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Just Jean

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Huia Report 21 Mar 2016 06:03

Hello ladies. I am still alive and kicking. I read the pages most days but dont often post. I have put quite a few of my b-i-l's old photos on some FB pages. They are very popular, from the fifties and 60s.

I worked at the hospice shop this afternoon and a plastic bag in which I had put some of the price stickers vanished into thin air. I hunted everywhere several times, but couldnt find them. I even rummaged through the rubbish bins. I hate mysteries. They had been there only 10 mins earlier.

I must be going gaga.

Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist, but no nasty work. She is going to take an impression for putting another tooth on my partial top plate. $400+ thank you.



AnninGlos Report 20 Mar 2016 12:36

Sun???? what sun??? We have not seen a glimmer for three days now, just very low cloud ane really really cold. Glad you have been able to get out for a stroll though Jean I am sure it makes you feel better. I haven't made any cards for a week or so now so i had better get going and make a few before stocks start to get low. :-) :-) :-)


JustJean Report 20 Mar 2016 12:18

Hello everyone, we have just had a stroll in the park , beautiful morning, just had a cardi on and the sun is quite hot ,we sat watching the littlies on the playground it really has been well thought out for them, very warm in the flat the sun streams in from early morning ,so all the radiators are turned down ....I have just started filling another big box for the cards I cant stop making ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) I did some die cuts with the intention of saving them for later, but thought I would see what theyy look like on a card so got carried away again :-D :-D I am afraid there is no hope for me ;-) ;-) ;-)
I wonder if our Sallie will let us know what she decides to do regarding subs, I do hope she stays.... <3 <3 <3
I am going to have a smoothie for lunch, we have a bullet thingy and its one way to get five a day fruits and veg, saves my chef cooking ;-) ;-) ;-)

wonder how Marie and Huia are doing, Sylvia glad you come on here to tell us your news too

Mo I will have to put a few bob on you and the darts, its costing us an arm and a leg in here ;-) ;-) ;-)

might just go and have peep in the C/ ROOM :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

bye for now love Jean xxx <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 19 Mar 2016 17:03

Mo, we saw the littlies two weeks ago but goodness knows when we will next see them. Luckily their Mum is a great poster of photos of them and sometimes even little videos, as with Adams first smiles. It would be lovely to be nearer but we are used to it having had the same problems with the Grandchildren.

I often think back to when we thought we were really going up in the world when we actually had a fridge in the first home we bought, but we didn't have a washing machine until our second child was four or five, and that was a twin tub. Until then we had managed with both children as babies with hand washing and a spin drier. Round about that time we also got a chest freezer. When we eventually, many years later got an automatic washing machine and a dish washer well that was fantastic.I do wonder if we are any happier, with all the free time these contraptions give us, than our mothers were. And today's young people almost expect to have all these things right from the start. But I bet they never get the pleasure out of having them that we do.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Mar 2016 16:42

Oooh Hi there Sylvia, good to hear from you love. How the devil are you Sylvia, I do hope you are feeling up to par now, the horrid weather doesn't help does it.
How is your little man doing now ?
We have not seen our Lilly for a couple of weeks now, Mummy is being just a little bit of a mare, or should that be nightmare.
Hopefully our son will be able to bring both the girls over this Wednesday after school, as I do miss seeing them.

Ann hows your little ones doing now ? Do you manage to see them often ?

Roll on Monday when our new dish washer arrives, I am getting dish pan hands washing up by hand LOL. Mind you, I do miss it, being able to just turn it on and go and sit down, and then empty it afterwards. Naughty lazy old me.

Bye for now girls, take care, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 18 Mar 2016 19:52

Freezing here and forecast 4 degrees and cloud tomorrow.

Well done Mo for the darts.


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Mar 2016 18:46

Hi everyone

Mo ... what a nightmare!! Glad that it has all worked out, though.

Sallie ........... I echo what every one has said. xxxx

We're in the 3rd day of sunny warm weather :-) . The nights are very cold, dropping to 1 or 2C because there are no clouds to keep the heat in. It is clouding over though, and we expect rain over the weekend. It will then be warm and wet :-(

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Mar 2016 16:42

Hello girls,
Thank you Jean, for putting into words what I felt re our Sallie.
Over the last few years, we have become a cyber family, who care for each and every one of us.
We have had laughter, sorrow and grieved together,with lots of chat in between, bringing our cyber family closer together.
There are times when one or the other of us, may not post very often, but when one is missing for a while, we all notice the lack of communication.
We miss hearing from Sylvia, Marie and our Huia, our friends from over the water, as we like to hear news from abroad, and to know that they are well.
PLEASE stay Sallie, we are all here for you my love.

Ann, our Jean would be very proud of me, I won my singles at darts last night, and our team won over all 7-4. It probably wont last but hey ho, it's only a game, and a very pleasant way to spend an evening.

Well it's been a nice dry day today, but the wind was rather chilly. Our big shop at the supermarket seems to get dearer every week. The said supermarket, have cut back on a lot of lines, and we can no longer get silly things like rich tea fingers, things that our grandchildren love, and also my gluten free wheatgerm rolls that I like, so now we have a longer journey, to go to the bigger store for the rolls, but even the bigger store no longer do the biscuits.

I must go girls, time to start dinner, sweet and sour chicken stir fry, so it wont take long to cook, but my tummy is rumbling, so I will say bye for now, take care, hugs to all, Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 18 Mar 2016 08:34

I could not have put it better myself Jean, you always know the right thing to say we have all got so much comfort and pleasure from knowing our friends are on here. But you always have the right words. <3 <3 <3

Not a nice morning here, very misty after the beautiful day we had yesterday. Our weather is a bit like life really, no two days are ever the same.

T has gone to golf so i shall get on with washing etc and have to go to the post office as well. Might be back on here later though.


JustJean Report 18 Mar 2016 08:18

Mo that must have been a worrying time for you both, we nearly had the same thing happened to us at the old house all the gas pipes ran under the conservatary , although we didnt know at the time.luckily the engineer found the fault in a more accesible place, but it was a worry,

Sallie please dont leave us it would be a big gap in our lives its amazing how close one can feel to folks we have never met yet feel we know each other well. we have come thorough quite a few hicups over the years we have laughed and also cried at the many things that has happened to us all, and made special connections with our friends from overseas,it could be that we will never meet each other,but that doesnt seem to matter as long as we can come and have a chat or share our problems , I know there are times when one can feel the love and concern just by reading the thread, so do think again dear friend <3 <3 <3

Take care one and all love and hugs Jean xxx


AnninGlos Report 17 Mar 2016 21:08

Hope you had a good evening at darts Mo.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Mar 2016 19:05

Oh Jean, we had a nightmare.
On Sunday afternoon we discovered some water on the kitchen floor. Roly thought it was our washing machine, so Monday we put it on, and watched it like hawks, but no leek.
Tuesday there was more water, so our son came down, and he thought it was the dish washer leaking, so we out and bought a new one.
When we got back, after about two hours, the kitchen floor was awash with water.
We called our plumber friend out, and he after much searching discovered that when the people before us, had the kitchen extension built, the water pipes had been laid under the concrete floor, and that one was leaking badly.
Steve said that possibly the whole floor would have to be dug up, including the tiles we had laid.
Fortunately for us, he had a bright idea that if he could get to where the mains water had been laid, he could run new pipes round under the kitchen units.
My grandson had to remove the oven housing, so that they could get to the soil pipe, and where the water pipes were.
Luckily for us, yesterday new pipes were run, and we are now leak free, and with a nice dry floor.
Cor talk about a nightmare. Initially we thought we could claim on the insurance, but when we checked into it, the first £500 was down to us, plus whatever else they charged for.
Our lovely plumber friend, did it for a lot less money than the insurance company would have done, thank the lord.

Please don't go Sallie, we would miss you love. My renewal is due up on the 25th but I shall still be around to plague the life out of you all, you can't get rid of me that easily LOL

I must go. have to get ready for darts now. I send you all my very best wishes, love and hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 17 Mar 2016 13:08

Sallie, this is just my opinion, for what it is worth, but I don't think you should give up your membership on here. You do enjoy catching up with people's news and knowing we are caring about you makes you feel a need to come on here i think. It concentrates your mind, giving you an interest. For the amount it costs if you break it down to weeks, it is very little. I am pleased that the depression is improved and wow! that is a great diet loss, give yourself a pat on the back. I hope you have enjoyed buying lots of new clothes. A whole new you i think.

Aluns operation will soon be here and over and the time will pass until he can do things again. Hopefeully some nice weather will hurry it along. And, how exciting, a family wedding to look forward to, although I am sorry to hear about Chirstie's Nan.

Anyway, lovely to hear all your news, keep on coming on here. <3 <3 <3


Sallie Report 17 Mar 2016 12:36

Hello girls,

I'm still here, but not sure about renewing my membership, which is next Tuesday, the 22 nd. still trying to make up my mind.

Mo, hope that things are improving for you, Roly and your family.

Jean, sorry that you and J missed out on your special anniversary meal, because of the snow. Let's hope that you will be able to go for a belated celebration meal very soon.
It sounds as though both you and J have settled into your new home now, after all the hassle you have had.
Hope that D is feeling a lot better now and that things are back to normal for her.

Ann, hope you and T enjoyed your few days away. I can't remember if you visited your grandson and his family so that you could meet your new great-grandson.

Still struggling along with my problems, some days are better than others. Been to see my GP this morning, just, my medication review. I haven't seen him for a long while because of now being under the community mental health team, but the psychiatrist I am under told me that I needed to see my GP before my appointment with him next Wednesday.

My doctor couldn't get over how much weight I have lost, after several questions about how I feel physically, he was very pleased, as I have lost 4 st 8 lbs altogether. Partly from dieting and the antidepressants I am on suppressing my appetite. Depression is now much better, but of course I'm still struggling along with the Borderline Personality Disorder traits that I have, but have been told by the psychiatrist and psychologist that it will take a long time to manage and cope with the illness.

I shall be glad when Alun has had his operation and able to do all the things he won't be able to do for six weeks after.

Christie's nan has terminal throat cancer, and has been given six months at the most
to live. So has she wants her nan to see her and Richard get married, planning to get married very soon, so they are hoping that the wedding will be sometime in the middle of April. As Alun's operation is sometime towards the end of April, he will not be able to drive or do very much at all for six weeks, so we will be into June by then, as they want Alun to be there too, so their plans are all a bit rushed at the moment.
Just hope that all their plans will l work out okay.

Sylvia, Huia and Marie hope you and your families are all okay.

Hope to speak to you all soon, must go now, I have an appointment with Gina, the psychologist I am under at 1.00 pm.

Take care everyone.

Love, Sallie. xxx <3 <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 16 Mar 2016 19:35

Sorry Jean, yes zi knew it was your anniversary, I have corrected it now. Sorry too that you have been down, I think a bad fall saps your confidence psychologically as well as the resultant aches and pains. I am sure things will get better and you have your new home in lovely surroundings to enjoy <3 <3


JustJean Report 16 Mar 2016 19:01

Ann we never got to have the meal out, snow stopped it. our Diamond anniversary.
was bit of a wet rag really, because we had such a traumatic time getting in here and trying to unpack boxes, we didnt tell many folk it was our special day.I have really struggled with walking and must confess got very down.
still am a bit,finding lots of hidden pains and problems due to such a terrible fall , changed our lives completely....still it could have been a lot worse ,I suppose it takes time to get over it, I was very grateful for the hug verse you put in your card,its now my bookmark.....Thank you.....

Mo as I dont do facebook I see you had a problem what happened? you sound as though you got it sorted, reading back I see Sallie hasnt been on here either does anyone know how she and the family are....hope things are getting better for them all....well folks I am going to have another cuppa and watch the soaps
take care everyone love Jean xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Mar 2016 18:06

Hi there Ann, many thanks for your message on F.B. We are now all sorted thank goodness, just need to run the hoover round, and dust and then we are back to normal.
What a fright we had, seeing all that water on our kitchen floor was a nightmare we wouldn't wish on anybody.
I forgot you was away love, but then my head is way up in cuckoo land recently, what with one thing or another.
Apart from the snow, did you enjoy yourselves whilst you were away ?

I hope everyone is well, as we have missed seeing our friends posting.
Take care girls, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 16 Mar 2016 17:23

Wow, sorry I have been missing from this thread. We were away from 3rd to the 7th and then all last week the thread didn't make an appearance and I forgot to look for it. I did think of Jean on her anniversary but with being away I forgot to come on with good wishes. I had not realised that there was so much snow up there as down in Hampshire it was dry and sunny....... and very cold.

Jean I hope that you enjoyed your day and that you eventually managed to get out for a meal.

I am pleased that you liked your card.

Hope all is well with you and others who have also not been on here for a while <3 <3

Edited I did know it was your 60th anniversary Jean sorry for that.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Mar 2016 19:23

Oh what a shame about the snow spoiling your meal Jean, but you are far safer indoors rather than outside.
So far we have been very very lucky here, yesterday and today have both been brilliant weather wise, the sun has been out, and it's been lovely.
So nice in fact, that I actually walked up to town, to meet my friend Flo. This is the lovely lady that had to have her nose removed because of getting cancer in it, and this was her first venture into town since before her diagnosis, and her operation.
It was wonderful to be there, to support her. Mind you, I was on guard for any unkind remarks, or nasty comments from people, knowing how some people can be, but it went swimmingly, so much so, that she has agreed to meet me again tomorrow for a coffee. What a breakthrough after over two years of her sitting in the house, doing nothing, and getting really bored.

I forgot to tell you that we had a visit from our lovely Lilly, on Wednesday after school.
She was a bit reluctant to come in at first, but soon was back to her little old self.
It's surprising what little ones pick up on, and she must have sensed the trouble between mummy and daddy.

Must go now girls, take care and stay safe. Hugs Mo xxx


JustJean Report 4 Mar 2016 10:08

Wow the snow is very heavy here so our meal out is cancelled, very pretty looking out but thats all I will be doing ,looking out :-D :-D :-D the schools are closed children in the park with sledges but its very heavy now so most of them have gone home.hope everyone is safe, although it seems its only the north west thats getting the snow, take care anyway.

Love Jean xxx