past this point. Any suggestions as ? Does anybody have any info of Matthew Gibbons Christened in 1898.

Sincerely, David C Gibbons