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can you believe this ?

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SallyF Report 30 Jun 2008 08:40

What does it teach children if they never learn to deal with being left out of things? It happens in adult life as well and if you never learn to deal with it as a child then you are going to be forever upset.
I haven't read the whole story on this but are this school saying that they never pick one child over another to do anything? And that everyone is always included in everything? Teams, plays, choirs, anything at all?


AnninGlos Report 30 Jun 2008 08:58

Kathryn is right. The main point is that the child did something that was apparently not allowed (i.e. gave the invitations out in class). (or gave invitations to selected people in class). So (and don't forget we are not talking about UK here so don't really know their procedures). Were those rules made clear to all parents at start of school year? If so then the parents were at fault for encouraging their child to break a rule. However, the teacher was equally at fault for the way it was handled, the child should not have been allowed to hand out any invites at all (and I would think it is the norm so has happened before) We can't know all the circumstances but it is certainly strange.

Who suffered most here? The children who were not invited (maybe they didn't care!) or the child who was humiliated and had his invitations confiscated? In later years I wonder who will have the bad memories of school and that teacher?



(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 30 Jun 2008 16:57

im with kathryn on this,some brill answers tho.good debate.


Deanna Report 30 Jun 2008 17:23

It is hard on children who are not invited to the parties, but if they don't behave... then they have to learn that that is unacceptable.

And what the *&** is happening to this world?

If you lived next door to me... and we did not get on, the I would not invite you to MY BIRTHDAY PARTY..... and I'm an old woman.
Don't children have the same rights?

Another thing which really annoys me is.... if you are my friend, then our children should be friends too!! WHY??

AND... what does Parliament have to do with a child's party?

Poor children, they must be becoming so confused.

Deanna X


JaneyCanuck Report 30 Jun 2008 17:34


If you belong to a church, and the church has a policy that congregants may not hand out wedding invitations in the nave after Sunday services unless they are inviting all congregants to the wedding, what will you do?

Will you defy the rule and hand out wedding invitations to every member of the congregation -- except the one who didn't invite you to her daughter's wedding and the one you're engaged in an ongoing feud about your garden fence with?

Or will you accept that the rule has been made by whoever has the authority to make rules for conduct inside your church, and obey the rule with good grace?

Do you think relations among the members of your congregation will be better or worse if someone hands out wedding invitations to everybody in church on Sunday morning -- except the two people whom s/he wishes to snub?

Do you think your congregation is entitled to make rules about what gets done on church property during church activities, in the interest of harmonious relations among congregation members?

Do you think that someone who flatly breaks the rules that your congregation has decided are best for the purpose of harmonious relations should just be allowed to go ahead and do it?

Do you think that if somebody breaks the congregation's rule by handing out wedding invitations in church to everyone except the two people whom s/he wishes to snub, and the minister or the church's lay oversight board takes that person to task, that person would be justified in kicking up a huge giant public stink about being mistreated?

On the last point, I would certainly agree that there are good and bad ways of dealing with rule breakers, and the way the teacher handled the situation may have been one of the bad ways.

Other than that -- whaddaya think, Deanna?

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 30 Jun 2008 17:56

Kathryn....................the other day you said if I didn't understand what you had written, then I was to ask you.

Please can you explain what your last post was about.................I read it twice and still got lost.

Sorry..............maybe my brains a bit slow today.


JaneyCanuck Report 30 Jun 2008 18:05

It's called an analogy.

In order to understand how someone else might feel in a situation, imagine a similar situation you might find yourself in.

The facts of the situation I presented were identical to the facts in the school / party invitation scenario. They were just transposed to another situation -- the exact same thing happening, except among adults in a church congregation instead of among children in a school.

The idea is to see how you would feel if you were one of the players in the scenario in a situation that is more familiar to you and maybe easier to relate to.

I think it's pretty easy for an adult who is a member of a church congregation to see what kind of discord could be sewed, and what kind of harm could be done, not just to individuals, but to the entire congregation, if members behaved that way.

And I think it should then be fairly easy to see what kind of effect the same behaviour could have on a school and the students in it.

C'mon, let's face it -- the two children who were not invited to the birthday party were being deliberately snubbed. Invite every single kid except the one who didn't invite you, and the one you're not getting along with? Did that kid get invited to every single other kid's birthday party, and get along with every single other kid? Gimme a break!


JaneyCanuck Report 30 Jun 2008 18:11

Just a comment on this "discrimination" business too.

I am amazed at how fixated people get on words rather than on the underlying intentions of rules.

In the baby's-bottom case, the policy was apparently called "pornography". That doesn't mean that the store considers babies' bottoms to be pornography -- it's just the name it gave its policy against copying pictures of naked people, which in many cases would be pornography or could be pornography, and the store doesn't want to have to make value judgments.

In this case, the policy is apparently called "discrimination". That doesn't mean that every child who snubs someone in distributing invitations is being discriminatory. It's just the name that the school gave the policy that prohibits children from intentionally excluding some classmates from things they do on school property in a way that could be bad for the children affected or for the school community as a whole.


JaneyCanuck Report 30 Jun 2008 19:05

"So who do I take my complaint to."

You could try here:

Seems appropriate in so many ways.


Deanna Report 30 Jun 2008 19:09

Kathryn I just came on to say good night.

I don't think that i would hand out wedding invitations in church... that is not why I would go to church. Have not been for years.

BUT we were talking of CHILDREN.
Sorry but your analogy makes no sense to me.

Goodnight everyone.
Deanna X


JaneyCanuck Report 30 Jun 2008 19:18

Well, Deanna, you wouldn't hand out wedding invitations in church because that is not why you would go to church.

Is handing out birthday invitations why children go to school?

Didn't think so.


(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 30 Jun 2008 19:38

yep i get your drift.wonder what the outcome will be.??i think sometimes common sense goes a long invites outside of school saves upsets.

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 30 Jun 2008 19:43

But in the UK, as said a thousand times Kathryn, children DO hand out birthday party invites on school premises.

They also have parties/discos in school (not in the curriculum)...yes they go to school to learn, but school isnt a prison and there is also the social aspect of school & its community which is just as important as the academic side of things.

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 30 Jun 2008 19:48

Sorry Kathryn I forgot to come back to the thread when you answered.

Thanks I understand it now................I don't see what it has to do with the thread either, but that's just me.


Eldrick Report 30 Jun 2008 19:49

But this wasn't in the UK ...was it? Was it not in Sweden or somewhere...?

Anyway, there are ALWAYS two sides to a story - and as I said earlier I think - there are many possible scenarios that my be involved is very easy to read into it something that causes outrage and indignation. Newspapers are pretty good at doing that.

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 30 Jun 2008 19:49

Joy, for that school in question I think that will have to be the sensible option now.

Putting those restrictions on the subject has most likely cause more upset then there would have been if the child could have chosen his own party friends.

Because of a mountain made out of a mole hill
Now all three kids will now never get over it & as a consequence probably never be friends, , bringing in the government has put paid to that along with the adults feelings on it..

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 30 Jun 2008 19:51

how absolutely pathetic
ive never heard such a load of old cobblers in my life

they certainly need to get a life these people concerned,
why did the kids complain if theyd fallen out,
sounds like a load of brats to me


JaneyCanuck Report 30 Jun 2008 19:55

Mildred ... look back to your first post ... WHOSE parents brought the government into it?

Could it be ... the parents of the child who broke the rule?

Who made a mountain out of that mole hill?

Whose fault is this whole honking idiotic thing?

The parents who sent their child to school to do something that they must have known was against the rules?

"Putting those restrictions on the subject has most likely cause more upset then there would have been if the child could have chosen his own party friends."

Why do you keep saying this when YOU HAVE TO KNOW IT IS FALSE?

The child COULD HAVE CHOSEN his own party friends.

NOBODY ever told the child he could not choose his own party friends.

Why do you keep on and on and on saying something that is not true????


JaneyCanuck Report 30 Jun 2008 19:56


What are you talking about?

"why did the kids complain if theyd fallen out"

Why do you ask a question about SOMETHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED?

"sounds like a load of brats to me"

Sounds to me like you're just itching to say something nasty about someone who never did what you're pretending they did, and now you've said it.

Feel better now?

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 30 Jun 2008 20:14

thanks katheryn

clearly you are new
and have no idea about anybody your talking about
cos if you did youd know
i never say anything nasty about people ,however we are all entitled to an opinion

i havent slagged you off personally so dont slag me off please
do you know theese children, as you seem to know an awful lot about something youve only read the same as everyone else, and thats written by the press,

men and women have fought for this country for free speech, and to allow everyone to live a free life
and continue to fight to keep that,
so practice what you preech
unless you know someone have met them
dont slag um off