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1939 register

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SylviaInCanada Report 28 Mar 2016 03:37

Married women who did not have an outside paid job were instructed to put "unpaid domestic help" when they gave the information for the 1939 Register. No other description was allowed, except for incapable, invalid or such.

My OH's mother is shown with her job description (she and her husband jointly owned a shop), but her widowed mother who lived with them and had much of the care of OH right through the war, is shown as "unpaid domestic help". That's one of the few cases that I have so far seen of where the wife has an outside job and someone else is the "unpaid domestic help" :-D


Vicki Report 27 Mar 2016 19:06

Thank you I will take a look on that site, anything is worth a try..nothing ventured nothing gained :-)


Andysmum Report 27 Mar 2016 12:25

If you are fairly sure that he died in Stafford(shire) try this site. I have just had a go using 1976-1986 and there are 3 Hudsons, all in 1981. Unfortunately it only gives surnames, and neither does it include cremations, but it might be worth a go. It's free!!


Vicki Report 27 Mar 2016 11:43

Thank you Kath.
I will send for the death cert as you say I don't know who the informant on that certificate is and it's the closest match I have so possibly just take the gamble. I have spent so much time looking for him and until the 1939 register was opened I had no idea who he was.
Thank you


KathleenBell Report 27 Mar 2016 11:30

It depends on who the informant was on the death certificate. The information on the certificate is only as accurate as the informant's knowledge of the deceased. People often get it wrong.

My grandmother's name and date of death were added to my great-grandparent's headstone at some point (don't know who by) but it gives my grandmother's death as 21st June which I know for certain is wrong as she died on 4th June and was buried on 6th June so I don't know where the 21st. came from.

Kath. x


Vicki Report 27 Mar 2016 11:19

I have the birth cert for Frederick Hudson born on the correct date in Stafford which certainly fits with the 1939 register, which gives his parents and place of birth but the closest entry for Frederick Hudson death is in 1982 in Stafford. However the date of birth is given as 18/05/1901. He was born on 28/05/1902..No death in Scotland matches him. The entry for Stafford is close but not certain. Possibly just have to take a chance and order that death cert. He evades me once again :-( :-( Thank you


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Mar 2016 10:47

One of several reasons for the 1939 register was so that Ration Books could be issued. From that aspect, it was as good a reason as any for individuals to give accurate information regarding their age.

I've looked at quite a number of 'twig' entries. I've only found one entry where the dob is completely 'out'. It would appear that the date for one person was listed against the other and vice versa.
'Unpaid domestic duties' usually means 'housewife' if it's a female.


patchem Report 27 Mar 2016 10:33

Apply for the birth certificate that you have identified for him, to see about the birth dates.

Everyone can alter their ages, but why should he in 1939?


Vicki Report 27 Mar 2016 10:28

My grandparents are given as married on the 1939 register although I know they were not as she was already married to someone else. My grandfather's birth date is given but how sure can I be that this is correct ?. Her birth is correct but this man has evaded me until now...He is on my mother's birth certificate but only his name and he was a general labourer. He is also on the 1939 register as an unemployed labourer so this is the correct person but it states they were married although I suspect this was to make life easier. They were in a boarding house and she was a unpaid domestic. Can anyone suggest how I can research him from that point please. I have found a Frederick Hudson with the same birth from Stafford and this is where my grandmother lived before the 1939 register. My mother's birth is registered at this address and she would have been 9 days old at the time. He was 37 yrs old at the time of war beginning but I cannot find any trace of him after the register...My mother was abandoned in GLASGOW in 1942 and her mother remarried in 1952 and died in 1960 in Stafford England. Thank you for reading my message. Vicki <3