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Dementia Support Updated

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Jane Report 16 Dec 2009 21:44

Hi David it's me .
There is no Rhyme nor reason why it happens David.It is tragic as you say.Families are all affected by it and some cope with it better than others .It is a difficult thing to understand and get to grips with.
PM me if you need a chat .Jane x


David Report 16 Dec 2009 21:37

OK, why does this tragic ailment that ruins lives and can ruin families affect some and not others ?


SpanishEyes Report 13 Dec 2009 23:39

Hello everyone
I was just about to go to bed when i noted this thread. Having read through it I felt that I had to contribute. Dementia, and there are many different types is my speciality in Nursing and Care. If anyone posts a specific question I will try to provide or inform of support, reasons why people behave differently according o the type of dementia and how some degree of remaining connected etc may be achievable.
Just off to bed now so I hope that most of you have a good night

Take care


David Report 13 Dec 2009 20:19

Dementia is regarded with embarrasment by some, yet any one is prone to it. Big stars like Peter Falk and Norman Wisdom are names that spring to mind.

Reminds me of part of the lyrics of an song by The Who.
Talking about my generation.....
The lyric said "hope I die before I get old"


suzian Report 9 Dec 2009 22:58

I watched "Can Gerry Robinson fix Dementia Care Homes" last night - what a shocking indictment on our society, that we can allow our elders and betters to be treated in this way. This is precisely why the free market doesn't work.

And the owner of the private care home who was "looking after" (for which, read ,making money from) residents in her care, yet who had stopped her staff having a meal in the home - despite the fact that they were working a 12 hour shift - deserves ........ well, I can't say what I think that "lady" deserves.

I'm so glad that my taxes are lining her pockets.- not

Sue x


Jane Report 9 Dec 2009 21:14

All homes are different.My Mum was in 2.The first one one was too clinical for her and more a Nursing home.The second was a small home ,almost like a family .The staff were wonderful and I still keep in touch 4 years after Mum passed away.She gave them a run for their money (literally) she would leg it when she could lol.Although Mum never settled ,the care she was given and the patience the staff had was amazing,and I will never forget those Hard working girls at the home.


teesdale Report 9 Dec 2009 20:49

Can Gerry Robinson Fix Dementia Care Homes? BBC One, Review
Damian Thompson reviews last night's television


David Report 9 Dec 2009 19:40

In these medically enlightened times people are periodically screened for heart disease, for lung disease, for kidney and liver diease, for blood disease etc. How much longer in a nation where the life expectancy is increasing before there will be a screening of mental health ?


LittleWhiteDove2022351 Report 7 Dec 2009 21:57

Hiya Lisa, Huia, Sueby and David, Jane and Everybody.

It's been a while,, I've been busy, My Mum had a fall and a spell in hospital(nightmare). She is now in a care home and the staff are fantastic,got to say that, my cousin works
Mum has changed such a lot now, she was 80 on the 6th Nov and spent the afternoon being moved around hospitals to one 25 miles away!!! I was so upset,I can't travel far because of my own back injury and arthritis,so I just cried.
Got her into this care home 2 weeks ago, one she knew well as she used to work in the building when it was a boys home when she was young.
I am though trying to find one nearer our home as I still can't travel across town to see her as often as I'd like.
There is one 3 minutes from my home and my brothers home but it doesn't have such a good reputation.He wants to move her there straight away,I don't, until I have checked it out more thoroughly.
It has been taken over by new people who are improving the structure so I may look into it in the new year. After all Mum comes first-not us!
Love to all Tricia xx


Jane Report 7 Dec 2009 21:39

Don't know about that David,but it is a B****** of a disease.I could write a book on Mum and her Dementia.Thank heavens she is at peace now.


David Report 7 Dec 2009 21:33

Are mercury amalgam teeth fillings still under intense investigation as a cause ?


David Report 7 Dec 2009 21:28

It's a nightmare we all dread, if the the brain begins to die before the body.


David Report 7 Dec 2009 20:27

My old friend Bill the tailor who died in 2001 in a care home after a 3 year residence used to feel trapped in an asylum. An asylum it wasn't, it was a superior care home with pleasant staff.

Before Bill's illness was diagnosed he used to drive to and from his place of self employment. It was decided by his GP that Bill should surrender his drivers liscence and his car was sold.
He used to get frantic with worry thinking he'd lost it. So if I was in the neighbourhood I'd run him home or to the bus stop.


teesdale Report 7 Dec 2009 19:44

cant believe its over a year since i started this thread.

Glad it has helped a lot of people.

lisa xx


Jane Report 7 Dec 2009 18:50

Well done for bringing this thread up again.It has helped so many people and hopefully will continue to do so.


teesdale Report 7 Dec 2009 18:42


Liz 47

Liz 47 Report 13 Jun 2009 00:00

I hope nobody will mind me saying that my son is taking part in a charity bike ride for this illness. If anyone would like to sponsor him the details are on the General Board under the heading "Alzheimers Disease"


teesdale Report 12 Jun 2009 22:45

when i started this thread i didn't think it would be any help but it appears to be of some comfort to people in my opinion.

i have now worked for twelve years in care with people who have varying stages of dementia and provide support for families and hope this thread provides comfort

lisa xx


Huia Report 8 Jun 2009 09:56

Nudge for Bridget/Bossyboots


Huia Report 6 Jun 2009 20:36

Hello, Sueby, my sympathies.

I thought this thread had been whooshed ages ago. Nice to see it back, although we now have another support thread.
