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Do the birds know bird watch thread

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Island Report 26 Jan 2012 14:07

Thanks for the reminder Ann.
That'll be the hour when there isn't a bird in sight then!


Von Report 26 Jan 2012 13:52

Only just seen your post.
5 Jackdaws on the bird feeder this morning.
Poor little birds don't get a look in :-( :-(
Take care


AnninGlos Report 26 Jan 2012 13:46

Nobody else going to do it then? :-)


AnninGlos Report 26 Jan 2012 10:51

Don't forget to register for garden bird watch


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2012 22:01

Saurday and Sunday 28/29 January 2012

Big garden bird watch


Pre registration open until Friday

Sign up to get 10% discount for bird food and feeders from RSPB online shop.


Island Report 24 Jan 2012 16:08

Hi Shaun
You nipped in while I was typing :-D
I love your little dog - what a poser lol :-D


Island Report 24 Jan 2012 16:07

I spotted a pair of wood pigeons 'displaying' in the trees - well one of them was, the other flew off LOL They do look comical. :-0 :-D

I'd lurve a hot summer. The reclining chairs will be rotted and rusted before we've had our quota of goes in them! They were bought with the idea of lying back in comfort to admire the night sky in Wales. How many times have we done that? :-| :-| :-| :-| Don't ask!


MagicWales Report 24 Jan 2012 16:03

The Pigeons like to keep practising and it keeps them warm this time of the year :-D :-D :-D



Jane Report 24 Jan 2012 15:30

A lot of the birds here seem to be pairing up too,and those naughty W Pidgeons are at it all the time on the top of the trellis :-| :-D

The Red Kites are back in good numbers by the look of it.I see them everyday at the moment :-D :-D

Now a hot summer! That would be nice.Not too hot though please.


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2012 12:40

Shaun I do so hope the birds are right.

Linda that is great that they accepted the feeding station so easily, well done. Years since I have seen a flock of red wing.

I did see a red kite on Saturday as we were travelling down the A34 towards the M3.


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 24 Jan 2012 11:39

Hope you are right Shaun, we could do with a good summer this year.

I have seen flocks of redwing feasting on berries today. We still have our robins, blackbirds, bluetits, probably the goldfinch as the sunflower seed is going down and the wood pigeons too.

They seem fine with the feeding station and it is nice to see them close to the house too. So my ideal gift at Christmas.

Linda xxx <3 <3 <3


MagicWales Report 24 Jan 2012 10:33

Good Morning Everybody.

I know it's only January but I have noticed that the Blackbirds and Robins are pairing up. We were also watching a male Blackbird yesterday collecting nesting material . They know something we don't, we don't give them enough credit. Last time I saw them behaving like this in January we had a very hot summer.

Hope you are all okay.
Take Care.


AnninGlos Report 23 Jan 2012 14:47

You will have seen that we get goldfinches regularly, pretty little birds aren't they?


Island Report 23 Jan 2012 13:51

Hi all

great excitement here this morning......I noticed a couple of unusual shapes (for our trees) fly in. Grabbed the bins and id'ed the strangers - goldfinches!
We've watched them on the feeders in mid Wales but never seen them at home.

A mob of magpies have been flying in lately and jumping about in the trees and roof tops. We do have magpies here but this 'mob' activity is not usual. There's about 8 of them, behaving like teddy boys! LOL


Jane Report 20 Jan 2012 17:25

I am going to have to look in my bird book to see what all the different Finches are that we have.I should really know by now :-S.My son said he saw a whole load of birds on the coconut yesterday all at the same time.I thought they may have been the Long TT but he said they didn't have long tails.I haven't seen the Long TT for ages now.I have noticed a few sparrows (we don't get many).I do have several very bossy Robins lording it over the coconut lol


AnninGlos Report 20 Jan 2012 17:02

Haven't seen the blackcap for ages, a pair used to be frequent visitors so i presume it has not been cold enough and they have plenty of natural food. Not seen any long tailed tits for ages either so you were lucky Tec. We do have a wren as an infrequent visitor and still get the goldfinches. Either a group of four or five or billy no mates on his/her own.


Tecwyn Report 20 Jan 2012 16:52

We had a small flock of about 12 long tailed tits pass through the garden today - they did investigate the feeders, but didn't stay very long. Haven't seen them here for a long time. There are a pair of wrens back in the garden, spend their time foraging in the cracks in the stone wall.
The lone collared dove seems to have found a mate, but she is
apparently not allowed to eat when he's around - bully boy.
Apart from that the usual sparrows, chaffinches, greenfinches, a blackbird, robin, and of course the marauding jackdaws.
Haven't seen the goldfinches for a few weeks. Niether have I seen the buzzards, or red kites lately.
Oh I forgot, a blackcap is visiting the berries left on the cabbage palm.



AnninGlos Report 17 Jan 2012 22:29

I hope the sparrow hawk has not 'had' the green paraqueet for his/her dinner.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 17 Jan 2012 18:14

We've had about 4 blackbirds over the past few days and about 6 chaffinches. All year we've had the C/Doves, W/Pigeons, Jackdaws and the Crows. One Crow in particular comes to the garden regularily, he's the one that picked the Green Pine Cone.

Vic collected some orange berries twice today and put them on the bird tables and it seems the first lot have been eaten:))) yehh

Not seen the Sparrow Hawk this week:(( nor the Green parakeet:((

See yeh

jude :-)


AnninGlos Report 17 Jan 2012 17:10

cleaned and refilled all the feeders again today, they empty them as fast as we fill them. Not seen so many goldfinch today, last week we were getting four or five but only a couple today so somebody else must have filled their thistle seed feeder. Quite a few chaffinches and blue and great tits and about 4 greenfinches plus the usual sparrows, starlings, doves and blackbirds.