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Moan of the day......

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**Toothfairy* Report 9 Jul 2008 11:45

If it is dangerous ( and illegal) for kids to use electric scooters on the roads or pathways why is it Ok for incompitant old 'dears' to ride theirs??? Is it not just as dangerous???? If they are s'posed to take their electric scooter/ car on the road why don't they have to take a test/ pay road tax/ pay insurance? If they are s'posed to use them on the path they shouldn't be able to exceed 5mph (or normal walking speed) and should have to give way to pedestrians, They should NOT be forcing children and mothers pushing prams into the road in order to get past........
*Comes up for air*
(Who has just had a run in with an electric scooter....)


PinkDiana Report 9 Jul 2008 11:52

Completely agree with you!!

I thought these types of scooters had to have insurance..... but I could be wrong!!



MrDaff Report 9 Jul 2008 11:53

I totally agree with you... I also firmly believe that no scooter should be sold until a competence to use it certificate has been issued!! Like a driving test... and yes, I mean a formal one!!

And they should be registered and have a licence plate as well so that those who are dangerous are not allowed out on them and can be reported.... in fact, held accountable for their actions!!

They should need insurance at the least...

If children riding bikes are not allowed on the pavement, I certainly don't see why these scooters should be!!


Daff xxx


AnninGlos Report 9 Jul 2008 11:58

checking this out on the web this is all i could find.

In many cities there are no explicit rules yet that govern the operation of electric mobility scooters on streets or sidewalks so people aren't clear how to ride safely and are running into pedestrians or getting hit by automobiles.

Here is a handy rule to use when there are no other rules available:

"Riding on the street you have to obey the same rules as cars"
"Riding on the sidewalks you have to obey the same rules as pedestrians"

That means riding at slower speeds around congested pedestrian areas, and following the rules of the road as if you were riding a bicycle on the street.

As you guessed there don't seem to be any actual legal rules, unless there are bye laws for the area. I would suggest Lou, if the scooter was being driven badly/thoughtlessly/dangerously then the 'driver' should be reported. maybe a word from the police would make him or her more careful in future.

Personally I think all scooter riders should have to pass a basic test for their own safety and the safety of others. I wouldn't want to see them made to drive in the road as this would cause further danger for road users because of the speed they go.



**Toothfairy* Report 9 Jul 2008 12:07

It has been reported - there is damage to my car....
Basically he was flying along the pavement into oncomming pedestrians ( a group of kids with a parent on their way to school) Narrowly missing hitting them and without slowing down he then left the path and pulled into the road infront of my car - i screeched to a halt (thank God i didn't loose control and hit the kids) but his rear end connected with my bumper and pulled it off on one side!!! (He drove into me as i had stopped) I got out and he was rude, aggressive and blamed everyone but himself, he was obviously so 'decreped' that he shouldn't be in control of a tin opener - let alone something that could potentially kill!!
Ps. The police have my details - but the guy hasn't been located... *TuT*
Oh - and i can stick the bumper back on later...But thats not the point...xx


Harpstrings Report 9 Jul 2008 12:11

I have a gentleman that speeds by me whilst I am waiting on the bus stop. I used to drive a car so have a pretty good idea of speed and would say he is doing easily 30 mph on the pavement. Its a steep hill and he is enjoying himself no end. I nearly did not step out of his way once on purpose but thought better of it, knowing I would be the one to come off worse!

Tina x

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 9 Jul 2008 12:18

My local high street is a pedestrian precinct, so mums let their children walk about, the amount of times I've seen a near miss and nearly always the scooter is being riden much too fast.
In my opinion they should be limited to max speed no faster than a quick walking speed, and half that on pavements and pedestrian precincts.
I wonder if we have to wait until a little tot is killed by one of these before any legislation is introduced?

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 9 Jul 2008 12:19

There is a woman living fairly local to me who is lethal when you're walking through the town. The pavements are fairly narrow anyway but she speeds along, with her big black labrador lolloping along beside her on a longish bit of rope and she quite often has her "grandson" (about 15) following behind on roller blades - with another bit of rope fastened to the back of the chair. A lethal combo! Although it can be funny to watch everyone flatten themselves against the shop fronts while she shoots past I know that sooner or later something will go badly wrong!



unsub Report 9 Jul 2008 12:41

My younger daughter was hit by one of those stupid scooter things. Bloke in it just reversed right into her - she wasn't hurt luckily, not that he even stopped to say sorry or ask if she was ok.


Sally Moonchild

Sally Moonchild Report 9 Jul 2008 12:47

I hadn't seen you posting lately Toothfairy, and wondered where you were.....

What an incompetent buffoon, to behave in such a dangerous manner, and blame others for his idiocy....and then to disappear... that is outrageous and I hope his wheels drop off....


AnninGlos Report 9 Jul 2008 13:19

There was a 'hit and run' with one of these in tewkesbury not so long ago and an elderly lady ended up in hospital. I haven't seen the outcome, the male driver left the scene but was traced and I believe he was prosecuted.

Lou, write to your local paper about it!



**Toothfairy* Report 9 Jul 2008 14:10

Sally - I've been sucked into the world of Facebook and can't get out, pmsl......

I'm glad it's not just me that has a problem with them, i though i might get jumped on because it's their 'only' way of getting out and about, although true it shouldn't affect everyone else who want to be out and about...

Ann, i wouldn't waste my pink paper - NOTHING ever gets done round here!!


Sally Moonchild

Sally Moonchild Report 9 Jul 2008 14:28

Glad you are OK Lou......I get hooked up with weightwatchers......not nearly so


Eeyore13 Report 9 Jul 2008 14:28

The Use of Invalid Carriages on the Highways Regulations 1988 (made under the provisions of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970) provides the construction and use requirements for invalid carriages. Under these regulations, invalid carriages are separated into 3 categories:

Class 1 - Manual wheelchairs, i.e. self-propelled or attendant propelled, not electrically propelled.

Class 2 - Powered wheelchairs and scooters - intended for footway use only with a maximum speed of 4mph and an unladen weight not exceeding 113.4kgs

Class 3 - Mechanically propelled invalid carriages that are constructed or adapted to be capable of exceeding a speed of 4mph but incapable of exceeding a speed of 8mph on the level under its own power (generally powered wheelchairs and other outdoor vehicles including scooters intended for use on roads/highways). They must be fitted with a device capable of limiting the maximum speed to 4mph for used when travelling on footways. The unladen weight must not exceed 150kgs.

Class 1, 2 and 3 invalid carriages are exempt from driver licence requirements under the provisions of S20 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.

The legislation governing vehicle registration, licensing and the payment of vehicle excise duty (VED) is contained in the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994 (VERA)(as amended). Under the provisions of VERA, all mechanically propelled vehicles used on a public road must be licensed (i.e. display a tax disc) and registered.

This means that Class 2 and Class 3 invalid carriages are required to be licensed and registered under the provisions of VERA. However, because of the limited road use of Class 2 vehicles, the Department exempts them from the vehicle licensing and registration provisions on an extra-statutory basis. Class 3 vehicles, however, must display a nil duty tax disc (i.e. be licensed in the disabled tax class) and be registered for road use.

The Road Vehicles (Display of Registration Marks) Regulations 2001 provides the requirements for displaying registration plates. Vehicles that meet the definition of an invalid vehicle within these regulations are exempt from displaying registration plates. "Invalid vehicle" within these regulations means "a vehicle, the unladen weight of which does not exceed 254kgs and which is specially designed and constructed, and not merely adapted, for the use of a person suffering from a physical disability and solely used by that person."

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 10 Jul 2008 09:13

I agree with Daff. I think they should have to have some form of compulsory training and pass a test before being allowed to use them. As has been mentioned a woman ended up in hospital once because of some irresponsible person knocking her over. I also think they should be insured just in case they have an accident and injure someone or cause damage to another vehicle. The reasons being....if they injure someone and that person has to take time of work because of these injuries then they may lose out on pay if the employer only pays them ssp, this may lead to them having financial difficulties. If they damage a car, for example, either the owner has to pay out of their own pocket or they could lose their no claims, why should they have to do either??

I appreciate to some these scooters are a lifeline and I know that the majority are probably considerate and responsible but I still feel something, such as the above, needs to be done.