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Birthday Girls Card Making Thread CLOSED

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AnninGlos Report 8 Feb 2009 16:04

I have found the craft hammer I lost before I went away, in a box where it should be!!!!

But I have lost the dies for the die cutter. Put them somewhere safe when tidying up before we went away and now can't find them. If you see my mind anywhere would you please return it to me.

Sylvia have a lovely holiday


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 8 Feb 2009 01:46

Ann glad to see you arrived home safe.

Sylvia have a lovely holiday, have emailed you.

Well we still have snow just does not seem to want to go, took dog to the park and the kids have attempted to build lots of igloos. Looked really strange. Very icy though and another frost this evening.

Still have made quite a few cards and have even done some cross stitch.
Going to start decorating my bedroom next week so no crafting.

Hope you are all keeping nice and warm.


CATHKIN Report 7 Feb 2009 22:16

Anybody tried "FOLK ART " or it`s sometimes called "STROKE PAINTING "?
You can do it on cards.


AnninGlos Report 7 Feb 2009 21:29

Hi all, back home again now. only had one day of snow last Monday. no problems getting home today, still a bit of slush and ice around in Gloucester but everything running smoothly. tomorrow will sort out all my new craft bits, got to find somewhere to put it all.


syljo Report 7 Feb 2009 20:07

Hi all,
Have been busy all day with just sorting out things. I got my sewing machine out and did lots of sewing jobs which had been waiting months to be done. Just shows what one can do when one is going on holiday. Just trying to leave the house a bit tidy.
Now will see you all when I get back.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 5 Feb 2009 09:51

Well the blizzard has finally stopped!!! So much snow even the dog will not go out. All plans for today cancelled as the traffic cannot get down the hill out of the village, so it looks like lots of crafting or I could even do some house****!!!

Ann enjoy your holiday, hope you aren't snowed in.

Sylvia, have a lovely time at Centre Parcs hope the weather is good to you and Johan.

Off now to make some bread.

Hope you are all safe and warm.


AnninGlos Report 4 Feb 2009 18:17

Hello all, we are up in the Lake District for a week and today we have been doing a spot of retail therapy. spent £100 in two craft palces, Paper Mill and Paper warehouse, lots of 12x12 papre for scrap booking, a box of \a5 card for cards, some whisper pens reduced, a couple of punches, some stamps, ooh lots of lovely stash. Want to get home and use it now, although if we are snowed in again it might get used here!!!



syljo Report 4 Feb 2009 18:10

Hi all,
Well I stayed in all day and didn't go to town to the market. I decided this last night when I saw the fall of snow. Johan went to the library by taxi which left me some time on my own for a while.
I didn't have any more bread left in the freezer, so it meant either a trip to the shops or make some, so I chose the latter. Now the whole flat smells delicious.
Next Monday, all being well, Johan and I are going south to Limburg to Center Parcs and staying there until Friday - just a mid-week holiday. Johan has a sister living nearby who is 85 so we like to pop in and see her at least once per year. Then my daughter lives in Eindhoven which is not far away. I have a handicraft shop on my list too. Yes, I did mention it to Johan, and there was no comment.
Our central heating is now working ok Jo. The mechanic came last Friday and replaced a part and then again on Saturday and replaced another part.
Have a nice evening everybody.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 2 Feb 2009 21:35

Jill lovely to see you had such a relaxing holiday. Hope the craft workshops go well. I would imagine they will all love it.

Nadine, such a pity you could not go to work today!!!!

Well it has stopped snowing here now. Say there is more on the way, but I think we have enough now!!

Sylvia hope you heating keeps running now.
I have email you.

Keep warm all of you.

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 2 Feb 2009 16:59

Hello to you all and so sorry to read the sad news . xxx

We managed to arrive home ahead of all the bad weather that's started in the UK. We did hit the start of it all yesterday afternoon as we headed to the tunnel but we got through OK.
Skiing in Canada was as good as always and we did get to ski in deep powder snow. Snow is so different from the wet stuff in UK as it stays like icing sugar and is dry if you fall in it and no need for windscreen wipers as just seems to blow off.
Very happy to get home and collect three very happy dogs plus cats all pleased to see us again. Our one chicken started laying after four months of no eggs so our friends looking after the outside livestock did all right :))
Need to sort out craft room ready for the craft workshops, I want to do small groups of up to 6 including me as room not that big. Have enough people for two days so far with a lot more interested so might end up with using the Gite for a larger class of beginners and indoors for the ones with some crafting abilities. Should be fun :))
xx Jill

Lancashire Witch

Lancashire Witch Report 2 Feb 2009 15:27

May I thank all you girls who have sent me such super sympathy cards. Whilst individual, they are all so beautiful.

My family and I send you many thanks for all your support and comforting messages.

Love Hazel x

Mrs Badcrumble

Mrs Badcrumble Report 2 Feb 2009 06:34

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is well, and I'm sorry for all the sad news we've had recently. But nice to see new members!
I haven't posted on here for ages - very remiss of me. I've been having computer problems recently, blooming thing keeps crashing. My brother was supposed to look at it for me when he came over at Christmas, but unfortunately I went down with tonsilitis on Christmas Eve and was in no fit state for him to spout technical terms at me!
I've got the day off work today. It was a day off to go to the dentist to do the prep work for a crown, but I'm going to have to cancel because it is really thick snow here, and its just not worth the risk of travelling there, then getting stuck! Still, at least it means I'll be able to eat proper food today, and not just soup!
If anyones interested in looking at things I make, I've started a blog at ''. If you have a look, let me know what you think! (And you'll be able to see a photo of me, which is very unusual because I absolutely hate having my picture taken!)
Well, I hope everyone keeps wrapped up warm today.
All the best,
Nadine x


CATHKIN Report 31 Jan 2009 20:40

Our local craft shop is closing and everything is 1/2 price-got some die-cut decoupagge and red and green cards .Sylvia -if you want any sheets they are 70 p-I`ll buy you some-they have flowers , flowere fairies , mens , xmas etc , they are Dufex make Ros xx


syljo Report 31 Jan 2009 20:35

Hi all,
What a silly old fool I am, I have been thinking we were into February but stil have some days to go into January. I even stayed home on Friday waiting for somebody to come between 9 and 12 and was cross when he didn't turn up, and then looked at the calendar again and found it is next Friday - another day when I cannot go to the market.
What fantastic weather we are having, very cold but dry and sunny. Yes, I can stand this ok.
Our mechanic came today to repair our boiler. He has now replaced yet another part. I told him why don't you replace the whole boiler and he laughed and said the owners of these flats wouldn't be pleased with that. Well, I'm not pleased either when my heating keeps going out and when i am under the shower the water turns cold, brrh, brrh.
It is nice to see so many of you posting again.
I managed to buy some decoupage sheets from England but not the particular one I wanted. I have an English bank account and a VISA account, but they wouldn't take an order from overseas.
Now see you all tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 30 Jan 2009 17:03

Thanks Jo, Just checked, i think they will 'stick' to a shiny surface without adhesive.

Ann x

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 30 Jan 2009 16:50

Ann you can buy a special acrylic block to put them on as you use them, some people put them on to a cd or cassette case or even the lid of your ink pad if it is big enough. Clear are the best so you can check on position. Are yours the ones that need adhesive to stick them on with or are they the one that just hold on, if that makes sense.


AnninGlos Report 30 Jan 2009 16:12

Can somebody please answer a stupid question. With a craft magazine this week there was a set of clear soft plastic stamps. What sort of holder do you need for these - assuming that, as I think, you need some sort of contraption to hold them before stamping with them.



AnninGlos Report 30 Jan 2009 12:46

Glad you liked your cards Sue. Welcome Tinky, nice to have another member.


Sue Report 30 Jan 2009 12:15

I just wanted to say thank you for all the beautiful cards you sent me for my birthday today. They are all so gorgeous and each one is so different. It never fails to amaze me how we can all have such differing creative ideas. Lots of ideas for me to pinch.

Thank you all again.


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 30 Jan 2009 10:57

Hi ladies, you will be sick of hearing from me but some good news we have a new member Tinky (Anne) from GR will be sending out the details this afternoon when I get back as just off to take sister for her hospital appointment.