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**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 3 Aug 2008 11:26

are you saying that your friend doesn't eat anything after 4 pm until 8 am the next day ?


AnnCardiff Report 3 Aug 2008 11:18

well I am overweight - not a lot - simply because I am too short for my weight!! If I were an inch taller I'd be slim


maggiewinchester Report 3 Aug 2008 11:12

It's a well known fact that steroids and other drugs can cause weight gain - as does the menopause.
I think what Barrie is talking about is the average 'healthy' person who is overweight - and the number of overweight children..
What Barrie says makes a lot of sense. My friend put on an awful lot of weight - about 5 stone - after the birth of her two children. She tried diets, but nothing worked. Then she went on an eating 'regime', which meant changing her eating pattern.
She ate at 8am, 12 noon and 4pm on the dot for 2 years - and lost the 5 stone. 20 years later, she still sticks to this regime - but occasionally eats later in the evening - since losing the weight she allows herself to be taken out for meals in the evening!!

As for the fat gene, I'm a bit sceptical. If it has always been around, where were the overweight/obese people in times gone past?
My g x 6 grandfather was over 32 stone - this was definitely an exception as his death was reported in the newspaper as 'Death of the Heaviest Man in England', and his wife and daughters were also 'big' for the time according to the newspaper report 18, 16 and 14 stone.
Of the living descendants that I know of, only one family can be described as overweight - and that's only 3 members out of a family of 7 - and they eat for England!! The other 4 members of the family are in physically demanding jobs, so I presume they don't have the time to snack in between meals and their jobs mean they burn off excess calories!!



MrDaff Report 3 Aug 2008 11:04

Oh dear, Barrie... I'd love it to be as simple as you make it sound... may I employ you as my own personal food guru and dietician?

What you say is true in many instances... but there are also medical/genetic conditions which mean that most food... yes, even lettuce... is processed in a way that is stored as fat.

I am very very tired of people (including GP's, I might add) who have such a simplistic approach

I have put on more than 7 stone in 7 years... but my diet is extremely good, and I was very very active as part of my job. I had to leave work three years ago, but do not qualify for benefits as GP's did not consider me to be ill.

I was told that it was because I was menopausal, fat (yes, as blunt as that) greedy and lazy. Add on that they also tried to make me take strong anti-depressants (they said I was depressed, and that I had Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, which I certainly didn't have) and increased medication that I had been taking since a stroke at the age of 33 (when I was very slim, ate very healthily, and was very active)

Well..... would you believe that because I refused to take it sitting down anymore as I feel so ill most of the time, I went privately for two simple tests, that no GP would authorise.

It is now believed that I may have a small (benign) tumour on my pituitary gland.

Maybe because of my stroke, it may have been the cause of the stroke, but possibly from an incident when I was 10 and got hit in the face and nose by a base ball.

If what is suspected is true, I have a very long haul ahead of me... but I should manage to return to almost full health (and weight, lol) eventually.

In the meantime, I still have to listen to so many people who state the same sort of *facts* as you do, and with all the inferences. Mad, lazy, greedy and menopausal!! Stereotyped!




Barrie Report 3 Aug 2008 09:16

pmsl Jean



JustJean Report 3 Aug 2008 09:15

Barrie you sound just like that guy on t.v. who does hypnosis, paul somebody,lol


Barrie Report 3 Aug 2008 09:11

You are overweight for the most simple of reasons -- because you're eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and you're also eating meals in the wrong patterns each day.

Think closely about what we're about to tell you, since it's going to change the way you think about dieting...

FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

Also, the pattern that you choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills. This is true because your body is like an "engine" and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if you don't eat the right foods at the right times then it won't burn those calories -- and you'll wind up storing those calories as fat tissue. (Hint: You need to eat more than 3 times per day to lose weight, but we'll show you the details later).

You have gotten overweight by eating the wrong foods, that much is a fact. And guess what? You can get SLIM by eating the RIGHT FOODS at the RIGHT INTERVALS each day.

It's not really any more complicated than that, and the way to start losing weight has nothing to do with starving yourself or jogging.
